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Everything posted by Brayden

  1. whatever you think ;) Whatever I think? We had you guys, I was there. And way to crash our fight against cx, keep teaming, only makes it funny :)
  2. LOL, Bro we never teamed with Ir, They rushed into the fights. We were clearing u at chaos altar, u guys were dropping like flies in the back. Hi chaotic+Ex
  3. Lol, Canada would own US. 100 v 100 quickscopes. But its nice to see u fighting for your country, respect.
  4. Welcome back lithuanians, glad to see you guys coming back strong.
  5. goodjob foe, looks like you guys did work.
  6. Lets just hope the immature people stay in PN.
  7. What kind of rules are these.. There all pretty much in your favor, and the non negotiable part? Thats a joke.
  8. Probaly trip with divinity where we pulled Very high. Was one of my first trips with them Or when Complete domination was having good fights with eop, before they started hitting there Prime.
  9. WHy can't you guys grow up, and say goodfight and be respectful. No wonder why the pure world has gone to ****. You just war for a petty little #1 title, not even for the fun of it anymore.
  10. It shows there weekend. No matter if it causes flames, it lets people know there still in the pure world, and there pull. Sure there is trolls, but thats even on runescape community to. The immature people really ruin the topics, but its funny watching it.
  11. Party hard! Sip back on some keystones.
  12. Just goes to proove the point, you can't post a topic, about a fight anymore even if you won or loss. Its all about that win, no fun left in the game.
  13. lol at this. The pure world isn't doing all that bad considering the state of Runescape. If there were a few more PvP/BH worlds clans could actually have fights without getting crashed which would do wonders for the Pure World. Unfortunately the pure world won't reach it's prime again, fights are too much about being a "tank" now and not being aggressive, new people to the pure community just get owned because of this. Edit: There's barely an honour code or rules to follow at all. Makes it kind of hard and gay... Like me. Pretty much summed it up, the honour code, was huge back in the day. And clans would be despised, and hated for cheating, teleing, spies. Anything that was considered "NH" Now adays, theres nothing honour left in this community. You may think its at its prime, but it will never hit its prime again. Not unless jagex, wakes up, and gives us more bh worlds. But I don't see that happening.
  14. The flaws would be to great, and it would be the same stuff going on. Like the tiniest cheat, would claim an auto win, and stuff like, your memberlist closing for a week, that won't happen again. No clan will close there memberlist. Its the new pure era.
  15. Well, you see. I'm not in any clan, but the way it seems to work out is, that lower level clans don't seem to succeed because of there leadership. The people leading these clans don't usually have a good leadership base, and won't succeed. But with these higher med level clans, it seems that the leadership is stable and well organized. When you see a clan slumping, you can tell that something is lacking in either the leadership, or the members. Thats my opinion though.
  16. Well, alot of clans depend on returning now adays, and most wars last up to a good 20 minutes to 2 hours. In f2p, none of that happends, or should happen, because of the returning spots. Its only the difficulty in p2p, you should just stay in one area, one clan gets pushed so be it. Its ridiculous to see two topics being made, because both clans have proof that back there story up. So you can never really determine a true winner, unless you happen to be in the fight, or watching. But posting a topic isn't even for the fun of it anymore, its for the publicity.
  17. Congratz on the promo's well deserved.
  18. The thing is, if you look at it. EOP has probaly the most banned Pure warfare accounts out of any clan here. So it was only time they would start to think it turned bias. With the moderation here at Pure Warfare, it isn't biased at all. You have Omni Karl, 2 admins not in clans, you also have other moderators doing a great job. Mark isn't biased either. Foe and Eop took charge to create a new forum, because I'm guessing after seftket re-joined foe, he told them he could make a forum. And seeing as he did, he has given his "friends" admins. Which will just be runned as a bias site. You see when Pure warfare started, it wasn't like that at all, and I don't think there hasn't been one promotion thats been biased. These boards were a mess with the constant flames, and trolls. And now as you see when Foe/EOP/Ch left these boards, the flames and trolls disappeared. And yes that sounds a little biased, but every clan plays a role in trolling, and flamming. Like walli said, clans don't pk to have "fun" anymore. Now its whatever clan can lie/cheat/scam there way to a #1 spot. Theres no mutual respect, or friendly rivalries, its all cheating, and flamming. And once people actually realize that this is one of the main causes to the downfall of the community, things will start to get better. As of now, i see Pure warfare being a more enjoyable place for now.
  19. A truely tragic story, He seemed like a very friendly person, and had a lot going for him. R.I.P Bro =/
  20. Karl is getting lucky tonight boys! with his left hand ;) Eh just kiddin happy birthday bud.
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