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Everything posted by `Peter

  1. yo Dude go 1 Def gear this Saturday we'll fight you but u won't and u know it.. If you will get your 1 Def gear we'll hit the living **** out of you. Why would we when we can continue embarrassing your clan with armor and making your members make pointless topics like this. I think its more fun that way. In b4 need addy to compete excuse
  2. Yea they sit down on the computer 5+ hours sitting in single, ddos'ing, paying for locations, and scouting another clan. Well you should find a new clan if you sitting in single for 5+ hours... And who has a 5 hour trip anyways. ddos'ing is completely irreverent to my post seeing at it doesn't take that much time or labor to do. Paying for locations is not labor. Scouting another clan is not labor. Training another account just because someone doesn't like your current account is just straight up stupid. Finally someone with sense. Like the 30 def sig cp made? Its baws ye?
  3. 5-2-1 push that was jake lol i miss him =(
  4. Pm any rank for a f2p prep :thumbsup: This We cant really get into #Clan-CP Because Chain feels the need to put any1 with a [Z] Tag who ask for a prep on Akick =( =( we're too busy for preps, toxines retiring this week Do you need every excuse in the book to decline a prep? I just called you out, after you call yourselves a better clan. Get a grip, and get off our topic. but we are the better clan? i dont comprehend....
  5. The vid is on the post. Pay attention to the guy in yellow robes that rushes FOE first and tanks all the rangers (; Dasss me. thats me you stupid **** you **** me off, stop taking credit for everything
  6. I think you completely took the meaning of this topic and shoved it where your head is. First of all, EoP doesn't wear addy on weekend trips. Second of all, you're being the exact cancer he is talking about by saying that you believe clans only get defense because they can't "compete."(which may or may not be true) However, the point of this topic wasn't to call out EoP on false claims, flame other clans for their beliefs, nor to praise NME and MM for accepting what they want. The point of this topic was a reply to karl's topic, broadened to allow for open discussion. Eop does still where addy in all the video's i have watched and the pics on your topics i see addy... ALOT of it? I was not only picking on eop but also CP and fi etc... Your an idiot to say its not true? As i said, mm and nme are the last pure clans. Start your own " NEW " community 30 plus defence reqs and leave us pures that are left keep our 1-10 or 1-20 defence reqs. 20 def aint pure brah
  7. you are disrespecting the gods with this as addy is the armor of the gods
  8. Pm any rank for a f2p prep :thumbsup: This We cant really get into #Clan-CP Because Chain feels the need to put any1 with a [Z] Tag who ask for a prep on Akick =( =( we're too busy for preps, toxines retiring this week
  9. prep us nme. they're not a prep clan, frankly not a pk clan either so idk what they are hmm
  10. Who are you??? We're not getting cocky... ye we are, what about your speech topic on forums right after prep saying CP #1 Matched?
  11. I get it, but yeah nme are a clan like no other we've faced before. :/ L M FA 0
  12. because your clan has the highest defense average plus your ranks are also saying they paved the way into this 35 defense of the pure community hell, POT's def avg is 30, you're only 7 away illy kyle dont be like that =(
  13. It is funny that you say people use excuses because all I hear from everyone with 30+ defence have a brunch of excuses for accepting it. As I said earlier on this or the other topic CP as a clan was the first one to introduce 20def and now using 30. But I love how some unnamed people choose to single my clan out saying that we got def because we can't compete when they choose to otherwise ignore the facts that we are not the only ones with addy. I really don't care about being unnamed/un-popular on a internet game so your little unnamed statement is just retarded. Please tell me how CP was the clan to introduce 20def, you been in CP since like 2009ish so you don't act like you have done something. You are ranked in a clan and don't even know how to edit a post good job. Also the reason why you guys didn't get 30 defence before was because you guys were too poor before bots became big. You guys use to wear red d'hide chaps and **** to preps I know I had a good friend in CP. typical response, start a new argument and ignore mine, not gona bother
  14. It is funny that you say people use excuses because all I hear from everyone with 30+ defence have a brunch of excuses for accepting it. As I said earlier on this or the other topic CP as a clan was the first one to introduce 20def and now using 30. But I love how some unnamed people choose to single my clan out saying that we got def because we can't compete when they choose to otherwise ignore the facts that we are not the only ones with addy a Also want to say that CP didn't suddenly go from a 1 def to 30 def clan overnight just to compete with some garbage clans like they claim we did. Cp as a clan was consistent now for 6 years and we will continue to adapt to this watered down pure community as we see fit.
