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Oh Garrett

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Everything posted by Oh Garrett

  1. big blow to the community. :( ill miss lurking around and reading your posts.
  2. What do you feel is harder to work as a clan in? P2P What do you feel is more important out of the two? F2p Can you do without either one as a clan? Never! And why don't some clans P2P on Saturday and F2P on Sunday; why does there have to be a set rule on what server you need to be on for a certain day? I think it comes down to ego. Most clans feel the need to "compete" and then post topics on here and thus go on the recommended days. I wish more clans would call unofficial trips and just go have fun sometimes. That is the reason we pk right?
  3. nice account :O. very jealous of dat farm
  4. The point of a topic isn't to play the he said, she said, i win you, you lost game. And although some clans choose conduct themselves in that manner doesn't mean that it should be like that. I believe the point of a topic is to post about something your clan has done recently that the community might enjoy looking at. It could be anything, from a PKri to a mini to even a drop party. It's supposed to show the community, along with potential applicants, what your clan is about and what kind of fun you guys enjoy.
  5. In addition, beyond all the flaming, arguing, and hacking, there are some clans that have great communities with great members that create great friendships. I think that all the other childish clans just amplify the image of the good ones.
  6. I don't wanna say i told you so.... but i went on nme's website, rs forums, rs buddy forums, and pure-warfare just so i could tell all the 13 year old leechers that bots would no longer function and would be broken in the future. And they all said, no bots will never die, i'm so smart. Derp.
  7. tell her i'm mad right now but when i **** your daughter later i'll be better.
  8. Your topic is lacking in pics/vids. Not a flame, i'm just wondering why make a topic if it's only going to have 3 pictures and only 1 of the actual P2P trip. Unless you are still gathering and uploading more, in which case sorry i'll edit this. OT: Congrats vs IR.
  9. How is that a reflection on our clan and by relation, its members? A mod should clean this up.
  10. ................................................................................ ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . ................................................................................ . .thefuck What's wrong with a lil clan pride :P
  11. Our pulls may be small but our hearts are big <3. Venom pride.
  12. Quick edit: Venom was winning the fight clearly in the vid before getting crashed. Next time don't sit in GE trying to pick up lv 53s to come fight us. They aren't much competition.
  13. sounds like rsbots.net needs to stop hiring budget lawyers lol.
  14. A lot of people thought the nuke was going to end in a bunch of accounts being banned etc. But that was never the case, Jagex was simply changing game so bots wouldn't be able to run. I keep laughing at all the people saying oh yeah i didn't get banned i survived jagex sucks haha. If bots have been running for years i'm sure it was more important to stop future botting. I also don't think bots will be coming back any time soon... I think a lot of these sites are claiming they will simply so customers don't leave the site. Imagine if you saw a post that said we aren't sure if we will be able to bypass this, sorry to any inconveniences. But i guess we will see in time.
  15. congrats IR! really close it looks like; i'd love to see a fullout between these 2 clans in f2p but i doubt it'll happen.
  16. usually pray range. In a huge fight it's probably the safest bet. As people said when you see a team pushing on you, or you pushing on them with scims switch to melee. But if its just one 1 guy attacking you with scim you can usually run back to the far side where your team is and pull him with you. I think practice can help more than anyone can tell you.
  17. :D congrats! what an achievement, it's a shame you have to start over because of 2 defence... Nah im just messing good work :)
  18. =l this makes me sad because im never gonna get those 4 minutes back
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