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Ape Montana

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Everything posted by Ape Montana

  1. Idk what Pk trip you were at. Take a peak @ that video. You didn't push us... It was a call on ts to go south...you weren't even close to pushing us in all the fights. #stopthis You don't have to lie now. Walli called to get south and pull out bows and snipe..it's a tactic not you pushing us, get it right. Don't make this more than it has to be. So if you moved south and we called a PUSH south. You're saying you weren't pushed south? :confused: Being pushed doesn't mean you were cleared or even at a disadvantage in the fight. It simply means there was movement. Idk why you're so upset lol. Just stop lying seriously there is no need for this. You didn't push us #end
  2. Idk what Pk trip you were at. Take a peak @ that video. You didn't push us... It was a call on ts to go south...you weren't even close to pushing us in all the fights. #stopthis You don't have to lie now. Walli called to get south and pull out bows and snipe..it's a tactic not you pushing us, get it right. Don't make this more than it has to be.
  3. I'm sorry but that first fight you weren't even close to pushing us anywhere or winning. #justsaying But GJ on the trip like fighting you / wish mm didn't have to be faggets.
  4. Wish people would make more thread like these, instead of constant bitching / stupid suggestions.
  5. As mush as i hate to say this...0mgi has sense for once. Stop making thread trying to suggest **** to other clans no1 cares...no1 is going to listen to you...focus on your own clan and thats that. Your giving props to war for going back to 1-20 def... but you accept 1-45 def and still expect a place in this community smh. You simply have no say whatsoever.
  6. I realize its been a bad day in the wilderness for you but no need to get so irate. I'm not trying to stop you "accept(ing) what you want to accept". I was hypothesizing about a few ideas that actually make sense, which you'd understand if your 3rd braincell kicked in and stopped you going absolutely ape-**** (woo) about a simple idea. I'll suggest whatever the hell I like, such as suggesting you re-read your post and proceed to hang yourself after realising what a ******* moron you are. I honestly don't understand what goes someones head when they make a post like that, its almost as though by displaying your autism your going to get special treatment and highlight your point, haha. Your right, I wouldn't do it first because my clan is a 1-10 defence clan, with the majority of us being 44 levels away from 45 and having the self respect to play exactly how we want to play. I'm not suggesting anyone does it. It was merely a post to get some brains turning and possibly provide some intelligent discussion outside of the daily "PURE COMMUNITY DEAD!" topics that I can actually imagine you frequenting every time you lose on Runescape to vent some anger. To conclude ; I could care less about how people run their clans and I could care less about the people in them clans. My post was merely the potential start of a discussion beyond the same old crap. It's "I couldn't care any less" you idiot... And obviously you do care because you would go about your business instead of writing text walls of suggestions for other clans that you know aren't going to listen to you anyways. I didn't ask about your clan or what much def lvls your off 45... Now just shut the **** up, You don't make sense. Don't write some irreverent text walls to me i don't care.
  7. Yet you're in a clan that does not allow teleporting. how did you get teleporting out of that rofl i dont even pk on my fi account... that contradicts everything in your previous post smh o/t People forget that this is pure community. If you want defence, go compete against HF or a main clan. OH wait, you're not good enough for that? Why you even here your clan has no say on this site.
  8. Why can't they just accept what they want to accept and you accept what you want to accept and shut the fuck up. Accepting 45 def takes alot more quests / money / time that people don't really want to put in. Seriously don't suggest shit you wouldn't be the first to do. Unless your down to quest / provide money for those clans seriously just shut the fuck up. This topic is stupid and don't understand why it's still open.
  9. Joined Pure Community in Year: 2007 My First Clan choice was: Lost Pures
  10. We dont allow DDoSing, so that problem is fixed, nor hacking, scamming, phishing. Crashing well, thats wat we are working on. Id much rather have a friendly run in, than wait for someone to step out so i can hit them. FOE too but everyone just runs/hides/makes excuses, no choice but to crash.
  11. You realize FOE accepts 35 def right? You realize 35 defence is between 30 and 45 defence, right? OT:If they did that, they would probably destroy everyone. You realize 35 defence is 35 defence and 45 defence is 45 defence, right?
  12. you're one of the reasons why foe's accepting 35 defence these days, so bad rofl.. For once I agree with Sir Davld. Who gives a **** about competition? Games are about having fun, it's no fun fighting mains on a pure, so clans are no fun any more because they're full of fake pures. Yeah but before fake pures even exist a certain clan called mains to every fight so whats the argument... there fake pures and pures who call 50 def zerkers and 99 def tanks. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
  13. Don't do that X0. Missed the prep fell asleep :(, Wanna p2p prep tlp.
  15. Win a f2p full out , have better f2p trips you have a lot to work for
  16. Yup you know it, dedicate our day and night to dislike a vid. Even had 2 topics dedicated just to disliking it. *******. The funny thing is you're trying to be sarcastic... but it's actually true.
  17. Isn't up to par, but styll better than everyone else?...I don't get it.
  18. You should be grateful that your in a minority of clans that don't accept addy/mith, it makes you stand out as a clan, and attracts all the nerds who are anti-defence to join you. Infact, I'd say that's the only reason anyone would consider joining your clan; bad trips, average leadership, never wins preps, slumping etc. But hey! they're 1-10 defence so gotta join them! This pure community has a way of completely over exaggerating the bonus's of accepting 30 defence considering pretty much 100% of preps are 1 defence cap, monk robes have advantages over armor in F2P anyway on pk trips, and on p2p trips 30 defence hardly helps at all. Nme needs to get through their thick skulls that we're not all newfags like them, some of us have been around for 5 years + and already have a member base that consists of people with 30 defence, and getting rid of them just isn't realistic: It's not hard to go and open a little low level clan then act all high and mighty to the big boys who are forced to adapt to survive. I'm not going to respond to the "bad trips avg leadershp etc" part because my members know how untrue that is. I'll just let everyone laugh at you. Over exaggerating the bonuses of accepting 30 defence? Don't give me that ********. In a matched F2P Prep, any clan we fight, starts much more piles because of their defence, and lasts much longer. Not only do they tank longer and live longer, they get to be so much more aggressive in preps. I thought the reason why people got defence was because it made them so much better in p2p because of turmoil? Don't give me that bullshit. You guys need to get through your thick skulls that you are not forced to adapt to survive. NME has already proved that. We opened as an LPC and gradually moved up the ladder, all with 1-10 defence requirements. Since Late August, our main competition has ALL been adamant, and guess what? We're still here. We're stilling have trips, and still killing clans. I don't care how long you've been around because that is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is you do not have to adapt to survive. Instead of looking what your opponents have over you, did you ever look at yourselves? Why not try to improve your pulls & performance before just jumping onto addy. You are not good and you never will be because you, like most of the clans today, are hell bent on trying to get another advantage over each other rather than improving your quality. If us "newfags" (lol) can do it, why can't the big boys who've been around for 5 years? Keep telling it like it is...You're in the 10% of people on this forum with sense. But it time for me to go take a shower and go outside. If only people were smart enough to do the same. Lifes to short to be auguring over a game thats probably going to be extinct in a few years.
  19. Yea they sit down on the computer 5+ hours sitting in single, ddos'ing, paying for locations, and scouting another clan. Well you should find a new clan if you sitting in single for 5+ hours... And who has a 5 hour trip anyways. ddos'ing is completely irreverent to my post seeing at it doesn't take that much time or labor to do. Paying for locations is not labor. Scouting another clan is not labor. Training another account just because someone doesn't like your current account is just straight up stupid.
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