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Everything posted by flawppyism

  1. flawppyism


    yes and yes :3 surprised at the results on the marriage question o.o
  2. i liked the 1st season the best
  3. hoping reincarnation is real so i could live life again :3
  4. here comes the sun - the beetles <333333333333
  5. dats kool D: wish i could draw lyk dat =[
  6. Yes, I'm gonna miss it. I LOVE YOUUUU <3 <333
  7. I'm moving to usa i got mii green card nao :3 im gonna live off drunk :P
  8. flawppyism


    it doesnt work for me =[
  9. androo mad he cnt dl porn no moar? :3 hai androo <3
  10. ow and i forgot to add telletummies scare da crap outta me =[ i had a nightmare once and it's stuck with me =[
  11. hai im flawppy im new to da community of pure warfare i come from a farawaii land kalld london where believe it or not, buses are red and double decker (<- not sure if right spelling =[) && we have roundabouts which I can only discribe to u as dat circle thingy on da roads :P mii fav person on dis site use to be lawson coz he smelt nice :3 but nao its andrew he nos why <3 mii fav food is mii grandmas legendry lamb curry D: for me that and my mums (<- right spelling) cooking is the nicest edible thing on da universe. as you can tell I lyk food D: but der are some food i hate such as wuddu (prateek knows what it is and if he doesn't he is the luckiest indian alive =[ ) and nandos chicken which is dry and der sauces aint dat great either, it taste lyk nothing, it just burns your mouth, idk why it's soo popular then again dats mii opinion white folks may like it =p mii fav show on TV growing up was faulty towers and only fools and horses. Even doe der was only 12 episodes of faulty towers it used to come on repeat every daii on BBC1 same with only fools and horses. :P Only fools got crappy after season 9 or 10 o.o. It's lyk scrubs it should have ended when it was meant to end =[ but still dey were mii fav shows :3 coz dats da only channel we had. (our TV sucked) mii fav movie is The Lion King, I remember me crying (i was young fuu) at a shop for mii dad to buy it on a video cassette and he said naw u got enof movies at home =[ and den mii grandad baught it for me coz I was super sad and watching it at home and i cried ova dat movie :3 and mii family were lyk o.o and i was lyk :'(. In fact I'm such a lion king nerd i know almost all the lines of all the charecters it's sad =[ lol aniiwaii if u read all of dat with mii awsam spelling weldone coz itz kool to typ lyk dis :3 and if u dnt think dat fuuuu den =[ and dis is da end of mii topic btw :3 coz icba to type nemoar =[
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