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Everything posted by Keith

  1. I could say the same of you. Where do we go from here? We all close our clans and quit RuneScape. You first though.
  2. Decent position to take Asher, you aren't in the low level scene and I don't know you well but I'll take it you haven't been in awhile if ever. DP is for sure one of the clans that made it with lower reqs. to a bigger clan, but like you said they've been around almost two years? Its not as simple as you make it seem. Your theory proposes the idea of not doing "4v4 miniwars" anymore and instead going into the wilderness and PKing like clans used to do all the time, if I'm not mistaken? So if we're not doing the 4v4 miniwars we're PKing...with 4 people? That wouldn't be bad if clans actually went out often and there were more of them, but with the Pure Community on the decline we don't have that. The emergence of CC teams or w/e you want to call them disables us from going out with less than 10 people and having fun. But still a decent opinion, Asher.
  3. Small and big. Its in the original post.
  4. Yeah, you clearly read the topic...title. Thanks for your response.
  5. You Aren't Low. First off, this topic is to discuss the smaller clans that have come and gone, and will continue to open and close as long as the pure world exist. I'd like to ask that you don't respond with stupid responses and that the moderators here at PW do their job. Its fine to disagree with me but don't call me a dumb kid without a reason behind it. To start off this discussion: - You've been lied to, there is no such thing as low level clans: That's right, we've been lieing to ourselves that there is actually a low level scene in comparision to the so called "higher leveled" scene. There is no such thing folks, get over it. The only reason we associate the low level term with certain clans is due to the circa BH updates when low levels could go and PK out in the wilderness and have fun and make profit. But since the updates its rather pointless to head out with a low levels into the wilderness and things have just changed. Then what are these clans (ie. Ravage, VD, EOD, Chaotic, just to name a few reasonable ones)? Well, its rather simple, we're smaller clans. When you look at it, having a high leveled member isn't the difference between my clan (EOD) and a larger clan like MM, FOE, or TLP. Its the AMMOUNT of high levels. We're not lower level clans, we have member with the same levels as the big boys, we just don't have the same frequency of them! What it really boils down to is two catagories of clans. You have big clan (that carry some prestige and have been around for awhile, large frequency of higher levels, lower numbers) and small clans (typically newer, lower frequency of higher levels, lower numbers). - "Hey Keith, we're 60+ reqs! We're a low leveled clan!" Though you may have 60+ reqs, you don't have a 80- req, therefore you're obtaining applications from higher levels and all the smaller clans have higher levels! The only way to really claim low level-ness is to cap yourself to admitting only levels up to a certain level. But why would you do this? You aren't going to compete with anyone else, and you're limiting the people you can recruit to your clan. No one is really going to do this, and therefore we need to stop with the "low level" term. - The leaders of these clans... The leaders of these small clans consist of two types of people, and it really comes down to age. Let's face it, some Scapers are getting older and new ones are emerging. Its just like in the real world with anything, the new replaces the old. - The "old" heading smaller clans: I'd consider myself an older player heading a smaller clan. We struggle week to week, trying to maintain a good community and attract people to join, but why? We ultimatly have more experience, we're typically smarter, and have more resources/assets available to us. But why can't we compete with these newer kids making clans? Its because of the way we've not only lead in the past, but the way we followed in the past. We always set our standard to those before us and have a strict thought on what is right, what's not right, and what's not right but we can do it anyways. We do things the way they were done in the past from how we run our IRC and forums, to how we treat other clans and lead. We attempt to stick to the same path that the large clans of today used to make it big and it just doesn't work anymore due to older players quitting and newer players entering the community. The clans lead by the "older" leaders typically tend to be more "legit", we know what we're actually doing unlike the newer leaders and we aren't ******** for the most part. Some clans I'd classify in this catagory are EOD, Ravage, VD, Bellum, and I could possibly be missing one but it really doesn't matter what I classify clans as at the end of the day. Yeah these clans can contain **** suckers but they're typically held together by a foundation and solid leadership and not just numbers. - The "new" heading small clans: The new consist of younger kids, or even older kids that haven't lead before or have little experience in the pure world. They typically manage to come up with some ****** looking forum or use some codes that have been stolen from numerous sites, mass members and accept the bottom feeders of the pure world, and are overall lacking knowledge. These people are hard to work with and organize things with because they don't follow any rules and anything you don't go over with them they'll abuse. Its like dealing with twelve year olds (well sometimes thats actually what it is). But these leaders typically create a clan that can compete with numbers in the wilderness and look like a better clan! But they're not. You'll rarely find a suitable pure in clans headed by the new leaders because they aim for newer players and people with less experience. People that think the colors orange and purple go together and look cool, people that think that InvisionFree forum skins are HAWT!, just ignorant people in my eyes. But really its just a case of the old overtaking the new. A lot of us probably hear it everyday from our parents "O your damn generation is so lazy and is going to be screwed." We laugh it off because really its just the way things evolve in society. The newer players probably laugh this off just like us younger generations in real life laugh off the older generations. Its not really a problem what the new is doing, its just the way things are heading. The new and old explanations above are the reason we rarely see a new clan compete with the bigger clans. The new leaders aren't capable of maintaining a member base and do what the big clans do. Vice versa the older leaders are stuck in the past and can't get the new RS players into the old style of clan. Its a lot, discuss anything or everything. Tell me I'm wrong, tell me I'm right.
  6. No such thing as low level clans. I'll have a topic up tonight for the real discussion of these so called "low leveled clans."
  7. Get dual 70s or a 75 stat and you can join EOD. #EOD If you don't want to work for the extra few levels you can join Bellum at like 65 stat or VD at 70 stat.
  8. I thnk I remember you fromt he first Vigilance or something, Chicago Bears fan right? Anyways, EOD doesn't claim to be low leveled but we are a smaller clan and we are mainly 60s and 70s. If you get 70 Range you can join with the dual 70s requirement. #EOD for more information.
  9. Teamed with CD and tried to crash on FOE. GG your clan.
  10. Yeah, I was actually pretty chill with Chaotic until tonight when we mini'ed them. They decided to claim a R3 win when I DC'ed and didn't lead an attack (wouldn't give us a 3rd round). There is a reason they are disliked in the smaller clan community and I know they're leaders are really trying to take the "us against the world" mentallity but it will end up hurting them. A little more on topic, good win Bellum. ;)
  11. 1, in a medium level clan. Good try though chump ;).
  12. I have no school tomorrow.
  13. You're a decent guy. I like sports, you like sports, you should check out #EOD. You'd fit in level wise, well I'm off to OKC@Denver. We aren't primarly P2P though, we do more F2P. We do have a large percentage of P2P members and do have P2P events.
  14. Keith

