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Everything posted by Gotcho
obviously,cause hes only 90 pray..but pretty sure hes in the vid with new prays?
please show the vid of us crashing..all ur vid shows is one of ur members saying tlp is east, even tho eaast is lava, and tlp was spread west, just like i said, then u running into mains and gettin dropped.
this is week 2 ina row of us "spanking" mm
didnt crash mm once, but i guess whatever you wanna say to give you reasons for losing to foe.
Today TLP headed out at our regular time as we peaked at about 80 people. Excited to go out and have a fun rematch with MM after what happened last weekend, but sadly we were avoided. Tlp got word of MM in our world at dwarfs, so we quickly spread and potted, as we were about to charge, we got word FOE came and hit mm and were fighting. Since the fight was going on, some people ran a bit west where we were spread, as we came from mossies. a few of our members started attacking but they were stopped as we fell in and walked away. If we would have crashed, mm would have been cleared in about a minute, since we would have been coming up behind them, so obviously, we did not crash. Dv and E had a planned run in, so we avoided their world. However, both DV and E pmed TLP officials saying MM had crashed them and they asked us to come clear MM, and so we did. Wasnt much of a fight, there were only about ~20 MM left there by the time we arrived. Round 1 We were walking around, looking for MM when we got word that Foe were in our world. As soon as we heard that, foe rushed in from behind us south of dwarfs and the fight started. TLP quickly spread and both clans tried to surround each other. TLP took control of the north, allowing our returners safe passage from greaters while returning from greaters. Both clans will probably say they were winning, but watch the vids at the bottom and u can decide for yourselves. Mid fight, a huge main clan came from the north and completed cleared everyone from multi. TLP Starting- 70 (some were still coming back from a bank run when fight started) Foe Starting- 75 Ending- watch the vid Round 2 This time, we had a planned run in with Foe at dwarfs. Foe defending as we rushed in from mossies. We rushed in and the fight began. It lasted a good long time with positioning changing all of the time. Tlp did the same thing as in the first fight and took control of the north side. This time, we pushed Foe down and into single. Foe was completely off the battle field when mains crashed again so we were forced to leave as well. The first fight we can say ended in a draw, but i do feel like we won this fight, but you can decide for yourself watching the vids. TLP starting- 75 FOE starting- 70 TLP ending- bout 40-45 before mains FOE ending - looked like 15-20 a top north bh stairs before mains Just gonna post all the pics from both fights here, cbf to separate since they look the same. reason we think we won- rest of pics- yay mains Thanks for the fights FOE, was fun apart from the mains. Hopefully we can get some more good fights next weekend. www.tlp-rs.com #tlp
RAWR foe/tlp mm
lol we did not crash u mm..we were spread gonna hit u then foe did, so we walked away..we had about 4 members attack then run back because we called them back. dont blame that loss on us, obvious foe beat u. and sucks you decided to not fight us. today 1. tlp/foe 2. ^ 3. mm
The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp Earlier this week Cory and Fi officials agreed on a F2p matched prep +/-5 For Friday, January 22, 2010. We massed up in world 85 bh bank and left with 43 people. First round Tlp Defended by the lava lake west of jail. Fi rushed From the trees further west. With amazing tanking spamming and piling Tlp pushed Fi west and took the win. TLP Starting ~ 41 / Tlp Ending ~ 24 FI Starting ~ 38 / Fi Ending ~ 0 For Round two both clans gained a few people. FI defend inside trees a bit southwest of jail. We poted up and choose our piles then rushed from the west side. The first few seconds of the fight didn't look very good for us Fi defend very well and it got down to 40 vs 40. Tlp regrouped in the middle. At this point of the fight it was a sniping game any clan member that got lured into the opponent's territory got binded and sniped. Props to Tlp binders they did mad work, no fatality got away once they stepped in our territory. A Few seconds later Fatality attempted a push but failed, Tlp Didn't move an inch. We killed off the few fatality left in the battle field. TLP Starting ~ 43 / TLP Ending ~ 22 Fi Starting ~ 41 / Fi Ending ~ 0 Round three took place in plateau. not much went down it was an easy round. Props to our binders once again. TLP Starting ~ 42 / TLP Ending ~ 32 Fi Starting ~ 37 / Fi Ending ~ 0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er2r84uk2Ug Vid by adobo^ GF FI Thanks for the fights. Saturday, January 23, 2010 We massed for about 30 minutes. We didn't expect anything over 35 but a few members got on last minute. Tlp peaked 46 people for this event. The day started of with Tlp and Dp agreeing on a run in at chaos dwarfs. We Scouted a world and hoped to defend. As Dp was getting ready to attack they got hit by a main clan. Most members from both clans hoped on time but a few got killed. We both re-massed for a few minutes and agreed on changing the fight's location to hills. once again Tlp scouted an empty world and dd'd on the north east hill at lvl 24. Dp rushed from the east-non multy side. The fight looked matched for a minute or two. Thanks our better organization we manage to pull a win out numbed. Tlp starting ~ 43 / Tlp ending ~ 34 Dp starting ~ 48 / Dp ending ~ a few in singles After the fight vs dp we regroup for a few minutes. We went back out with 42 people. We walked around and then got in contact with fi leaders and agreed on a run in fi. They defend at sperm hill we rushed it from the north east side. This wasnt much of a fight. There were mains, led by V3rd3 helping Fi, which was a little annoying, not . Hopefully a better fight next week Tlp starting ~ 42 Tlp / TLP ending- i have no idea, those who didnt dc just walked away and logged. Fi starting ~ 47 / Fi ending- m0nk said about 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJMUGuEiPM4 Suscribe today!
