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Everything posted by blue

  1. Untouchable is now reopened, if some of yuo have not heard. The requirements are 40+cb and a 55+ stat, the same as before. The reason we closed before was because of unloyal rank, and due to the fact that I had some irl problems. We were left with no choice but to close it. However, R1n wants me to reopen it now where we can be a decent low level clan; we pulled 25 to our full out. We thought we'd pull 30 but it was a sunday not a saturday and we had to tell everyone at the last minute that it was for the #17th spot on the PCR rankings. We will not be involved with anymore PCR or PC associated events mainly because it's pointless to us. We were the first clan to use PW before, and now it's become more mainstream. Also, I hope this community knows that going to post on PC anymore due to the fact I recieved nothing but Flame. Yes there's flame wherever you go on PURE sites, But PC gets to out of hand for me tbh. ML - http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=ub_clan SIte - www.untouchable.ipbfree.com irc - #ub-clan i dont plan on being 1 of those clans that die in a month or 2
  2. that vid made you look so bad tbh why cant u just accept that u lost it happens to everyone
  4. was fun but E tried to hunt us for like an hour that sucked and the MM thing to... even tho MM got tricked.. -sigh-
  5. + 100 some of your members do get out of hand at wars im not being mean but u cant just let a couple members make your whole clan look bad it only takes a couple =X just saying not trying to flame or anything
  6. well i got a fire cape on blue now and i wanted a sig that says fire cape owner or something like that ide like a moveing sig if u know how to do that but it rly dosent matter not to big just a small little thing about the size of this picture
  7. was fin the fi war 29 def > 30 :D ill do it agin some time getitng fire cape first tho ty joe for inviteing me
  8. i edited it i was out of line and jst upset alot of are trip was ruined cause we could not get a decent fight and i bet you urself have flamed on a rs site before
  9. Clan Discussion lately all i have seen is pointless flame topics about ppl 1 iteming or something first if u find some1 in a clan doing something NH pm the leader of the clan and them the pic or vid or w\e then just get over it this is a place where you are supossed to ask questions like what clan do you like the most besides your own ? and questions about other clans like why is tlp more p2p bassed then f2p or why is there so many TGG sigs and what was tgg ? and topics like FOE VS FI VS MM letting ppl know what events are comeing up just something to think about before you post the next worthless flame topic.
  10. mhm... ur info was wrong we barly fought u tbh we ended with 35 there starting 40.. we left when we saw cp comeing..
  11. you can look but can not touch sorry :O
  12. i liked the mg war but.. i died 4 times then had to walk back to gdz so that sucked =\
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