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Everything posted by `Peter

  1. Why does one adapt?Also; The mentality "IT'S JUST A GAME PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY" is fine, I respect that, but when you made a pure or advertise your clan as a pure clan, you had to follow certain limitations. 30 def gives great advantages, but it's not 1-10 or even 1-20 def, now is it? The simple fact of the matter is that 40 def and 45 def gives great advantages too, why don't you just go the whole way and accept that? Because you guys need to stay in this little community and you will get 39 def, but not 40 because it's the symbol of being main. You are doing whatever you can to get an advantage over the rest of the clans because it's too hard to win fights the right way. If you have such a problem with 30 def, why do clans with 1-20 def bother competing with us, instead of fighting 'real pure clans.' People don't get defence to gain an advantage over clans, people do it because thats how they want to play the game. No clan is forcing there members to get defence, its a personal choice. There is a certain extent of fairness when both types of clans are fighting such as 1 defence rules but excuses still come into play, however in the wilderness people will wear addy if their clan allows them to, so it's down to you whether you want to fight them or not. Either way, if your telling 30 def people to get 45 def for even better advantages and indirectly telling 30 def people to get out of here, it's diminshing the so called 'pure community.' So you think that people get 30 defence because "that's how they want to play the game" and not to gain an advantage over other clans. You kidding me? Wake up and smell the coffee. Your own clan promotes 100 combat and doing whatever it takes to get 100 combat (39 def) because that's how you want to play the game? not because you want to have the highest def possible and still be able to post on this site, and fight clans that are actually pures? C'mon, you're not that blind. Why would you bring the topic onto CP now when there are clearly other clans that have 30+ def. Tell me all the names of the members with 30+ def unquested. Don't even go there about the 44 def kid because he got hacked and he was still in the clan chat. Most of our 30+ def kids are fully quested, you just try your hardest to make our clan look bad. I got turmoil to make pking more fun for me and it surely did and i'm sure others feel the same. Just because we are raising our combat averages doesn't necessarily we're training defence? Look where your clan is at the moment, barely pulling 35 to trips when you were pulling 70 2 months ago. Can you beat any clan at clan wars? No. Why not? Because you use the defence excuse even thought it's a 1 def cap fight. Talk all the sht you want but lets try keep this topic general instead of picking out CP because I can run my mouth about your clan too. That's like you guys fighting HF or even a proper main clan in 1 def gear. I'm 100% sure you'd lose.... You got turmoil to pk, ok fair enough. But that's for P2P pking, not F2P clanning. No need to use addy on F2P trips. Even in 1 def gear you have a huge advantage over real pure clans. Stop using these forums if you're not calling your self a pure clan. See that type of attitude sets your clan up for failure since your just making excuses, My class is starting talk to yall later
  2. Why does one adapt?Also; The mentality "IT'S JUST A GAME PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY" is fine, I respect that, but when you made a pure or advertise your clan as a pure clan, you had to follow certain limitations. 30 def gives great advantages, but it's not 1-10 or even 1-20 def, now is it? The simple fact of the matter is that 40 def and 45 def gives great advantages too, why don't you just go the whole way and accept that? Because you guys need to stay in this little community and you will get 39 def, but not 40 because it's the symbol of being main. You are doing whatever you can to get an advantage over the rest of the clans because it's too hard to win fights the right way. If you have such a problem with 30 def, why do clans with 1-20 def bother competing with us, instead of fighting 'real pure clans.' People don't get defence to gain an advantage over clans, people do it because thats how they want to play the game. No clan is forcing there members to get defence, its a personal choice. There is a certain extent of fairness when both types of clans are fighting such as 1 defence rules but excuses still come into play, however in the wilderness people will wear addy if their clan allows them to, so it's down to you whether you want to fight them or not. Either way, if your telling 30 def people to get 45 def for even better advantages and indirectly telling 30 def people to get out