So yes, it started out like any other day, except Punic arranged us a ventrilo channel. After sitting for a good 2-3 hours, getting told I sound like Seth Green and flaming Carlos for being Mexican, we decided to get a mini.
I advised Frewin to leave Carlos behind, but of course he did not listen to me. Good going, Alex.
Scourge vs IP
After 10-15 minutes of standing around at wilderness volcano and Carlos trying to ruin a GIF I was making, we headed out.
Round 1:
We were defending this round. It went well until about one minute into the fight when we started piling their tanks. I thought it was pointless so I decided it would help out Scourge much more if I stood around and laughed at
Featherz getting piled. I then realised something so dreadful, something so horrible that not even Carlos could compare to it. One of their members was using mith arrows.
We ended up winning only losing one person, who I presume was Carlos.
Round 2:
So, as if it wasn't enough dieing in the first round, Carlos suggested we give them +1. Frewin agreed.
So the second round started and we had a horrible charge losing our pile. Finally we found it, but by then it was too late. Eventually our numbers dropped to 3v5 and 2v5. It was then that me and Carlos were left. I told Carlos to go distract them while
I go hide in single zone, but the fool didn't listen and I got piled. Eventually Carlos died too and we lost.
Round 3:
The final round. We headed to clan wars and chose the platue arena. We had a horrible charge piling their best tanker first. I was the last one to die (for obvious reasons, I have the perfect defence level to tank). Even though Scourge was motivating me VIA ventrilo, I failed to defeat IP 1v5.
So we lost. Many reasons contributed to that, but I believe the main reason we lost is because of Carlos.
We massed up 6-7 people and decided to PvP after that. This would be a perfect time to get my revenge against Carlos.
We couldn't decide what world to go to, and Frewin asked me through Vent if I wanted a +1 or non +1 world. Out of pressure, I got a surge of adrenaline and started to cry. It was then that he chose a non +1 world. We hopped and headed to portals.
We ran into a masser clan. Frewin died almost instantly, followed by the rest of Scourge and of course Carlos. Me and featherz decided to tank it out to BH. I was at 0 hp multiple times, but the Grim Reaper didn't bring up enough courage to tell me that i've been koed, so instead he did the wise thing and healed my hitpoints.
To keep the trip going, me and featherz were running around, 2-man attacking masser clans and using our elite magic prayer. While we were sitting at chaos altar, we got lured north by a mithlord. Featherz ran up first out of excitement, it was only then that Mid Generation piled him.
Just like any coward, I ran away.
Feeling horrible for what I did, I decided to avenge my comrades death and take on MG. When MG reached Bounty Hunter, I gazed at them from the top of the grueling wilderness volcano steps.
I attempted multiple assasination attempts on their leader, which all failed. It was only then that I felt my muscles tighten and I could not move. I was binded. I got called a "********" and ended up dieing, losing my Ring of Wealth.
Out of anger, I ran into edgeville wilderness and found Frewin and started interupting his fight, which in the end lead me to losing a rune pick axe.
All in all it was a good time. Lots of lols on Ventrilo and nearly destroying Mid Generation with 2 people. Good job, Scourge.