I'm going to stop right here. My definition of failure as stated earlier in this topic is the notion that clans, the community, and individual players no longer abide by the definitions of "pures" and many have just used the defense to counteract other clans. There's no need to go get 35+ defense on a PURE clanning account.
The failure had occurred with the majority acceptance of this as the norm.
So yes, pure clans have failed.
Just because other clans accept 30+ defense doesn't mean you can just write off 20 def as not being pure also.
What do clans accepting 30 defence have to do with 20 defence not being pure. That's like saying Pot accepts 45 defence, so you can't say 35 defence isn't pure. If you can wear steel you're a main.
You can't group anything above 10+ def as a main just because some kids ran off with 30+ def being called pure.
This is based off historic definition and length of time for 20 def being accepted in the community as pure.
It's very foolish to try and write people who have 20 def off as being "just as main as 35 def" . Because they aren't nor ever will be.
You example is dumb because I'm referring to clans who existed throughout the "pure" era between around 04' - '10 . Many of these clans today who are now filled with mains once obeyed the guidelines that 1-20 def was pure. This was the standard. Now those same clans have abandoned that standard and fools like yourself try to justify that by claiming "Well you know anything above steel isn't pure".
20 defense had been accepted by all PURE clans, FOE, EOP, MM, TLP, FI, CP, TH, E as being pure and that was the census of the community.
30 defense was viewed as being unpure by all of the following clans listed above, and I especially remember 3 hit u pure getting a lot of flames for being in FI w/ 30 def (being the only exception). Clans BOOTED kids who got past 20 def etc ...
So unless you're going to go back and change time your argument is clearly wrong.
Thanks :thumbsup: