When mass time came, we massed up for our P2P Trip, hoping for a decent pull, after massing was over we set out with 71 people, our highest P2P Pull to date, and begun what was a very Destructive Trip.
Video will be out soon.
After about 30 minutes of fighting random mains, we got word of Mayhem Makers around Bounty Hunter, we quickly rushed there, and were rushed by them from the south. We quickly spread and the fight began. After a few moments of fighting, we clearly had the upper hand, until Higher Force crashed. Both clans retreated to stealing creation where we logged.
Destructive Pures Starting: 65
Mayhem Makers Starting: 55~
Destructive Pures Ending: 60 (With Returners to SC)
Mayhem Makers Ending: 30-40 (Confirm Please)
After a while of attempting to negotiate, we set up a planned PKRI with Mayhem Makers again north of Bounty Hunter. The fight started and we quickly wrapped around MM, clearing them in a few minutes. Apparently 5 minutes after we had time to fall in, walk to south to single, and log to remass, MM returned, but the fight had already ended. Thanks for both fights MM, they were enjoyable.
Destructive Pures Starting: 63
Mayhem Makers Starting: 50~
Destructive Pures Ending: 50
Mayhem Makers Ending: 0
After this, we got word of a cluster with Carnage, Devastation, and other clans, which we quickly joined and cleared.
Destructive Pures Starting: 65
Carnage Starting: 30
Devastation Starting: 30
Other people starting: 20
Destructive Pures Ending: 65
Carnage, Devastation, Randomers Ending: 0
Quickly after, we got word of Foe in a world, so we quickly went to BH, where Foe rushed out from BH and attacked us. We quickly spread and took control of the fight, just a Foe were about to be cleared (Clearly seen in pictures below) EOP Rushes in and attacks. We regrouped in BH for a few minutes and returned back into the fight, which TLP was also a part of. At one point we had Foe and Eop both in SC (Seen below), but TLP hit us so we regrouped.
Destructive Pures Starting: 60
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 55
Eruption of Pures Starting: ??
The Last Pures Starting: ??
Destructive Pures Ending: 45, remassed 62.
Shortly after this, we heard Devastation was north of Chaos altar after them crashing us the previous week against Carnage, we quickly hopped and planned to get revenge. We rushed in and cleared them within a minute. Sorry Carnage for hitting you, maybe we can AC for you next week in return.
Destructive Pures Starting: 60
Devastation Starting: 30?
Carnage Starting: 30?
Destructive Pures Ending: 60
Devastation and Carnage ending: 0 at fight scene.
For the end of our trip, we were near clan wars and saw Foe, we quickly spread out on hills, and they came out to fight. After a few minutes of close fighting, it appeared we had an upper hand. Carnage began to hit us from the south for a few minutes, and Foe began to get the upper hand. Eventually they managed to clear us after about a 15 minute fight. Thanks for the fight Foe.
Destructive Pures Starting: 60
Final Ownage Elite Starting: 55
Carnage Starting: ?
Destructive Pures Ending: Called off returning.
Final Ownage Elite Ending: 30? (Confirm Please)
Carnage Ending: Left.
After 2 hours and 45 minutes of destruction, we dismissed our P2P trip with 60 members still ready to fight at any time. Thanks to all DP members who attended.
Thanks to all clans we fought, we had a great time and we hope you did as well.