Makes what any difference?
Surely if a clan acts in this manner it should be shunned by the rest of the community
I don't condone hacking of any sort, but honestly I don't see any higher pulling clan being in any sort of a position to frown upon it. They may assume role of innocence to an extent in front of peers, but I can guarantee each involves themselves in such acts. It's the way the community is, I'll just go on continuing to ignore it.
Debate my opinion if you wish, I don't care, but I just know how it is, whether you are too ignorant to admit it or not.
okay so can you please guarantee us that Fi deserved this?
lets all hack the rival clan's leader and cheer on ts while you get him defence, drop all his chaotics, and take all of his money
yep that's just how the community is now!!!
Never said "Fi" well Addy Daddy deserved this, as I said I don't condone hacking whatsoever.
Was asleep while it happened, and my opinion was that there are individuals in every clan who do this, that's exactly how the community is now.
"higher pulling clans cannot frown upon this" you said it yourself and you cannot back yourself up with why Fatality deserve this or don't have the right to "frown upon it"
you're just saying that this is how the community is but Fi haven't done anything to deserve this except beat you guys on trips lol
p.s the fact that the vid shows the hacker spamming "JOIN EOP R[]FL" and the EOP ranks cheering him on shows that this was a clan thing. this wasn't a personal jab at addy daddy.
losing on runescape? hack them up yo!
You're just saying all this because you know your own clan cannot compete with the rules set in place. And while you may defeat prestigious clans like hi in preps you continue to fail in preps and in wildy because you can't adapt! Ha!