They don't go zerker because their clan wouldn't be able to post their fancy saturday and sunday topics on pw. :thumbsup:
it's a never ending circle sandra, where you should adapt to it, or just quit your bitching for once, please lol. you're wondering what's killing this community; it's people like you that get on just to flame and contradict something they will never change, nor they have the power to change.
pures are 1-39 defence, zerks are 40-55~, rest are barrow accounts/mains.
if pures were 1-19, or 1-29, whats the use of adamant then? whats the use of snakeskin, mithril, adamant defenders, shields, low-cmb-turmoil account, mystic, infinity, fungal, handcannon, ancient curses..
keep in mind 90% of those items/advantages/weapons are p2p and greatly help p2p gameplay (not just clanning, pvm aswell, dungeoneering, minigames) and guess what..99% complains about 30+ defence are coming from f2p based clans that know nothing about p2p.
stick to f2p lol, the only reason 30+ defence is acceptable it's because of curses (a p2p ancient prayer book that has far more advantages then regular book, it's fun to use (refer to my signature, that weapon is dragon dagger super poisoned++ btw requires lost city quest and it's pretty strong :P))
Just for the record, Peter I think it was, said that CP won't get 40 def because they wouldn't be "accepted" on here if they did. I also remember seeing someone who has 30+ def admit to not being a pure.
Anyway, I find it amusing that just because people who decided to get def on their account and still want to pretend to be pure say that they're still a pure, makes it true. I want you to find me someone, aside from people who we are talking about, that will say that some level 90 or 100 using adamant or turmoil is a true pure.
The point of those things you listed are for the people that decide being able to access such things have more of an upside than staying pure.
If you are 2 Defence you officially are not a REAL TRUE pure. But Pure Community accepts 1-35/39 Defence so I don't see the problem lol, we adapted to new things, we all are NOT real and true pures, but we're all in clans that are still considered pure clans and they're in pure community and they have pure-style fights.
I do respect 1-9/1-29 Defence clans; I admire them because they still have the power to fight higher defence with their robes..we respect you, you should respect us.
Oh and you're NME; I shall quote myself once again:
and to end this, you should either quit bitching about it, or get 30 defence yourself. don't ***** about something you've choosen; and you've choosen to STAY a clan that accepts only low defence. it's your choice and accepting 30+ is ours.
if you wanna make new community, go ahead, try lol, i will support you in every way but I doubt it will work out.
First off, I'm glad you base my knowledge off the clan I'm in.
I'm not bitching about anything, I could care less if every other clan started accepting 40+ def. Just stop acting as if a few clans that decided to get defense on a site are the standard for the rest of rs.