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D4rk Mayhem

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Everything posted by D4rk Mayhem

  1. #Supreme probably the best mini unit there is gets banged out by pures. Gf's everyone.
  2. ok thats it p2p prep us accounts involved must be 1 def or less 30 pull min If you really think ur up for this talk to our leaders please id love to see it happen, we are still unchallenged in real pure preps/wars. I posted about it on our forums that you might be interested in this. Id love nothing more then to prove you addy clans are all levels (Def,Pray,Combat lvls).
  3. Dam tought we had it after we took first round with ease. Well played.
  4. Thats how its done gj foe doing what MM couldnt, beating those cocky kids at theyre own game. You have to fight defence with defence.
  5. I dont like defence and turmoil, was funner when everyone was 1-20def I was gone for 3years when wildy was gone, in that time people stopped caring i guess, and now i come back everyone else but MM is 30def and 95pray... :/ idk what really happened in those 3years but im guessing mm was just too dominant and clans got desperate, and its too late to go back now because they would have to kick theyre best and most loyal members who ruined theyre pures only for the purpose of clanning and miniwars so nothing is going to change
  6. 30 is better than 25. It accualy is because who accualy has 25def, the cap is there to cut out all the turmoil retards with 50prayer levels and a million combat levels on us to keep the mini more balanced. We had 10 people with 1-8 def, they had 1deffers and a couple 20def in the mini with 25def cap. So they are retards because they have the ability to use turmoil? You have to draw the line somewhere to keep it fun for everyone :) I can go on my maxed main too and wear 1def gear and steel skin and brew my def to 150. We fight with a 1def cap afterall so people should be atleast somewhere close to that. Not be 30def levels above it, thats not pure anymore. And dont start with the 30def is more pure then 20 blablabla, then i go 45def is more pure then 30 blablabla then you go blablabla. D4rk on irc if anyone wants to do some fun mini's later today with def restrictions. Im out peace.
  7. 30 is better than 25. It accualy is because who accualy has 25def, the cap is there to cut out all the turmoil retards with 50prayer levels and a million combat levels on us to keep the mini more balanced. We had 10 people with 1-8 def, they had 1deffers and a couple 20def.
  8. I just used them as example as they take the def stuff to an extreme and would never allow a 1deffer to mini with them. Complete opposite to us who do this for fun and in order to improve at the same time at tanking etc and try to always bring atleast one app/new guy with us everytime we mini as a clan and help them out.
  9. Clans would never do it lool, everyone knows foe etc mini units is all levels, they roll up with 10kids 114+ combat with dragon spears lol, i got FOE to agree to a cap of no1 over 25def once and they got assraped so easy its wasnt even funny, next time i asked for a mini with the same rule i got instatly kickbanned from theyre irc. :) If any pure team think they can handle MM in an accual pure mini (25def cap) ask D4rk on irc anytime, if im online and its not at some ridic time i promise ill accept the mini and people will come. The reason alot dont like to mini anymore is exactly this foe rolls up with theyre army of 31def 95pray spamming wear my addy till i die and stupidshit and obviously level 114+'s are gonna beat lvl 80-100s. You can say levels dont matter and its just strategy all you want but when both teams knows what theyre doing and can tank, it comes down to just levels.
  10. we all know/dont give a **** that you guys claim to be the only pure clan dispite accepting over 40 def during your life span. ooohh MM had a 40defence person in 2004, excuse to change ur reqs to 40def maybe? =D???????
  11. Again. MM never lowered our requirements in the first place to accept addy so we dont need to bann it because we dont even accept these main accounts into our clan, never have never will.
