@Typical, I think that was Volt on the account Sparatic Gun or something like that.
Steve, I recently came back as well for the Summer since I'm preparing for college in the Fall and had some free time. I decided to check into Intense Redemption based solely on the fact that they have nice forums and I was fond of Evan and IraqiMage88 who I recognized way back in the day.
Is Intense Redemption great? Well no, but no clan really is. Intense Redemption will offer you weekend trips and several prep wars during the week (we had a Iron vs. Bronze war against EOP today). Its something IR is weak in, I'd personally like to see us have more miniwars and preps. There's some ***** in the clan, but thats pretty unavoidable wherever you go. To counter the ***** there are some very nice members and staff members that have been very open to me being a new IR member and having nothing to really do with the clan in the past.
We also have a lot of sports discussion going on-on the forums. World Cup being posted everyday and NBA Finals talk, not sure if you're interested in that stuff, but its there.
Yes Zo is a little sparatic and some of his tactics are a bit questionable but he really isn't that bad of a guy and he's talked to me personally on several occasions and he's not half bad. Evan counters Zo's questionable tactics and keeps the clan in check very welll. At least check it out ;) .
#IRClan and Http://Intense-Redemption.com
If you think it might be a clan for you then join up, if you don't like it, then quit. Clans don't have much of a problem with clan hopping these days. O, and I always think of you when I talk about driving because I remember being paranoid about my driving lessons when I was 15 and I asked you the day before about driving a car and the drivers ed. Three years later here we are.