Well, after 6 years of playing, it's finally time to call it quits. I'm very busy in real life and I'm going into high school next year, meaning I'm limited to my gameplay time and it seems that I just don't have times for these silly games. That is why I am done RS. I honestly cannot believe I am typing this.
Some good memories:
I've been a pure for 5 years now, and clanning for about 4. I've never had a 99 stat, I've never had 200 people on my friends list and I've never been in a top 5 clan. Why? because I didn't want to. I played the game for fun, not professionally.
My favorite memories were probably my time spent in The Hatred (6 months), Disturbed (3 months), Ascendency (2-3 months) and all of the low level clans I joined later on (Elysium, Apathy, Scourge).
People that mean a lot to me:
- ROOT - We've known each other for about 8-9 months now and I cherish our friendship. It was a blast. Good luck :)
- Pierz - Didn't get to know you well, but we were pretty good pals :D Lithuanian 99 strength pride.
- Brian/Giambra - I love you. I remember back in TPF when you were lost on a PK trip and I helped you out, and then you later invited me to Violent Demise. We've been friends for 3 years now and you were one of my best friends. I'll never forget our time spent in TPF, VD and Onslaught (The pk trip where you constantly asked me if I wanted to hump you)
- 1m s0rry - We had a lot of good times. It just sucks that I am leaving as you are returning ):
- Tim/m0tmit - Known you since The Hatred. A good friend. Trustful, loyal and mature.
- StiX - My best friend as of recent. Had a lot of fun talking about p2p multi pking with you.
- Andre/james - Went through a lot with you guys. We all met when we were Ascendency and I still keep contact with you two. <3
- Mew Ftw - We were good friends back in A. I wish you all the best.
- Liams - Haha, Neeger from Whales XD, Love you.
- Hatton - We had our ups and downs. Glad we're cool now B)
- Frewin/Minde - Both ex-D leaders. I love you both equally. Had a lot of fun being in Scourge with Frewin, and a lot of fun chatting it up with Minde on vent back in D. Good luck both of you with your clans.
- Aesalince - A very good friend indeed. Known you since Elysium. Ily.
- Scourge - I love you all as a clan. I wish you guys the best of luck and hope you can get through this rough time.
I am not leaving PW, I will still probably be active, maybe a little less, but I will try my best to continue posting. This is just my leaving Runescape/Scourge post. :3