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Everything posted by Kopono

  1. Then check out FOE, see if it is to your liking. http://www.foe-rs.com
  2. It was more like FOE & TLP vs EOP, MM, IR, NME. Seriously whoever made the teams was an idiot. And Havoc piled Walli when he went into multi; and then CP came in blue capes at gap and sniped us from behind. Another failed event tbh. Where was the AC at? Lol. But good job to MM at attempting to ruin the event once again.
  3. This is why I'm FOE. itz da return of walli.
  4. wow, u guys still spaz over zezima?
  5. good luck, higher force gets owned daily by pures & mains. That's why noone respects them but MM, cause they're in the same category... losers. LOL
  6. Honestly, I consider Tip.it the best RSFan site.
  7. Big bones is the cheapest, but is more time consuming.
  8. Why not just put the offer up at GE? LOL.
  9. Does anyone know if this works with SW?
  10. Damn, I want a p hat... LOL
  11. Dude, if I were you... I'd get 95 pray and turn into a turmoil pure with a max of 30Def. You'd make BANK if you 1v1 the right kind of people... a lot of potential in getting AGS-grade loot; that's if you know how to use turmoil properly.
  12. Loving the music, and sick ass kills hahaha.
  13. LMAO? This is not a dating site.
  14. Co-sign. LMAO, co-sign. Here's link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En5MzOf-v3I
  15. ^ You guys didn't bother watching the video, I can tell. On some real **** tho, that's legit; he's trying to get the phishers and scammers shunned basically. GL to him.
  16. Kopono

    help pl0xpl0x

    I would uninstall java and reinstall it. If that doesn't work, I'd probably check on the video card drivers =\... gl.
  17. xl is a horrible community, don't even try. Community-wise, I'd say Zenith is the best... they're really friendly; if you're a hard worker though and feel that you can prove yourself, I'd say FOE is good too; they're actually really friendly, they're extremely strict to applicants though.
  18. Chrome ftw! It's faster and uses less resources than FF.
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