For anybody who cares, and if this gets deleted watch the shitstorm that will commence after it seen as thought it bares more truth than the topic.
Foe did what foe does best atm, pulled **** on a saturday only out-done in the badness by tlp's pull. No clans really wanted a pk ri and even if one was set up mm was chasing us to crash which is fair enough id do the same.
Eop having only around 60-70 and mm having 70-80 they pmed me pretty much instantly into the trip (knowing we only had around 40 and no prospects of a decent trip) asking if we wanted to help them ruin mm's trip by limiting any action they got to essentially a 2 v 1 situation out opting them.
I agreed to this as i do enjoy killing mm. So it happened early on, foe and eop teamed on mm near 13 portals and killed quite a lot of mm but to be fair to mm they actually stayed and fought and prob racked up some kills themselves.
as all three clans regrouped we planned to do the same, eop headed out and mm was on eop's trail and foe was waiting ready to go in. When FI rushed eop WITH LOWER OPTS, this seemingly caught eop off guard and from all the scouts i sent there ultimately FI bullied eop. This was confirmed when i was pmed and told to come and help eop against FI.
At this point i refused, dont mind hitting mm specially when they out pull and would crash us without hesitation but Fi has given foe some legit clean fights in past weeks, also FI was out opted already from the start. This didnt seem to go down well with eop so they tried to bs us (claimed to be going after mm as we set up to hit mm also eop rushed us lol but we was pretty much next to single)
All i can say is i do not like a clan like MM so i will happily try and ruin their trips, however i respect a clan like mm. I dont really hold much respect for a clan like eop.
Im done using you as easy access to mm spies and leaks and then foe's meatshield when im bored. I will happily sit back and watch as FI, MM, Tlp and well every other clan that hates you sink your little pirate ship.
May even join in when we sort out foe's pulls.
The end.