  15. It is funny that you say people use excuses because all I hear from everyone with 30+ defence have a brunch of excuses for accepting it. As I said earlier on this or the other topic CP as a clan was the first one to introduce 20def and now using 30. But I love how some unnamed people choose to single my clan out saying that we got def because we can't compete when they choose to otherwise ignore the facts that we are not the only ones with addy.
  16. You must be former Cp you seem to hate us with a passion
  17. Why does one adapt?Also; The mentality "IT'S JUST A GAME PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY" is fine, I respect that, but when you made a pure or advertise your clan as a pure clan, you had to follow certain limitations. 30 def gives great advantages, but it's not 1-10 or even 1-20 def, now is it? The simple fact of the matter is that 40 def and 45 def gives great advantages too, why don't you just go the whole way and accept that? Because you guys need to stay in this little community and you will get 39 def, but not 40 because it's the symbol of being main. You are doing whatever you can to get an advantage over the rest of the clans because it's too hard to win fights the right way. If you have such a problem with 30 def, why do clans with 1-20 def bother competing with us, instead of fighting 'real pure clans.' People don't get defence to gain an advantage over clans, people do it because thats how they want to play the game. No clan is forcing there members to get defence, its a personal choice. There is a certain extent of fairness when both types of clans are fighting such as 1 defence rules but excuses still come into play, however in the wilderness people will wear addy if their clan allows them to, so it's down to you whether you want to fight them or not. Either way, if your telling 30 def people to get 45 def for even better advantages and indirectly telling 30 def people to get out of here, it's diminshing the so called 'pure community.' So you think that people get 30 defence because "that's how they want to play the game" and not to gain an advantage over other clans. You kidding me? Wake up and smell the coffee. Your own clan promotes 100 combat and doing whatever it takes to get 100 combat (39 def) because that's how you want to play the game? not because you want to have the highest def possible and still be able to post on this site, and fight clans that are actually pures? C'mon, you're not that blind. Why would you bring the topic onto CP now when there are clearly other clans that have 30+ def. Tell me all the names of the members with 30+ def unquested. Don't even go there about the 44 def kid because he got hacked and he was still in the clan chat. Most of our 30+ def kids are fully quested, you just try your hardest to make our clan look bad. I got turmoil to make pking more fun for me and it surely did and i'm sure others feel the same. Just because we are raising our combat averages doesn't necessarily we're training defence? Look where your clan is at the moment, barely pulling 35 to trips when you were pulling 70 2 months ago. Can you beat any clan at clan wars? No. Why not? Because you use the defence excuse even thought it's a 1 def cap fight. Talk all the sht you want but lets try keep this topic general instead of picking out CP because I can run my mouth about your clan too. That's like you guys fighting HF or even a proper main clan in 1 def gear. I'm 100% sure you'd lose.... You got turmoil to pk, ok fair enough. But that's for P2P pking, not F2P clanning. No need to use addy on F2P trips. Even in 1 def gear you have a huge advantage over real pure clans. Stop using these forums if you're not calling your self a pure clan. If I have 30 def for turmoil, why not wear addy for f2p trips? Are we the only clan that does it? We've had F2P preps with main clans before including HF, but the fact is that you've yet again singled out CP. Why can't you complain to other clans? Just becuase we have a high def average does not mean the whole clan is 30 def. You seriously got to think about the whole community instead of trying to target us, because look where that has gotten your clan. And why don't you tell everyone that accepts 30+ def to stop using these forums then, instead of just us. In fact our Def average is only 23. Most butthurt members of other clans just use the "lol cp 30 def" excuse to explain their clans shortcomings against us. and its a damn sad fact, I mean we're good people aren't we?
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