of here, it's diminshing the so called 'pure community.' So you think that people get 30 defence because "that's how they want to play the game" and not to gain an advantage over other clans. You kidding me? Wake up and smell the coffee. Your own clan promotes 100 combat and doing whatever it takes to get 100 combat (39 def) because that's how you want to play the game? not because you want to have the highest def possible and still be able to post on this site, and fight clans that are actually pures? C'mon, you're not that blind. Why would you bring the topic onto CP now when there are clearly other clans that have 30+ def. Tell me all the names of the members with 30+ def unquested. Don't even go there about the 44 def kid because he got hacked and he was still in the clan chat. Most of our 30+ def kids are fully quested, you just try your hardest to make our clan look bad. I got turmoil to make pking more fun for me and it surely did and i'm sure others feel the same. Just because we are raising our combat averages doesn't necessarily we're training defence? Look where your clan is at the moment, barely pulling 35 to trips when you were pulling 70 2 months ago. Can you beat any clan at clan wars? No. Why not? Because you use the defence excuse even thought it's a 1 def cap fight. Talk all the sht you want but lets try keep this topic general instead of picking out CP because I can run my mouth about your clan too. kids like prateeks excuse will always be the same and won't change despite their clan not performing to its max. It will always be that it is not pure according to the 2006 version of the word or it will be that we are using defense to an advantage becuz we can't win otherwise. I also love how you choose to single cp out when our def average is 23 on par with most of the other clans. If your clan got its head out of the gutter and even considered def u will most likely win a lot more fights and i actually think that. Also your argument on us having def because we can't Compete is invalid because we have probably had defense already for the longest time and would not know that we got it just to compete
  3. Why does one adapt? Also; The mentality "IT'S JUST A GAME PLAY HOW YOU WANT TO PLAY" is fine, I respect that, but when you made a pure or advertise your clan as a pure clan, you had to follow certain limitations. 30 def gives great advantages, but it's not 1-10 or even 1-20 def, now is it? The simple fact of the matter is that 40 def and 45 def gives great advantages too, why don't you just go the whole way and accept that? Because you guys need to stay in this little community and you will get 39 def, but not 40 because it's the symbol of being main. You are doing whatever you can to get an advantage over the rest of the clans because it's too hard to win fights the right way. If you have such a problem with 30 def, why do clans with 1-20 def bother competing with us, instead of fighting 'real pure clans.' People don't get defence to gain an advantage over clans, people do it because thats how they want to play the game. No clan is forcing there members to get defence, its a personal choice. There is a certain extent of fairness when both types of clans are fighting such as 1 defence rules but excuses still come into play, however in the wilderness people will wear addy if their clan allows them to, so it's down to you whether you want to fight them or not. Either way, if your telling 30 def people to get 45 def for even better advantages and indirectly telling 30 def people to get out of here, it's diminshing the so called 'pure community.' So you think that people get 30 defence because "that's how they want to play the game" and not to gain an advantage over other clans. You kidding me? Wake up and smell the coffee. Your own clan promotes 100 combat and doing whatever it takes to get 100 combat (39 def) because that's how you want to play the game? not because you want to have the highest def possible and still be able to post on this site, and fight clans that are actually pures? C'mon, you're not that blind. Look at FOE, the symbol of pure clanning. You think they started using addy out of nowhere because that's how they want to play the game? They got smacked by CP's wave of Addy and instead of looking at how they performed, they just reverted to addy. That's the clan that won all of the awards on this site. What are EOP doing now? They're allowing addy to trips because their competition is going to be running around in Addy. NOT because that's "how they want to play the game". Instead of just "adapting" because you think that your opponent has addy, you can't win no matter what, why don't you guys improve your performance, and warring? Why don't you get the number advantage on your rival clans to even out the addy? If that doesn't work, then revert to addy? question is, why won't you?