  12. Depends how you define "pure" To me a pure is an account with the highest possible offensive bonus's while being lowest defence possible. I wouldn't take advice from someone who was 37 def unquested in eop. your stupidity makes me wanna hit you so hard in the throat when you get mad like this over a game, you just have to take a deep breath and say to urself, its just runescape... and breath out
  13. Rather have 30 defence quested then that MM rank with 22 def UNQUESTED M8. :teehee: Yeh, +1 str bonus. FFS! Rather have 22 def than 30 def buddy. :] Still doesn't change the fact its 22 def not quested lol. i mean how do u **** up 1-22 def? the acc was made in 2003? RSC, when messing up defence was super easy? Mahatma himself has 18 defence cuz hes messed up 8 times since 2k4. >50% of RSC pures were 10 defence because of this. And then in 2k5 the start of 20 def began with mystic since the bonuses were insane compared to zamorak/wiz robes. So yeah 2 def levels in 6 years? Hell thats better than alot of us. and the bonuses of turmoil are far greater than mystic? I'd rather have a guy with 40 Defence with hand cannon, turmoil, b gloves, group vengeance, black d hide body, rune defenders/berserker shields, rune armor in general, chaos/cosmic elemental gear, spirit shields, and with all the benefits of 1-39 defence which is 0-3 cmbs more depending on stats than a 28-39 def account. you were saying? this is a pure community, where the goal/point/plan should be keeping the lowest defence possible. Getting 1-28 def for turmoil and 10 combat levels? Hell it doesnt even give you GREATER offense. a 87 turm acc will get wrecked going against an 80 attack 99 str. (im basing this off that i dont have trouble with turmoil 30 def at 91 cmb cuz im 99 hp and messed up def levels) The arguement that turmoil gives greater offensive bonus is bull. It's worse in offense by a tad, but GREATER in defence. 40 def is GREATER in both, so why not accept 40 def? and a mager in mystic will beat a mager using turmoil just saying lol. max cmb in mm? i think 105. max cmb in other clans? 110, 111 in 1... max cmb in RP clans? 113. /facepalm K to the O
  14. Evil MM and theyre 22def unquested main ffs. Lets all get 35def and 95prayer! :/ lol...
  15. I dont like being put in the same category as those turmoil clans :/ They accept defence accounts into the clan but bann 30def armour on trips is just hypocritical, nothing noble about it. Dont link MM with these clans in any way please. We only fight them because there is no pure clans left that can compete. Thank you.
  16. i lol'd Do you have a video of your trip? Just wondering, why bother commenting on our topic if you have no proof to support your argument? @Zany: We still friends, yeah? Yes I have a video, a very intersting one indeed. EoP Cuhhhhhhhhh all d4y u f3el meh L M F A O
  17. Twas only a sea of adamant left when MM was done with you guys ;)
  18. twas only a sea of adamant left when mm was done with you ;) 28kills 2deaths for me personally today, i enjoyed the single fight too where i was tagged by 5 foe members and lured them to multi and killed them all, titan #1, come at me
  19. Yep no challenge, get good please addyclans, was TOO easy ^_^ I guess more pures prefer to be part of the first and last pure clan over the adamant/turmoil fest wich is foeop alliance.
  20. lol singing on ts no calling just goes to show these comes down to just levels and im not talking about just def and pray, we have too much useless 60attack, 1def pures including myself whos accounts are **** for clanwars but rape wildy, while this is what havoc does for a living, practise clanwars. Im working on a 80 attack clanwars prod tho, dont want to ruin D4rk Mayhem just for these things. Tips for the first vidder, dont nig range if you dont have a chaotic mele wepon and dont bring straight brews if you cant tank on them, 8/10 brews nig ranging is enough rest rocktail so you can tank better combo eating and not get banged like you did 2nd round. edit: too much butthurt foe up in here
  21. i really dont understand what ur trying to prove by not wearing ur addy in f2p, you openly accept 30def so why pretend to be a pure clan lol
  22. Was only a sea of adamant left when MM was finnished with all the half-main clans.
  23. Looks at the cape in this eop mains inv, for all eop wondering who the mains in pink capes are. Its ur own leaders on theyre mains and random eop clan friends like this kid. that's tayyab or jontys account lol ouch, this doesent look good for eop right now.... too bad theres no way to prove that its theyre accounts but im gonna assume it is someone from eop/clan friend because they screenied mm's so called tele
  24. Looks at the cape in this eop mains inv, for all eop wondering who the mains in pink capes are. Its ur own leaders on theyre mains and random eop clan friends like this kid.
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