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Everything posted by walli

  1. you are actually getting worse at this
  2. kyle thought he was exempt from the clan and was walking around 'watching fi' got 1 banged screamed like a girl on ts for help in the middle, half the clan ran in half didnt started unorganised and messy. loss = kyle's fault. blame him.
  3. Because foe is happy to fight the fight, we dont need advantages to win. now why dont you and all the other good little girls in mm whipe your vaginas and sort it out. Lol walli'd. Unlike Mm we are looking for a challenge and not the same old fight over and over. Even if Fi and Tlp have more 30 def we see this as a way to make ourselves better. If you really wanted a challenge, then you would have accepted our fullout. Walli you're retarded; you somehow managed to spell a 4 letter word wrong. If you didn't need advantages to win, you wouldn't have complained about MM declaring on you with 1 def cap, and yet you did, instead saying that you wanted no rules whatsoever. The contradictions keep piling up as you spout more and more garbage rofl. Also, not to beat a dead horse, but since it hasn't penetrated your thick skull yet, MM gets no advantage from 1 def gear, just less of a disadvantage. i see so you are saying we declined because you declared with 1 defence.. ah so it is an advantage i see. oh but wait now 1 defence is not an advantage. noooooooo this is all just propagandaaaaa and we can and will call ourselves legends of p2p because we have many solid years to back up the statement. Likewise i dont really think, nor does anybody who means much to in my opinion, anybody cares what you want to call yourselves with your run of high opts. woooooo crazy curry, you are well cool you mate. I have sat through this many a time, then sat through the time which will come where the tables turn and i have to facepalm everytime a mug in foe acts exactly like you and thinks he is the big balls because we are pulling big and winning a lot at the moment. that being said though, not winning much lately. Taking the scraps in the wilderness like good boys. Keep doing exactly what every other clan allows you to do in the wilderness... maybe fix up them leaks first. I'll start by pointing this out. If I were to go pking on a maxed main in edgeville wearing full dharok's, and I fought a med lvl (70 def) in the same gear, I would utterly destroy him, despite only being 29 def lvls higher. You can't possibly say that I don't have an advantage over the med lvl despite us using the same gear. That's the exact same level difference as between a pure and a turmain. Even if the gear is the same, the higher combat account has a distinct advantage. Therefore, if both sides were to wear 1 def gear, the side with all the 1 defers would still be at a disadvantage. Anyways, on to all the lies you feed your members and this community. So, the main reason FOE declined is because their pulls are pathetic and you can't compete, but not according to your propaganda. You decline a 1 def cap fullout but then say this: As I have already gone over, 1 def cap is not an advantage to us, it is simply limiting the disadvantage to just levels rather than levels + gear. So you would accept a fullout with no def cap because you think you would win if you could use better gear than MM's 1 def pures, but not when the playing field is equal (and not even equal, you still get 34 def levels on us)? That's strange, because I seem to recall you saying this: Seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it? Looks like that's another lie FOE's been feeding its members and the rest of the pure community. But don't worry Walli, you're not fooling anyone as you continually raise your def cap in order to compete. You can cling on to the past. Yes, you used to be the #1 p2p, but under the current leadership, who, based on your leaderboards, are your puppets, your clan is dying, having been relegated to #3 p2p and #6 f2p. We are the "big balls" as you say because nobody can match us in the wilderness in either server, and until that changes, everyone who isn't hiding their head in the sand as you are knows that MM is #1. As for our trips, when we have the most kills just about every single Saturday and Sunday, it's pretty difficult to dismiss that as scraps. But then again, I guess that's all the current FOE amounts to: scraps. Obviously I haven't been around that long so I don't know how you got out of previous slumps, but something tells me that it wasn't by lying about your losses and spouting propaganda. Look where that got EOP. This time last year they were pulling 130 and competing with MM, now they pull a third of that, around 45 and fight CP. When we were getting destroyed by FOE in p2p when I joined, we didn't pretend that we were winning. We blamed ourselves and used it as incentive to improve, and here we are, the undisputed #1 in p2p now. Maybe it's time for you to let someone else take hold of the reins of FOE because it seems like you don't have the mental capacity nor the character to man up and drive your clan forward. Alternatively, you can keep feeding your members and the community lies and watch as it slowly asphyxiates your clan. bored of revision so i suppose i will reply to this now. to start if you fought a med level in edge with a maxed main i would be extremely impressed and would probably pm you for the glitch. What still amuses me and you still seem to fail to understand it... NO **** WE HAVE AN ADVANTAGE. Why the hell do you think we get turmoil? because it is better lol... otherwise why waste the money and the time and sacrifice the def levels. Therefore if we do something for an advantage then we want to use our advantage. Now i could not care what you call our members or our clan. To us, foe we are a pure clan by our definition and by our standards. If that doesnt sit nicely with you then that is your problem but do not expect other people to automatically change what their clan is about to suit your clan. You declare on foe knowing full well what our members possess in their arsenal so it is no surprise or shock that we will want to use our accounts to their full potential. If that offends you or you do not like it then keep on crying about it, it will not change the facts as they are. We do not ask or tell your clan not to use anything you have available to you, dont expect the world back. you make your own assumption of why foe declined without any evidence