It started out as a discussion between myself and Jib, about how we could create a F2P Powerhouse and have alot of fun if we put effort in. We're a ridiculously organised low level clan (Yes, an actual low level clan with a 48-65 cap, and a 10 def cap making us one of the only "true" pure clans) with an old school feel, comprised almost exclusively of Ex Epidemic/DP members. We've been fighting people outlevelled in pretty much every fight and have won the majority of them, which is a testament to our organisation if nothing else.
An example of our levels
As for your remark about the "new concept in clanning", yes it is actually. These newer clans model themselves on the successful image of the older, more prominent clans, pretty much copying them and each other so its pretty difficult to distinguish between these sort of clans, hence why the majority of them die and fade into obscurity. In regards to the specific point brought up with our application system ; its common sense. I don't feel the need to add stupid, irrelevant questions such as "DO U KNOW WOT SPAMMING IS", which alot of clans add because they've seen other clans add it. This unoriginal nature to clans now is what is making everything so bland, and I don't want to be a part of that. We're also pushing the limits of pure clanning as it is at the moment, with an automated application system and an automated sign up system amongst other stuff that Marty has coded including IRC/Clan Chat connectivity and an "NME Client" with some cool features.
Our staff and members are all highly experienced, having led or being members some of the more successful clans in the last couple of years, and now, we're just trying to milk this game for all the fun we can before eventually drifting away into our real lives.