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KJ`R4in F4ll

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Everything posted by KJ`R4in F4ll

  1. I dont think you will join but might as well try getting some people who have been in a decent clan before. Try out #Anxiety we have a lot of fun not doing other types of events ( not only wars / pk trips ) and we have fun and laugh a lot on vent too 0.0
  2. Nice i wish to see your fights more matched though :o
  3. i l0led what an epic fight winning down 5
  4. Lol... SMD!@!! yeah thats my cousin
  5. Gj Fi happy to see you guys climbing back up
  6. I work on these during a class. This one sucks i dont even like nasscar either Tony Romo>:{! This is my cousin, Starting QB of ASU ( Arizona State SunDevils ) Ghost Rider ^.^ Kobe Bryant 300 I was thinking of Anxiety in F2p Pvp during this LoL :D Again i'm really new to photoshop about 3 weeks new maybe I've improved since the last time i showed off some sigantures. Rate if you must. :D
  7. gf and gratz on the win, we were out leveled / out opted.. sad too see all of your members flaming me at the end of the video you guys got..
  8. Anxiety opened a little less than a month ago. All was going good till about a week or two old. We were doing perfect but their was one little problem with our clan and that was George. HeShe would always constantly flame other clans, other ranks, other members, and other people, and Yaspoutin. Everyday we would get IRC pm's from regular people in our IRC saying, " Oh we would join Ax but I just dont like this G A V E ( George ) Leader you got HeShe will never stop flaming. " Every 5 Minutes HeShe would kb people, not to mention loads of people on AKick. Attitude started coming in and HeShe refused to listen to other ranks. About one week ago a loved Old-School member came up to me and talked to me about how much he hated Ax's community, he said he couldn't stand the flaming and he was just about to leave. Yesterday I had to unban an old school member over 4 times and after that George put him on akick. That forced him to quit ( 2 different old school members by the way ). Then today her flaming and kbing people in IRC Set off another council and they had a flame fest infront of everyone in IRC. Our council finally was sick of it and left, and Ryan and I knew this had to come to an end. We deranked George ( Amy ) on our site and then on IRC leaving himher with a Members form mask. He raged and then threatend to delete all of our videos. He went on My Youtube account that only Ryan, George, and I had the password to and removed every video to it. Then told other members that it was me and that I was the one who removed all of the videos and said that Ryan and I booted him and said that I took off the videos to make it look like he did. Here is some proof that He took off all the videos off of: http://www.youtube.com/AnxietyRS This is to all Ex-Fatal Force Members: One of your ranks recently quit Rs, atleast I think she was a rank named Esecretvpurara, well some how George got a hold of that account a couple days ago he told me that he is PMing all FatalForce members to join Anxiety and the ones that won't join he is going to try to get them to tell him the password so he can hack your accounts so Not a single person dare trust the person on Esecret. Also there are rumors of George joining Malice I highly recomend from a clan leader to not let him in your clan. This person goes by Amy but everyone knows it is a guy behind the computer. <[Ax]Ryan> yep if u can find us :X <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> So that's what Anxiety is now? <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> Resorting to hiding? <[Ax]Ryan> lol <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> Might as well not even go out if you're not going to fight <[Ax]Ryan> our goal isnt to fight Malice <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> shame <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> because my goal is to clear anxiety <[Gave|Busy|AFK]> as many times as I can. [Gave|Busy|AFK] is [email protected] * [Ax]Gave [Gave|Busy|AFK] on #305-hangout #Malice [Gave|Busy|AFK] is using ixion.nl.eu.SwiftIRC.net The first to shed kindred blood [Gave|Busy|AFK] End of /WHOIS list. Rsns: G A V E T W I S T Yz_D Acookie4u Esecretvpura
  9. I suggest anxiety, ive known you for a long time and i have been in all those past clans with you besides Cv. Give us a chance #Anxiety
  10. Zell, get here before the hair does LOL!
  11. ^ignore that retard... Epidemic might doubtful though cuz of your low stats but they accepted pbs scout whos not that good of stats either
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