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Everything posted by -Merk-

  1. I finna use dat ultimate haha u feel me
  2. Get 50 def and join Hostility
  3. RIP, thanks for the fights boys. Spoiler: david give me the 1m now ffs
  4. The guy who lead Venom is trying to talk ****. you got closed by Enormity right? #mirin? LMFAO KO. #IMDONE
  5. I just saw you on battlescape, seems you like battlescape more than rs. And if you retards could read...which you obviously can't...we still play rs. We didnt close RETARD Theres a difference being a team and a clan, you closed. if you actually think a good amount of clans are going to stay for this update you are delusional Don't worry about this cp kid.He's just mad his spastic leaders told him they were gonna be #1 in EoC, then lose to MM's 1 defence pures. You should join CP, everything you post/think/do is CP related. :whistling: Have fun on a Pserv that gets hacked once every couple of months lol, it just takes one smart guy and you're done.
  6. Have fun on a Pserver that might not be here in a few months :P
  7. CP vs FI. 70% of PW thought Fatality would win ROFL.
  8. lol @ the 1 bang guy, i believe he started clanning this year
  10. Do you seriously end every line with an emote? How can people stand you doing that? I see you post 5 times a day and it absolutely infuriates me simply because I'm aware people like you exist. You're going to hell.
  11. says the clan who got a pkri with a main clan in red port with a timer yet no kdr logic? kdr doesn't show kills from anything but wilderness. God learn to fuckng Runescape. Lmfaoooo And before KDR came out (Which is probably before your enrollment into elementary school), main clans warred and posted aftermath topics exactly like CP did. He is new, please forgive him.
  12. Why are you so opsessed lol Anyways, thx for teh mini MM. We did 1 Def and Overs on just for you guys. And with a lot of new members trying out the EOC against your 5 MM ranks, I hope you feel accomplished ^.^
  13. You can get 1 hit with 1 defence. You know that right
  14. 8loody you don't even log into RS/go on IRC/go on CP boards. Stop making random topics about RS on PW ****** lmfao
  15. >Has YR mass recruits in his clan >Main representative on PW is Albania >Calls CP 12 year olds. I don't even.. [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] don't even.. [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] don't [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] .. [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] [ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°] ..
  16. -Merk-

    EoC F2P PKing.

    ^ use basic abilities of the style ur using. and u are good.
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