Am0n you need to shove a ******* sock in it. I'm not trolling been PKing since '04, just saying that this return of the wilderness just doesn't exactly feel the same. Free trade is amazing, no doubt about it, but the enjoyability of PKing in the few hours I did it, key words in that sentence ENJOYABILITY and FEW HOURS, just didn't seem to be on the same level as PvP. This is mostly due to the fact that everyone is welfaring, no one is bridding, this somehow new semi-system of PJing, and everyone is teleporting and there's nothing that's giving them a reason not to. "Give a mouse a cookie" or what** btw, and I haven't been spamming forums about getting the wild back so it wasn't necessarily a cookie I was asking for.
I agree. Shut up Amon. I'm not new and it has nothing to do with being new to the game or not.
It's a damn computer game, we are allowed to have an opinion on it. It's a simple critique of the recent update. Shove it.
A new update yet its old wild... There's an oxymoron. This topic should be labeled New **** report in.
Keith you are for the sake of not getting a warning "uneducated" Maybe they will make carebear private servers where everything is limited and there will be less risk. Then all you kids can go play there so you don't lose your pretty loot or get pjed. You are right its a game. Back to the way it always should have been. Play real scape or gtfo.
I don't know what word you're looking for but I hate to break it to you, whether it's something that's been around or not it doesn't matter, it's an update to the game.
It's a computer game, it's not real, stop crying about others opinion on it. You act like this is some hardcore hobby and if someone doesn't like it they need to play something else. Sorry man, it's a game designed for 13 year olds where you click around a browser.
Lets put it this way... Are you going to quit playing?
Now stop your crying its redundant.
I don't play it, you're the only one whining.