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Everything posted by Kopono

  1. According to the KDR, it was sorta an even fight... but not really. TLP had below 1 KDR... TLP didn't log out fast enough? Better start going ham on those log-out inners.
  2. Well... we walked away with more kills and we actually got to keep our loot. If that's not winning, I dunno what is. :wacko:
  3. They were probably returning; I don't know any other reason why there'd be 20 MM kids just chilling there.
  4. Everyone took off their white hats and just jetted off to single. I personally just logged out on top of new gate hill... LMAO.
  5. Check 3:25 and on... Also 6:10 and on of the 2nd video posted. Cleared Z 2x.
  6. i liked it, straight to the point none of these fairy tales So it'd be good for all clans to do this? Lmfao, good idea there brah. Bravo, bravo. Indeed, it is a good idea! Might as well delete this whole section here and link it to clanweekend.info then. Nice idea there kids.
  7. i liked it, straight to the point none of these fairy tales So it'd be good for all clans to do this? Lmfao, good idea there brah.
  8. .... elaborate topic you got there, lmfao.
  9. You sure FOE crashed you guys? I don't remember seeing any of WAR.
  10. Lol, I like that double kill.
  11. That's the thing... noone won. MM just talked **** and hid behind HF and TLP the whole time out there. If they talk ****, at least back it up for goodness sake.
  12. Ouch, sucks... 30min down the drain :confused: . But yeah man... you guys should give us a PKRI, we're always down for a good challenge. WAR & EOP gave us a couple weeks ago, was great fun; and we're always good sports about it, no matter what the results are.
  13. Seriously tho... anyone else notice that guy in rune with the g2h? Lol @ E... massers.
  14. Ehhh... I don't think we are. Again, there is that bias and assumption. I think we can both agree that your clan just would not offer FOE a clean fight 1on1.
  15. Not impressed. Teaming up with massers... lol.
  16. I would like to see a P2P prep between the 2. I'd like to see how TLP would do without TR.
  17. See that's the thing... we never "banked for no reason". Lol, where you coming up with this stuff bro? Also, if you were theoretically telling HF to **** off, you should've just cleared the "4" that they had. You went off topic with the whole hopped one world blah blah blah. Lol, answer my question... if your clan wanted to fight FOE and you had JubJub + like 3 others 1-iteming us throughout the whole trip... why didn't you guys come at us? You had our locations.... Why were you avoiding us? "Try again"? lmfao.... hilarious bro; you just showing that you a wack ass n*gga. Dude didn't even respond properly to me and he telling me to try again... :down:
  18. 1. FOE 2. MM 3. EOP 4. FI 5. TLP Top clans of all time; includes present day along with their history. By the way, I find it funny to see how the OP put NME on his list; too funny actually.
  19. Someone's leader is talking out they ass again... :whistling:
  20. Sorry, but we tele'd up to GDZ... we weren't in lobby. I didn't know fighting 4 HF kids would turn out to a blown out fight... but then again, you're in MM; I wouldn't know how hard it'd be cause I was never in MM. But yeah, what were you waiting for? From what I know, all you been doing is running and avoiding FOE. It's hilarious cause you guys knew where FOE was thru-out the whole trip. JubJub and like 3 other MM mains were trying to 1-item us thru-out the whole thing. If you really wanted us, you could've easily ******* came at us. Instead you were pulling some p*ssy sh*t and dodging us whenever we hopped to your world. F*ck man, you'd think MM would actually give us a fight after talking so much sh*t.
  21. Alright... okay; so you tell me that you didn't want HF near you guys... yet you didn't fight them? And was "allowing" them to hang around you guys while you did absolutely nothing besides getting mains to 1-item us? And another thing; you guys talked so much ****, why didn't you get a PKRI with FOE? You can't backup the **** you said? What's good with that my dude?
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