  4. It's not called handicapping, it's called being an actual pure clan. You aren't even looking at the argument properly. Yes, this is just a game, and the ones who have the best armor will always win, then why don't you get the fuck off of this site and go get the best armor possible in F2P? "BUT YOU GOTTA ADAPT YOOOOO" - Why? Why are you adapting? The guys that adapt are the ones who couldn't survive in the first place. Yes turmoil came out which gave great bonuses with 30 def, but 45 def gives great bonuses too? You guys aren't "adapting" or advancing in the pure community. You guys are doing whatever it takes to win. That's it. Promoting 39 def in your clan to get higher combat, for advantages. That's not adapting, that's called being shit at what warring, and trying to gain as many little advantages as possible so you can win. . You're not understanding the whole point of being pures and being in a pure clan. It isn't some "silly honor code" that can just be looked over. If you accept 30 def, then why are you still accepting kids that are 1 def? You don't understand that the people aren't angry that you're accepting 30 def. People are angry that you're accepting 30 def and then calling yourselves pures. You post on a site that is for pures, so if you think that being pure is follow a silly honor rule, why don't you get off of the site and do your own thing? Face it, all the clans with 30 defence are not "adapting to survive", you just want the advantage because you guys don't know how to improve yourselves in any other way. You can't accept 1 defence and then tell the rest of your members to get 39 def so you have a bigger chance of winning fights. If you want addy/30 def, it's fine, but get off of this site and stop accepting pures. p.s. Here's a tip for you: Rune helps MUCH more than Adamant in fights. Try it you fool. p.s.s. Don't give me the usual "WHAT IS PURE" bullshit either, the majority of the guys on this site can agree on what pure actually is and isn't. inb4WERUNHOWWEWANTL0L0L0 When did I say that I called cp a pure clan? I said that most clans on here are just normal clans with purelike characteristics and by that I mean being below 40 def but still using defense to our advantage as most clans here are. You have lost your argument before you ever even started, next time take the time carefully to examine something before you respond and making yourself look like a fool. You are only against my opinion because it happens to echo the opinion of this whole clanning community but it is against your clans opinion. none of us or most of us on here are not pure but that is not my argument, and it isn't even anything worth mentioning whether you are pure or not that's not important. My argument is defense is part of the game and some of you can't realize that and try to make excuses
  5. who cares if none of us are pure, that doesn't even matter anymore. What matters is clanning and in our community clanning has these two characteristics 1. Being below 40 def 2. Having defense to compete with other clans There are no pures anymore, there are just clans that accept pure-like people that are not necessarily 40 def. All you people against defense need to face the facts quick, because as your competition continues to get better whether its str, range, mage or defense stats, you guys are stuck to your silly honor codes and excuses about defense in a game that is just terrible. I want to ask some of you why do you continue to advocate against 30+ def when you damn know that you are in the minority and a majority of clans have it or will have it in the future. You are already giving yourself a disadvantage versus your competition and the ONLY GOOD THING out of you not accepting defense is the buttload of excuses some clans give us over the weekend. "O you won because of your defense" That is the most stupidest sht I have ever heard, you guys are handicapping yourselves and whether it is to make your clan look cool and maybe you want a challenge just like the 20 def era you will be forced to adapt or close if you do not get what your competition already has. (MM is an exception since they have numbers) Those clans that are stuck in the past about this issue need to realize that you play this game to have fun and talk with your friends. Stop your silly honor codes and learn that this is a game just like any other game, the ones who have the best guns, armor, weapons will always win.
  6. Would like to say as a proud cp rank, WE are the ones that introduced 20 def and are now paving the way for 30 def to be more widespread. Hopefully more clans can copy our model and be as successful and influential as we are. I can see jagex slowly rolling out more defense weapons and armor even at 35 def that includes more than the berserker shield and slowly increasing that as the number of pure clans decreases and they are forced to get def to be competitive and even have fun.
  7. got a good laugh out of this and a nice sig as well looked like fun
  8. Are you ******* 12 or something? Like I swear, you post nothing constructive. Just stupid comments. We smashed you goodluck next weekend. he is 12 rofl, so long goes your argument
  9. I'm so happy I'm not in a sht clan led by idiots. Thank you based god
  10. Cuz we chased all those clans in single and then we took pics. kapisz?
  11. Glad you guys are experiencing the sensation of dat addy feels good no? Gj at trip
  12. Mofckin legend here he even called despite not knowing why there we're demons inside crater lol <3
  13. Fun fun fun was getting annoyed that zenith kept going lobby everytime I told logan where they we're rofl
  14. mm - will stay top foe - will continue to compete with mm/eop eop - same decent pulls compete with above tlp - good in p2p will stay steady in f2p fi - slowly rising pulls, good f2p and p2p
  15. http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-home/...rupt%20%20Pures
  16. Funny how all the mm on here think they sound cool when talking about def. Smh
  17. there is none, kids just want reasons for it to be so it makes the game exciting
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