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Everything posted by Brayden

  1. Thanks for the respectable fight, perhaps we could have more in the future :)
  2. Dy vs E, small rivalry until you guys pulled more, and completely crushed us. Was actually pretty fun. Another one was Ascendency vs DP.
  3. Nope, you just declined our run-ins all day. Then, when a clan with balls accepted our run-in, you tried to crash it and we cleared you in 15 seconds. Sorry about that! Oh, on topic, good job! You seem mad on every topic p0ke. :S You cleared one zenith member, who accidently logged into the pkri, congratz! Why don't you make a topic about it.
  4. Seems like your a bit upset, the funny thing is theres no way in hell you could beat us when we out number you. You can't even beat us matched opts let alone that quit your lieing.
  5. Give us a matched prep sometime, would love to see a 40 vs 40.
  6. This topic is just a flame bait towards zenith, those pics aren't needed at all.
  7. You made topics, saying you were going to close your clan if your weekend trips weren't better. I think we won. Dv vs Ir Dy vs M Z vs CH z vs CT
  8. Lol? You obviously have a spy, and saw us clear those clans. We had no idea you were coming. We were low pray when you rushed, and we definately had under 40. Stop trying to make your win bigger than it is. Other than that goodjob :thumbsup:
  9. Yeah bro were slumping. Thanks for the prep CP, was really fun. The mix up on round 2, doesn't matter if you guys attacked, we were about to attack anyways, just to clear that up. And round 3 yeah sorry about that. Goodluck tomorrow boys. You guys hit me so I told CP to attack :P I can show vid if you'd like. Naw it was all for fun, thanks for the prep.
  10. Yeah bro were slumping. Thanks for the prep CP, was really fun. The mix up on round 2, doesn't matter if you guys attacked, we were about to attack anyways, just to clear that up. And round 3 yeah sorry about that. Goodluck tomorrow boys.
  11. Come check out #zenith strong f2p, and p2p based clan.
  12. I've never even seen chaotic hit 5 :confused:
  13. I'd rather you didn't call members of my clan Idiots, as if you look at the past 163 comments, and look specifically at Zenith comments, a ridiculously high amount have been brainwashed idiots commenting "i luv u zeniff" "zenif #1 w0t" "control fkin sht" They lack the intelligence to fathom a reasonable comeback to any point which one of "us idiots" "flame" you with. Please don't be hypocritical. Your one to talk right. Your clan made a video directly flamming us. Even if you put "No flame intended" theres still flame. Your trying way to hard man, give up you lost. Accept defeat, and move on. Thought you weren't claiming a win. Try Less. Try less? Your trying so hard to prove your point. The rest of the control members gave up, and accepted defeat. Why can't you. :confused:
  14. I'd rather you didn't call members of my clan Idiots, as if you look at the past 163 comments, and look specifically at Zenith comments, a ridiculously high amount have been brainwashed idiots commenting "i luv u zeniff" "zenif #1 w0t" "control fkin sht" They lack the intelligence to fathom a reasonable comeback to any point which one of "us idiots" "flame" you with. Please don't be hypocritical. Your one to talk right. Your clan made a video directly flamming us. Even if you put "No flame intended" theres still flame. Your trying way to hard man, give up you lost. Accept defeat, and move on.
  15. Connor I love you man long time no see. I saw you at one of zeniths trip, I think you should stop by in #zenith great clan, loves to f2p/p2p.
  16. lemme break it down for you i see your not comprehending 1 (Z) + 1 (DB) = 2 (**** clans) vs #1 med (CT) + 1 (CH) = 2 baws's vs 2 **** clans which is why you got cleared. clearly shown in duvals vid. pm me on irc for math lessons [CT]Dax|L0ot 3m per lesson #1 Med? Ahh I don't think so there buddy. You may be #1 med in F2P, but P2P your game comes no where close.
  17. That is by far the dumbest ******* video i've ever seen. Your ending clearly shows u clearing us, all I see is you guys running in, when we already claimed the win, nice try though :thumbsup:
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