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Everything posted by flawppyism

  1. AAO rivalry (mii 1st rivalry) TH rivalry (i remember it being the most fun I've ever had on rs =]]] was probablly our last clean rivalry without getting ddossd or having fake wins claimed vs us =[[[[[[[[[[) being #1 in BH crator when it was multi (I remember only us and TH being the only ones pulling good but we won almost all of the fights =p but they were always intense :3) DP rivalry (was ok i guess) pulling 120 people and being #1 for a month or 2 (was fun but was too easy =[[) making NME, Z and HI team on us closing NME FI fullout (proved every one wrong :3)
  2. all the other clans were near mossies or single... YE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT DID YA **** FACE
  3. I joined JP coz mii main sucked and everyones main clans req was lyk 110+ cbt and im too lazy to train :3 dis is where i met drunk aka alchimist3089482 <- dnt remember full name =[ mii 1st war was with EOR and it was fun even doe drunk left me and chased som1 with full iron and mith scim =[[[[[[[ then died to anova random klen =[ den i was lyk drunk lets open a klen togetha coz we didnt lyk JPs leadership and jibs was a very angry person at the time =[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ and drunk was lyk noooo flawp maaan i wnna join SO i was lyk DRUNK NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and he was lyk FLAWP I WANNA JOIN SO and i was lyk but drunk we're under aged brookbackmounterrrs and drunk was lyk FLAWPPY NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANNA JOIN SO and i was lyk BUT DRUNK WE KEN MAKE #1 KLEN EVA and drunk was finnally lyk okaii :3 then we made OP and drunk was lyk FLAWP TOO MANY KLENS R NAMED OP =[[[[ and i was lyk BUT DRUNK ITS A WESAM NAME and drunk was lyk nooo man i wnna be sumthin kool den 3hitupure was lyk GUYS U WNNA BE OUR JR KLEN and i was lyk naw and drunk was lyk OKAI!@@$"!@$ then we became Sacred pures den 3 hit u pure was lyk guys im gnna ave to shut u down ur 2 strong with your 100 man pulls and stoff D: and drunk was lyk **** U and rage was lyk GUUUYZ WE KEN LYK GO INDEPENDENT AND STOFF and drunk was lyk kaiii and i was lyk kaiii and rage was lyk we'll be da opposite of sacred pures and call ourselves corrupt pures D: little did we know CP also meant child porn =[ and from that daii on i've been CP :3 been promoted a few tyms and stepped down a few tyms coz i suck at rs =[[[[[[ also mii comp keeps breaking =[ and i've loved almost everyone whose been CP :3 `pure knows dis is troo story D: ask him :3
  4. revenge? over a prep? HA DONT BE SILLY :3 no1 takes rs that srslly XD
  5. mm get mad too easily =[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ please look at da kat slurpin up da noodle D: look hao happy he is :3 noodle brings joy D: get off rs and slurp a noodle todaii :3
  6. that is the smartest reply ever!~@!~ D: grammer and everyhting :3 marry me
  7. this is probablly da same thing id saii :3 except id change MM to forum guests and 10 year olds :P
  8. I swear your IRL pics were leaked? Aren't you fatter than Chris loooool don't talk bro go for a jog xD. Nice trip today also, 30 kills 36 deaths. Officially ending the pure era as Runescapes shettist clan, the same way you came in xD. Easy now, Bringing inrl into runescape isn't nice. We all know Chris is the fatest kid in runescape. ok ok ok.. maybe 2nd to walli but anyway until you cam up mate, you can't say ****. dnt kall fat people fat =[ kall dem big boned it sounds less mean :3 but gj todaii MM no need to be mean to everyone doe =[[[[[[[[[[
  9. I'm not taking away anything Epidemic did, I'm just pointing out the fact that you guys closed a week after you beat MM, for the first time. Your whole outlook of claiming #1 was beating MM once, not even an attempt to defend the title. your inexperience in the community shows when ranking CP out of the top 5, but thats probably just a bait seeing as how our most recent showcase of exposing the remake of Epidemic has made you bitter towards us. It's nothing personal against CP. You guys have been a fantastic clan over the years - even if your leadership quality has diminished quite a lot recently. I would have definitely ranked you #6 in F2P but the list only went to #5. But people have different opinions and different perspectives. Tinted shades and all that. Oh and for the record; I think we went back and forth trading wins with MM for like 6 weeks - 2 months before we closed. It wasn't just a one week thing. closing as soon as #1 starts slipping away =[ now claiming on being one of the best pure clans ever :3 couldn't handle the pressure obviously ;]
  10. f2p: #1 mm - didnt adapt #2 cp - made everyone adapt :3 except mm D:
  11. this rivalry looks too easy =[ let me flawppykinns master of fortune telling and evil overlord of CP explain whats going to happen in the future :3 CP going to go after HI HI going to run away telling their members CP is teaming CP continues to hunt HI CP gives up hunting HI because HI are too good at logging (they're using NMES "omg its CP log out" bot) and asks someone for pkri HI crashes claiming win vs CP+other clan claiming they were teaming HI makes topic on PW massive **** storm of really bloody poop or CP go after HI again HI run away CP and HI start fighting FOE/MM/EOP or w.e butthole clan crashes 10 secs into fight HI make topic on PW 10 mins later saying they won massive **** storm aand we all know how this ends HI closes 2 months later makes topic joins EOP, EOP gets number boost fights MM/FI Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded Leech is retarded a few months later EOP goes back to pulling what they are now coz once again Leech is retarded and HI members are really bad not worth my time fighting another bad clan that talks big and runs away =[ already had that experiance vs NME no need to go through it again :3 why not save yourselves the trouble and just appologise to lord Toxine and CP and he maii forgive you for ur sins D: then you maii even survive another year :3
  13. we'd all love that =] but people would get sniped by mains or itd get crashed =]
  14. Yup but Fi is #1 f2p matched clan atm due to their lvls :P cp #2 doe :P LOl LOl When was the last time Fi/Cp beat my clan? Because all I remember is a handful of 3-0's against CP and 2-1's against Fi not gnna lie when we prep mm we play music coz itd be too easy if we actually called =[
  15. read sig =] nmes cc every trip :3 mad we raped u in full out :3 the difference between your combat level and the combat level of "yousif" is too great yousif was in IR cp crashed a fight vs IR+NME thanks for making yourself look ever so retarded :3 w.e your clans dead l000000000l
  16. read sig =] nmes cc every trip :3 mad we raped u in full out :3
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