of an actual reason given by a foe leader as far as i am aware so already your argument is invalid when based upon your opinion you are passing off as a fact. It saddens me that people view full outs as 100 v 100 fights now and believe if that cant happen the fullout should not. If we had that mentality for generations before us we would never have wonder victories like foe has pulled off against fi. So will agree if the fullout was declined because of that reason alone, that we would be outpulled then i would be disappointed. However, i believe, but cannot confirm that there were other factors playing a part. One being that MM has in the past declined wars with us when things didnt suit them or when they knew they would be outpulled... it is nothing new to the clanning scene with these two clans. It is unfortunate but it happens, our leaders know if we accepted the war we could end up heavily outpulled based on recent opts and our current member base and not saying we would lose as i still fancy our chances but if foe did lose can you honestly tell me mm would accept a rematch when foe asks for one? the answer is almost certainly not. I will always stick to my comment that foe does not need advantages to win, that being said i am sick of clans and other people telling us we cannot use our accounts the way that we made them and trained them. It goes back to the earlier point that you know what sort of a clan we are so if you dont want to fight us with the members we have being able to do what they can do then dont ******* ask us for a fight without being able to give and take or at least be understanding. You also take two quotes out of their own individual context which are based on two different things. The first of me saying that foe will accept the fullout with everything on and anything goes is because i am still a strong believer that when all said and done a full out war has one purpose and that is to show which clan in its full and entire force is the better on that given day at that time. Therefore to truely be able to say we are the stronger clan in f2p or p2p you should have beaten the other clan completely. You should have taken everything they have to throw at you and then bettered it and therefore beaten it. Then you are a better overall clan warring wise etc. The second comes from discussion of matched opts fights where it is showing a clans strength on a small scale, the same logic can be applied however the whole purpose of these wars in my opinion and mine alone are that you are already limiting your clan by putting a number cap. Therefore these wars are not to determine who is the best clan overall but more so to determine which clan is stronger under a specific set of rules. I am and have always been happy to try out a variety of sets of rules over weeks of preps with clans to see if they make a difference or if foe is still stronger man for man under any rules, we will fight the fight and test ourselves to see if we are strong in all aspects of limited warring. That is my logic and opinion and i expect many people will differ from that, you are entitled to but it simply shows you taking two quotes out of context to try and prove hypocrisy does not work so easily. -Side note - you attempt to have a dig about me raising foe's defence cap, the only time i have ever raised the def cap was raising it from 25-30 to allow for turmoil as i honestly believed the sacrifice of them def levels was worth it for the offence bonus of turmoil, much more so than people who get def for gloves, initiate, infinity or just have def for the sake of tanking. I do not agree with 35 def and if you were smart enough to read the leaderboard leaks on your own forums you would be well aware of that. The clan is dying? a bold statement, when foe pulled big and mm pulled **** would you say mm was dying? swings and round abouts and your turn will come again however i doubt you would stick around in mm to witness it. I imagine you jumping on the next bandwagon. since you are so obsessed about numbers and ranks, with ranks generally being based on full out wars to determine the better clan i would happily say that MM is #1 f2p due to beating us in the last war and that MM can refer to themselves as the current #1 p2p clan. If we decline the fight that in theory based on all principles of ranking systems defaults our rank to the clan we would not war. However, we could just declare on MM with our rules and have you decline therefore giving us #1 p2p back... a pointless exercise to be honest. As for anything below #2 in either sever we are still undefeated in fullouts in both servers for a long time and no clan to this date other than mm could beat us at the moment. If anybody disputes that then declare on foe. Your argument continued over the ranking based on weekly trips and wilderness performance is weak due to the fact when foe has months of dominating f2p in the past mm refused to say we were #1 until we won a full out war. Granted we gave them a full out war and lost but we could have happily not bothered declaring and continued what we were doing and claimed #1 based on your logic. I am not going to complain and use opts as an excuse for why nobody can touch you at the moment, you guys are doing something right, you got the members and you have got them active and dedicated to trips so that is props to you and making your own accord as to why nobody can compete too well at the moment. However, i find it a hollow brag to say nobody can compete when the closest clan is often 15-20 people disadvantaged. enjoy it whilst it lasts, even if your pulls dont drop one clan eventually will match you and then we will see if you are ready for the competition you are banging on about. You havnt been around long enough clearly to witness or even experience the countless 'mm slumps'. This is nothing new to any clan and its a cycle that seems to reoccur over and over. I pity you that you are naive to the fact mm has been through stages where they cancelled p2p trips or pulled under 40 to them and/or where they were not even seen as a threat to clan even in f2p. You argue over propaganda which further amuses me when speshls, if he still doesnt, had his sig for a long time as mm's head of propaganda. DOH. I have no hand on the reins of foe, i am an inactive ex leader who is currently finishing up studying. Maybe do some homework before spouting your propaganda... o wait. 13 minutes of my life dedicated just for you. Enjoy.
