Videos of the day's action
- PkElmo (Sorry it doesn't include last fight as the fight went on way too long to video lol)
- Vidded by Kruck Short summary
Beginning could of been better as most clans were either chasing each other or running from us. But it soon picked up as we hit both MM and EOP who had a bit more than us, which gave us a welcomed challenge in P2P.
We went out with ~65 members ready to **** **** up today, on this fine Halloween's Eve.
We started wandering around until we heard Mm crashing a fight (Npo vs Fi). So we went north of Gap and barrage the hell out of Mm. Seeing as we were a bit outnumbered we play it smart and used gap to our advantage. We drag Mm into the gap and took out loads of them until we heard Eop crashed Mm south of gap. Mm then regroup east toward single and soon we found ourselves fighting Eop. Surprisingly, Eop had more than us as well. After a few mins of each clan throwing barrage at each other Mm were at gdz ready to charge us from behind ,however, not wanting to be sandwiched between 2 clans that both outnumber us we regroup west to red dragon gate logged out and got a bank.
After the short cluster between Eop and Mm we went back out ready to have a go at either one of them. However, Mm even though they had 10+ more or so refused to fight us and went to f2p worlds/ full worlds to avoid us. So we turned to Eop but they were stalking Tlp in single. With both clans not wanting to fight us we went into our pking worlds and ran into some main team and some randoms. After 20mins of wandering about, we then found Eop at corp and took out a few of them. Most of Eop had ran up north-east stairs and soon Eop pmed us asking for a pk run-in. Excited by this we called everyone to bank and then regroup back up at gdz. But eop never got back to us and I think they had ended at this point.
So we set back to hunting Mm. We finally found Mm back in a p2p world and in mult. So we quickly logged before Mm changed their minds but Mm were ready for us as well logged in at gdz they manage to kill a few of us. But we took over the Gdz hut and got our dds's on Mm and quickly ripped them apart. Mm then found themselves trying to return but getting 1 banged each time they teled in. We pushed Mm east and Mm try to retake the return spot but couldn't. Mm then tried to mass tele in and regroup north of the hut but we had too many mages and most of them never made it outside the hut. After seeing that calling a regroup outside the hut was pointless Mm got desperate and began 1 item barraging everything inside the hut. But we then called a regroup west of the hut and Mm starting spamming "Gf Foe" until they noticed that they were barraging their own members.
We repeatedly cleared MM from the hut where they would then get a mass teleport in, and we'd clear again. Eventually we would have to wait quite a while and would sit there getting ragged by many mains, loads of them known to be MM. (Can't blame them going on their mains after getting bummed on their pures). After a while, we cleared MM again and then dipped, knowing for quite a while that we would end up possibly losing if we allowed ourselves to sit there and get ragged by all the mains, while coming in contact with very few MM 'pures'. The almost 600 kills and 2.2 KD speaks for itself in the molestation FOE had on MM today, and can only hope for the best. Was a grand fight, I apologize to MM that we forced you to stoop down to straight 1 iteming and going on your mains.
Thanks for finally giving us a fight Mm. Cya next week.
Thank you to all the pure clans was a great day.
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