    Chaotic Vs EoD

    Nice win over EOD, this topic seems to be very chaotic *wink wink*.
  15. Well I'll be darned! 12 pages to go till we have the longest RT topic on PW in this section.
  16. Streak ended at 29 rounds, AAO ended it (2-1, we won the war). Also, we asked for none of the fights, so can't really pull the "face better clans" card. @DB, what do you know. You listened to me and closed today. Streak is over! GG to all!
  17. Bump, streak has ended btw. AAO ended it in a 2-1 win for EOD.
  18. L2 read original post.
  19. Joining a FaceBook group isn't going to do anything, I wish your community and her family the best though.
  20. Currently have won 29 rounds of fights in a row with 0 losses. Wutup PW?
  21. #EOD, Eve of Destruction could possibly be a good fit. We're mainly level 70s. We do P2P miniwars, and our trying to revolutionize and expand into clan vs. clan Castle War matches. We had a 10v10 Castle Wars match vs. IP today and won 2 flags to 1. Was a blast. We've also won 29 straight rounds of miniwar with no losses. Since you're viewing the topic, if interested I'm in #EOD now =).
  22. Good post for clans using IPBFree, EOD doesn't use it so we're good. I've been wondering why so many sites have been down, thanks for posting Aaron.
  23. Keith


    Try EOD? We just had a one hour prep Castle Wars match against IP today and won 2-1 after giving up the first flag. We're that good. #EOD
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