It is not pure in the 2006 sense,
nor is it what i would define as pure in the 2011 sense either though.
What you have to look at is why people made pures, what was the purpose. Essentially all i can remember and from what i can gather from other old school arguments is to be good at pking.
to be as destructive as possible as the lowest combat you could be with that ko power which in the olden times was always with 1 defence as defence played no part what so ever in koing ability. I mean hell, 'pures' actually were just one combat based i.e melee only or range only...
From that today people have stuck to that basic definition and understanding and still strive to have the maximum ko power and pking account at the lowest combat possible for them to have so, however these days with the defensive bonus available that can include some defence levels, they still aim to be at low combat as possible though whilst having this power.. i.e. turmoil etc.
Therefore you can either say people with accounts like that are still pure by the definition i have put foward there or you can say they are not pures by the other argued definition of pure = 1 defence.
if that is the case then im sure they will not care and just as happily be called pking accounts as that is what they are built and designed to do, the label on them does not change a fact. So that means that we are not a pure community we are a pking community built around pking accounts and clans. Even clans such as mm have people with 20 or slightly higher defence which again is not pure, simply pking accounts by the strict definition.
Now that is a general and accurate argument for the purpose of 30 defence or turmoil.
35 defence is neither of those, addy zerker shield makes no significant difference to the ko power or pking effectivness of the account so to warrant the defence levels. That is nothing more than failed accounts, weak leadership for allowing them in the clan and not a pure clan by any definition possible.
However, who the **** are we to step in and judge or command different? many clans these days do not have the history or man power or prestige to compete with clans that have done these for over half a decade... so they make do with what they have, they will often look at the person behind the account and sure he may be **** at runescape for geting 35 def but he may be a legit guy and someone they will enjoy scaping with blah blah blah... so they enjoy have them in their clans and just enjoy some scaping as gay as it sounds.
Also i mean, lets face it who says mahatma got it right? **** me he is a real example of a **** up sitting at what 17 or 19 def or w/e he is... he should be disregarded as a pure but i dont see that happening soon.
the morale of the story, stop caring it wastes too much of everybody's time.