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Everything posted by walli

  1. No offence evo, i dont really get the whole ***** fight but end of the day we dont fight as clan to finger each others arse ends and feel all good and warm inside. We war and beat clans. if a lad called me a fat **** i would simply kick 10 bells of **** out of him. I would stand there and tell him i would knock him out if he hadnt called me a fat **** lol... think about the logic of the argument your clan is raising and then you understand why i think you are being retards lol. but foe and tlp are both being mugs at the moment and the sad thing is, the members of both clans would probably get along plus love fightin each other as we are the only two clans who can truely push and test each other.
  2. tlp are idiots at the moment, their new leadership has slightly less brain cells than foe's but only just based on this topic because the bait was really bad banter and just tarnished what seemed like a good prep. bad form.
  3. i remember when i was tough for the first time behind a computer screen with no1 knowing who i was or how i looked. feels good bro dont it.
  4. Today frustrated me, i felt i could lift heavier weigh for the 8-10 reps but to be frank my hands are the size of a 4 year old girl... i simple fail at gripping... im seriously considering buying straps after tonight. Any1 used? Back: Lat Pull down- 10 x 60kg 10 x 80kg 8 x 100kg 3 Negative reps at 120kg Deadlift- 10 x 60kg 10 x 70kg 8 x 80kg - grip was problem from here on out 6 x 90kg - just couldnt keep it in my little sausage fingers 8 x 60kg to end because i was mad -.- Bent over row- 9 x 60kg - again grip was a problem 10 x 40kg - lowered weight to help keep a solid grip and form 12 x 40kg 12 x 40kg DB Row - the reps are for each arm 10 x 26kg 10 x 28kg 10 x 28kg Lower back machine- 10 x 40kg 10 x 50kg 10 x 50kg
  5. disappointing, 1 less clan to compete in the clanning world =[
  6. Really struggled today, ive been on my more strict and proper cut now for a week since my freshers binge and the diet deficit is hitting me hard in the gym now, having to readjust my reps and weights Chest: Incline DB Bench- 20 x 14kg 12 x 20kg 10 x 26kg 8 x 30kg 5 x 34kg Flat BB Bench- 10 x 60kg 10 x 70kg 5 x 80kg + 3 Negative reps after fail Cable Fly- 10 x 12.5kg 6 x 15kg 8 x 12.5kg Decline Cable fly- 10 x 12.5kg 4 x 17.5kg + 4 x 15kg 10 x 12.5kg incline cable fly- 10 x 7.5kg 8 x 10kg 10 x 7.5kg Bicep- Barbell Curl- 10 x 32.5kg 6 x 32.5kg + 4 negative reps when fail 5 x 27.5kg + 4 negative reps when fail Preacher curl- 8 x 25kg 10 x 20kg 8 x 20kg + 2 negative rep when fail and i got 1 hour strength and conditioning at 7 with rugby and then general rugby training 8-9 fun fun
  7. Pretty easy when at uni because the gym is like 3-5 mins walk from my flat. It is open 8am to 10pm but you dont wanna go between 3-6pm because full of curl bros, idiots and chinese. I am only in for lectures like 2-3 hours a day max on busi days and some days im only in for an hour so then i just find a good time to go to the gym where i can spend a good 60-90 mins doing w/e workout. Difficult at times balancing with rugby training because its no fun training rugby a bit sore but meh, u suck it up and do it anyway.
  8. was or8 generally messy wilderness 2day
  9. serious note for the on topic, just a shame for any clan to close causing less competion... lack of clans creates crashing and a dog eat dog situation more so and then every1 complains.
  10. couldnt log what i did propery 2day as i went to different gym with moffitt Squat 10x50kg 10x80kg 8x100kg 8x100kg rest i did leg extensions, curls and calf workout but didnt get any weights logged.
  11. truely though want to know what i like about my clan..? me. =]
  12. Alas still a confused child trying to fit in. Its ok when they treat u like a little girl again ill happily humour the pms about spying and il even go as far as to extend my tissue to whipe your tears my sweet prince.
  13. in 3 weeks when ur new clan opens i have some name suggestions 43rd Time lucky - 4TL Here we go again - HWGA sighhhhhhh - S all workable i do believe. best of wishes.
