fourms| Memberlist | #ub-clan
Table of Contents
I: About Us
II: Requirements
III: The Staff
IV: Rules
V: Events
I. About Us
Untouchable started when Trile got kicked out of a low level clan called " Unrated ," on April 21st 2009. Trile decided to make another low level clans and be rivals with Unrated and there leaders. Untouchable started with 5 mates - Trile - R1n - Blue - G0dz - Elit3( later get booted cause of hacking blue). Yes we were small back then but that won't stop us. Later on as Untouchable [uB] and Unrated [uR] rivals ended because Unrated closed due to loyalty of there clans left to join UB. After Unrated closed, our new rivals was IC then VD then EL, and lot of clans. And so we begin...
Untouchable is a good community for pures. We a clans that love events such as mini, pvp, and bh'ing against or with other clans. We're one of the honor clans that follow the rules strictly and have fun. As you may known we started off with 5 peoples and by next week we had total of 10 people. So, we decided to start having mini. We started a mini with Vd, and won 3-0. Our record turn to be 1-0 and by the end of the day it became 4-0. By next week it became 10-5. By today ( May 14 2009 ), it became 38-7. The purpose of this clan is to unite low level pures and full out mid-clans. We're also intention to be the best low level clans out there.
II. Requirement
To join Untouchable, you'll need some requirement to join us. First of all if you are a melee you need 40 attack levels to weild a rune skimmy, and an you will need at least 55 strength. Another option for melee is 30 attack and 55 strength. For range it is simple you just need 55ranged. For magic you need at least 59 magic. All this is a must and you'll need 1-20 defence and at least 47 hitpoints.
III: The Staff
Blue | x pillage x
R1N | h0b0 pkers
g0dz| Kirby
Trile | This Is PD
Amber|I 8x7 I
High Council
strguri | 0bama 0wnz 2
IV: Rules
- Be active on forums, IRC, and ingame.
- No Flaming No matter what.
- Always listen to higher ranks.
- No skipping official trips while online.
- Never bring teleports while PvP.
- No pornographic related.
- Follow the runescape rules.
Our rules is easy to follow, and may be strict, but it'll be fun.
V: Events
Events that we do in Untouchable is like the same as the other clans, such as mini wars, full out, iron war, 2v2 dm, f2p training, Official and Unofficial trips PvP and BH. On sunday we often do a allies trip to go BH and PvP. Here is some video(s) our members video:
UB VS DR then MG
untouchable vs carpediem
ub allied pvp trip vs apz MG and R