1. mm 2. e 3. eop 4. foe 5. cp 6. tlp- beat dp and had a fight with fi, mains were involved but ill leave it at that as fi leaders know what happened, hopefully u can get it situated..not to mention the dcs in the war was funny lol 7. dp/fi- heard dp was winning but foe crashed or somethin?
looks like tgg won the fight again..how do they do it
ive missed ur hurtful sass <3
yea they are good, ill have to say their 40 returning 1 itemers did beat our 20 members down there on no food =/ so much anger on this topic! :bomb_ie:
there was MAYBE 20-25 max at cw, me being one of them..thats nothing cosiderin we had 60+ left over after the dwarfs fight + the people returning from greaters who ran back down to dwarfs and stopped since they were told to log.. but again..pointless arguing..all 113 people in tlp think they won, all 148 mm think they won..we as a clan know this is no way makes us #2 p2p as consistancy has been a problem, so we'll just have to wait and see where things go from here..im sure you, mm, would welcome more competition with open arms.
dont need flame tlp, let them think what they want, both sides will just argue till next sunday, no point in fighting on here. i just hope we can keep the competition up, should be more fun for everyone
watch the end of our vids, look at opts, and watch this vid and look at the opts we had around clan wars fighting u..our main group had left knowing foe was around + mains at cw, which im sure u had to deal with aswell as i saw some of ur members saying foe killed them.
you are indeed wrong my good sir..dv were off doin their own thing
watch the vids, read the story shame u guys ended right after, but gf none the less, was a rather clean fight
we were out there fighting jaja btw, thats when u guys decided to come run in. 4. dv 5. e 6. dp
Today 1.Foe 2.TLP 3.MM we beat mm, and 80% of the clan walked away to north of bh, since walking to clan wars and fighting there, like mm tried to do, would get full of mains and other clans lurking about, which it did. But i know mm will fight tooth and nail to try and claim the win even when we show our pics and vids but too bad you guys decided to end right after instead of having a rematch, it coulda been fun =[
first off.. @ pk with oj...we..well I never said that the mains were teamed with you..only reason we mention it in the second fight is because i had asked monk to stop his rush because the mains charged us and he didnt stop..which was because he was probably focused on the charge, no big deal understandable as he apologized after for not seeing it. but, its with great disappointment that i have to say this war has been declined and will hopefully be moved to a later date, seeing as Hella has told me that the earliest this war can take place is the 30th. by the looks of it, and by voting, it looked like it woulda been a hell of a fight, but i guess we will see, hopefully in the near future.
So TLP declared full out, FI asked for +5/-5. We offered to them +10/-10 and we are waiting for their answer. people on here say they would beat us in a f2p full out, and im just curious cause its been so long o.O tlp- http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tlp_rs fi- http://runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=rsfi 20 def, corrupt weps off. pvp or cw, doesnt matter to us, up to them.
sorry, but i dont think mm can compete with tlp in a p2p matched fight. =s, but gl if u guys ever wanna try. FI didnt beat tlp, Mains did. both fights, same mains, only hitting TLP :dry: . that was the hardest both clans had to work to get a pkri tho, hopefully it will be easier in the future.. good "fights" none the less i guess.
so we are clear.. E, you guys were not winning our run in. as much as i believe we were winning, i think its impossible to tell for sure since the fight was not goin for more than a minute before foe came. secondly, foe hit us from behind so we were sandwiched, you guys kept hitting us as u didnt know or didnt care that foe was behind us. hopefully we can get a good fight next week. ty for the fight today dp, was fun
very nice guys good job