this is my point, for the last 6 weeks we've beaten you in the wilderness yet you still talk **** like anythings different.
you failed at pissing us off but you did give us some nice motivation to come back for week 7 beat you
to all you **** faces saying it's the internet-
they're still people, you're using a retarded excuse to be a complete ***** because no one can hurt you over the internet
i know for a fact that none of you would act like that to a stranger
Why would you beating us for the past few weeks change my opinion on you? If you expected to gain respect for beating us you'd have to do it honorably, without the invites, the mass recruiting and the mains. Or maybe you'd at least have the cahunas to accept a prep or fullout with us, but no.
The way your clan is being run is disrespectful to the pure world in itself, and if other clans start using you as an example then we're all just gonna turn back into cc based clans where whoever can get the most people at w32 edge before a war wins.
edit: Found it amusing that your clan is on a quest for respect from strangers on the internet.
You do understand, that the term mass recruiting is sitting in g.e spamming join "Corrupt pures". A clan closing into another clan is not mass recruiting, no matter how much you want to say it is. If the leaders of a clan join another clan, and there members follow them, your not going to turn away how ever many applications you receive. So stop being judgmental. You want to say "CP mass recruits". Look at when divinity closed. You guys all joined eop. Want me to consider that mass recruiting. If your going to state an argument, at least make it something worth argueing for. Its pathetic to see someone, harp on another clan, just because a clan closed into them.
Furthermore, there just simply isn't any respect in this game anymore. And there probaly never be. Understand that, things change, and the community adapts. Just like the whole community has pretty much adapted, to the one word trolls. Congradulations on the clan leaders, that stood around and did nothing, and provoked this flamming.