  14. Which is what? Pull 100, clans have done that... Taken #1, plenty of clans have done that. Proved doubters wrong? Plenty of clans have done that. Was referring more to maintaining a permanent spot in the top 3 with foe/mm, no other clan in years has managed to consistently match their pulling/organizational power, and considering 18 months ago we were pulling 40s to trips, to now having spent the past year fighting at the top, i don't see any other clan coming close to doing that. Considering it only took you guys 35+ def to do so, I'd say congratulations. and yet they forced the 'last honorable pure clan' to get involved with hacking a pure for defence and using several mains on trips. your bitter tongue would serve you better kept in your mouth pal and unused
  15. ayee i wasnt at my best but ive been playing since i was like 11 years old and i was class when younger playing for country and all the rest of the ****, was lighter and much fitter lol. i stopped playing for a while, played union for a year or so at college but hated it tbh so as soon as i went to uni i was back playing league. Was just an average prop really nothing special.. this year my game is much better and i cant wait for season to start
  16. as per usual i work in kg Shoulder DB shoulder press: 8 x 16 lol =D 8 x 26 8 x 24 6 x 24 9 x 20 Upright rows supersetting with lateral raises Rows + raises 10 x 25 + 8 x 10 10 x 25 + 8 x 10 10 x 25 + 5 x 10 Front raises 10 x 10 10 x 12 5 x 12 + 5 x 10 (failed on 5th wasnt happy so finished off 10 reps with 10kg's no rest between obv) Lying rear delt raises 10 x 8 10 x 10 10 x 10 Biceps Barbell curl 10 x 22.5 -.- 10 x 32.5 6 x 37.5 + 2 x 32.5 preacher curl 10 x 25 9 x 30 6 x 30 20 x 15
  17. had a stinker 2nite, felt shite all day.. tried couple diff stuff so weights are off as i was testing. Triceps: Dips 4 sets of 8 reps with body weight alone push downs (w/e u wanna call them, the basic tricep exercise lol) 12 x 30kg 6 x 32.5kg 6 x 30kg lol 10 x 25kg overhead DB extension 10 x 26kg 8 x 26kg 8 x 26kg DB skulls 4 x 12kg 12 x 8kg 6 x 10kg Kickbacks 10 x 10kg 10 x 10kg 10 x ended the session with a 5km run on treadmill
  18. Bench: 20 x 20kg (bar) 12 x 60Kg 10 x 70kg 8 x 80kg 2 x 100kg incline bench: 20 x 20kg (bar) 12 x 40kg 10 x 50kg 7 x 60kg 4/5 x 70kg DB Fly: 10 x 14kg 8 x 16kg 6 x 18kg decline cable fly: 12 x 10kg 8 x 15kg 4 x 17.5kg 10 x 10kg incline cable fly 12 x 5kg 10 x 7.5kg 7 x 10kg got strength and conditioning for 1 hour and then 1 hour more of rugby training 2nite 7-9
  19. I'll post the log updates ive done already (only started few days ago) --- Although ive been working out a while because im unorganised my weights been off and up and down, now with trying to log it im trying to get to grips with some solid starting weights to use for my routine and stuff hense why some may seem a little wierd or big jumps or w.e Triceps Dips: 3 sets of 8 reps with body weight only Arm pull downs / extensions with cable: 10 x 25kg 8 x 30kg 5 x 35kg - 6th was shite and pointless lol Overhead extension with dumbell: 10 x 24kg 8 x 28kg 7 x 30kg tricep kickback?: 2 sets of 10 reps with a 10kg dumbell (10 reps each arm) Biceps Supersets on easy bar (half the reps close grip half wide grip): 20 x 20kg 16 x 25kg Dumbell curl: (reps each arm) 10 x 10kg 8 x 12kg 6 x 14kg Hammer curls: 10 x 10kg 10 x 10kg Iscolated curl: 10 x 8kg 8 x 10kg First time i done arms only and tbh i tired alot towards end dont think it was a great session but meh, got the pump so i did arnie proud.
  20. Well a few months ago foe launched out health and fitness boards for the gym lovers and the fat/skinny noobs who wanted to become gym lovers. Its took off quite a lot with several people and il make this topic and maybe PW will get one and this can be moved there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About me, well there has always been a general stigma attached to me from all those who do not know me from other clans which may be true may not. I will let you see for yourself. I am confident, arrogant, cocky however you want to define it and from a young age ive learnt to generally not give a sh*t =D. I started to work out at the start of January 2011 and i was one lazy fat ****. I weighed in around 110kg / 242lb with to be honest not a great deal of it muscle. I was a complete ******* noob and felt like a ***** for my first few gym sessions struggling to bench 50kg / 110lb and being only to lift the most ****** dumbells the gym had :P I was unfit and tbh, it affected my rugby game (i play rugby league) more than i actually imagined. I'll throw up some pics now of around that time. on the left ^^^^ but you guessed that already ;0 Anyway, i grafted and a few months down the line i had dropped to around 102-105kg and i was staying at the similar weight for a while because i was steadily losing fat whilst putting on muscle so the weight was staying at somewhat of a constant. I was getting stronger quicker though which made me feel tough -.- I got my bench up to around 80kg 2-3 rep max over the first 3-4 months and could Squat 100kg. A pic i took for a foe forum topic around that time. Then uni finished around that time and i started my summer cut. This was suprisingly enjoyable lol. Change dand fixed up my diet, did a lot of cardio but kept a lifting routine designed to increase strength rather than help burn the fat which some people said not to do but meh idgaf. By the end of the summer i cut to around 95kg / 202lb but had got a lot stronger. a pic i put on a topic around 2/3 of the way through summer. Now i am back at uni, its been hard to maintain the diet and i have had 2 manic weeks with freshers fortnight and drank a ridiculous amount of alcohol which as u should know isnt the best lol. I have however gritted and beared the roughness and feeling like utter **** and done cardio and lifted and started preseason rugby training which has managed to keep me at around the 95kg weight mark. My bench is now up to 105kg / 231lb 2-3 rep max and I am now squatting around 135kg / 297lb =D My current Goals are to cut down further to 90kg and maybe even below whilst getting stronger and maintaining as much muscle as possible. Rugby season is almost starting so **** should be interesting and a good goal to go for. I will end with pics taken by me or of me over the last 2 weeks and i'll let you judge any progress ;0 This topic will also be a log im keeping, i do it on a couple of forums so il just throw it down on here too in future replies as to what im lifting and doing etc. and some partymode pics =D p.s. foe health and fitness forums: http://www.foe-rs.com/forums/fitness-health/
  21. its ******* runescape lol, just play the game and stop crying like a bunch of mugs. play your acc how you wanna play and stop spitting your dummies out and telling every1 else how to enjoy their time on this crap game..
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