  4. getting defence doesnt show dedication to the clan... jeesh end of the day people make their accounts how they like them and for their enjoyment on scape. Some clans accommodate for more than others. Who cares lol.
  5. out of curiosity what does l0l mean? how does it differ from lol. Indulge me with such knowledge so i can be as cool as you
  6. our bad, i'll give you my squal of fortune prizes for the next 4 days to say sorry =D sold you are owed 4 gold ore and 50 gp so far.
  7. our bad, i'll give you my squal of fortune prizes for the next 4 days to say sorry =D
  8. Because foe is happy to fight the fight, we dont need advantages to win. now why dont you and all the other good little girls in mm whipe your vaginas and sort it out. Lol walli'd. Unlike Mm we are looking for a challenge and not the same old fight over and over. Even if Fi and Tlp have more 30 def we see this as a way to make ourselves better. If you really wanted a challenge, then you would have accepted our fullout. Walli you're retarded; you somehow managed to spell a 4 letter word wrong. If you didn't need advantages to win, you wouldn't have complained about MM declaring on you with 1 def cap, and yet you did, instead saying that you wanted no rules whatsoever. The contradictions keep piling up as you spout more and more garbage rofl. Also, not to beat a dead horse, but since it hasn't penetrated your thick skull yet, MM gets no advantage from 1 def gear, just less of a disadvantage. i see so you are saying we declined because you declared with 1 defence.. ah so it is an advantage i see. oh but wait now 1 defence is not an advantage. noooooooo this is all just propagandaaaaa and we can and will call ourselves legends of p2p because we have many solid years to back up the statement. Likewise i dont really think, nor does anybody who means much to in my opinion, anybody cares what you want to call yourselves with your run of high opts. woooooo crazy curry, you are well cool you mate. I have sat through this many a time, then sat through the time which will come where the tables turn and i have to facepalm everytime a mug in foe acts exactly like you and thinks he is the big balls because we are pulling big and winning a lot at the moment. that being said though, not winning much lately. Taking the scraps in the wilderness like good boys. Keep doing exactly what every other clan allows you to do in the wilderness... maybe fix up them leaks first.
  9. Because foe is happy to fight the fight, we dont need advantages to win. now why dont you and all the other good little girls in mm whipe your vaginas and sort it out.
  10. 'decent rules' it is beyond me that clans still limit themselves in preps to this day. Whats point of accepting something if you dont plan to use it for the clan :/ You dont use half the crap you have in preps you arrange so why do you care about the rules of this tourny. In matched opts when it comes down to its, its 1 man against another on a large scale. Whether you strip them down to the bare bones or not doesnt change. As for the full out talk, its already been established many times over a wildy fullout would be impossible or at best inaccurate.
