You should be grateful that your in a minority of clans that don't accept addy/mith, it makes you stand out as a clan, and attracts all the nerds who are anti-defence to join you. Infact, I'd say that's the only reason anyone would consider joining your clan; bad trips, average leadership, never wins preps, slumping etc. But hey! they're 1-10 defence so gotta join them!
This pure community has a way of completely over exaggerating the bonus's of accepting 30 defence considering pretty much 100% of preps are 1 defence cap, monk robes have advantages over armor in F2P anyway on pk trips, and on p2p trips 30 defence hardly helps at all.
Nme needs to get through their thick skulls that we're not all newfags like them, some of us have been around for 5 years + and already have a member base that consists of people with 30 defence, and getting rid of them just isn't realistic: It's not hard to go and open a little low level clan then act all high and mighty to the big boys who are forced to adapt to survive.
I'm not going to respond to the "bad trips avg leadershp etc" part because my members know how untrue that is. I'll just let everyone laugh at you.
Over exaggerating the bonuses of accepting 30 defence? Don't give me that ********. In a matched F2P Prep, any clan we fight, starts much more piles because of their defence, and lasts much longer. Not only do they tank longer and live longer, they get to be so much more aggressive in preps.
I thought the reason why people got defence was because it made them so much better in p2p because of turmoil?
Don't give me that bullshit. You guys need to get through your thick skulls that you are not forced to adapt to survive. NME has already proved that. We opened as an LPC and gradually moved up the ladder, all with 1-10 defence requirements. Since Late August, our main competition has ALL been adamant, and guess what? We're still here. We're stilling have trips, and still killing clans.
I don't care how long you've been around because that is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is you do not have to adapt to survive. Instead of looking what your opponents have over you, did you ever look at yourselves? Why not try to improve your pulls & performance before just jumping onto addy.
You are not good and you never will be because you, like most of the clans today, are hell bent on trying to get another advantage over each other rather than improving your quality.
If us "newfags" (lol) can do it, why can't the big boys who've been around for 5 years?
Keep telling it like it is...You're in the 10% of people on this forum with sense.
But it time for me to go take a shower and go outside. If only people were smart enough to do the same.
Lifes to short to be auguring over a game thats probably going to be extinct in a few years.