  11. just seen the full out declaration lol, was on holiday at the time. If you wanna full out foe then sure, declare with everything goes. After all a full out is to show the full force of a clan is it not? You got nothing to fear either, 13th told you that you have been better, more organised and stronger than all of us clans in snakeskin with soul split so with your greater pull and superior scaping skills should be easy. regards x
  12. no complaints about crashing. if we crashed a fight we would expect nothing less than to be teamed on. Its the given, or so i assumed? Making richard teleport from me on his main a few times was amusing, when i have more time might repay the favour to mm again like last summer they backed down pretty quick. Eop piping up ending with 19 kills, rawr. We had a lot of kills because Fi raped us in the second fight, opts were against us but a fight is a fight and cant win them all but you can give it a go. Would have done clanwars at the end but as soon as addy daddy asked me in pm ts went down so we both agreed to end
  13. I realize your mouth is habitually open from all the time spent stuffing pie into it, but you really should think before opening it so you don't come off nonsensical. I don't think a single MM on this topic is "heated," I personally find the lengths that you go to in order to "sell your clan" amusing. We were never compelled to post on PW, rather one of our members posted it as a joke, and in order to remind all of the clans who bicker over second place on this site who the dominant force in the pure world is. You also don't seem to realize why MM is on the moral high ground. We don't hack, ddos, or pull any of that **** (and don't say you're innocent of that when you hacked Ughaz just a few months back). We are the only major clan to retain its "purity," shunning adamant and turmoil. We don't resort to pathetic topics like these ones to convince others of our strength, we prove it. As you so eloquently put it in your leaderboards, MM doesn't just talk the talk, we walk the walk. It would appear that MM is still on top, both morally and ingame. Back to square one for FOE. when you dictate that length of text to me over some passionate spooing, make sure you bring mm's level 107 pure with you to make it three way. that will be all.
  14. Was not at the trip so cannot comment really but the way i see it if people are content on getting heated then they clearly are not enjoying themselves. If you are not enjoying yourself and getting heated on a topic when you apparently did so well my fellow pures from the clan of mayhem then i have to find myself thinking this topic holds some truth. But when all said on done i feel your pain, i once lived a life of eating pies and the amount of humble pie you must be eating at the moment being forced back to posting on purewarfare after claiming never to do it again. The decline begins it would appear, moral high ground broken.. onto phase two
  15. foe got haters again. a positive sign. you boys keep buying, we will keep selling.
  16. When the opts are bearable, then sure. I never recalled MM fighting us down 15+ when we were pulling massive. If they did, HF was assisting them. Lol Mm fighting us down 15 now that is funny. Most of the time Mm won't fight us unless they have 20+ more and HF. Do you even believe the **** that you post? Seriously I've been to like 4 MM trips in the last 6 months and every time MM had the same opts as you you ended up collaborating with EOP. Grats on beating POP? Not sure who they are so not entirely sure why you would boast about beating them but I guess any publicity is good for your clan right now. GRATS! so why has the 'inaccurate' ramblings of a clan doing **** got you so worked up and rattled when you are flying so high? get a grip you mongrel.
  17. was strong. fi had too many tough kids, big boys in good gear going balls deep.
  18. when people say foe didnt care, why should we... it sounds blunt and crap but to be frank not once when i led was i approached by any clan leaders saying this clan is ddosing our teamspeak or forums, help? I am not expecting any clan to care about what happens to foe either, i dont even see the point to this topic. What i do see from the few trips ive got to and from talking in brief to current clan leaders is there is an underlying alliance whether people like it or not. There seems to be a general feeling that clans who do act like pricks get no respect or time from other clans and that is showing in the wild and how things have changed over the past couple of months. Lets face it, since certain clans have dirtied all reputation once and for all all they have done is put a bullet in a gun and aimed it at their foreheads... they are slipping down a long slope which has given other clans which were struggling who havnt been involved in such shite activities what some may say a life line in so much that there is a mutual hatred amongst some clans now which is protecting some currently weaker clans. All in all this in my opinion and you can do what the **** you want to do. People who are complete arseholes always get what is coming to them which is evident at the moment. People who get on with it and walk instead of talk get more results, take a look at mm. get a grip and just ******* pk, war, spoon whatever you want to do. If you lose your Ts use a public one for now, if you lose your forums use irc and in game. None of the above stop a clan from functioning. the only reason you think they do is because you spend all your time complaining and bitching when it happens rather than actually sorting your clan out and getting on with it. If you wanna talk about whats stupid, apparently at 99 hp i can get 1 hit. let me bring a tab.
  19. some random picture? LOL jesus whept.
  20. 40 pull to 75 is pretty impressive, shows what it means to the community who is still playing this game or at least around good job lads, 7 years proud.
  21. havn't been at trips but just from looking at the topic you averaged just over 1 kill per member in two hours with some of that time sniping foe and killing returners making mad loot? i have the say i am impressed with your bravery.
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