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Everything posted by walli

  1. unless im given a quote on pure warefare stating the defence level cut off for a pure it seems mm found a loophole too. swings and round abouts, the cheeky khunts. the glorious 35-39 def race has been outdone. R.i.P foe, tlp and fi. MM new #1 now they finally adapted, a proud day for all those who was bored of seeing these disabled 1 def paralympians trying to compete in the olympics.
  2. nice collar around your neck biased little ***** **** **** *****. foe was poopy pants, didnt deserve the 2-1 should have been 3-0 next time, next time.
  3. lol tlp lose to mm with 20 cb average higher > flame on pw make up excuses Full Of Excuses looks like you guys really do wanna copy of the best
  4. i won. walli and rangep00n the formidable duo took our leading round with ease. Shame on ar3chy and puppet shame on veta and tyler!
  5. p.s. forums problem = guess who.... DERP
  6. no forums for a week 60 man pull my angus is ready
  7. the main was anthony - prison style, nothing much i could have done he was gunna be there anyway. k0ed jumped off his maxed rune pure and on his crap pure to fight though when we had nme run in so ya.. we came on pures
  8. Quick topic before i go to bed, very tired now. To start off we heard some pures were 139 rev caves, went and killed some zenith quickly but then found only mains after. Seemed was a few main teams fighting so we picked off kills and dropped idiots risking bank for lols.. Example: Then NME asked for pkri as they knew were on a midweek pking trip. We accepted and with opts similar we rushed them at GAP. After a decent fight we cleared up gap and it took its ways to GDZ hut. Was even but foe was strong for quite some time until kids either went to bed or two idiots logged out and couldnt log back in because of login server downtime. At this point NME's return in good gear, maging and piling epic saw them dominate us for a period tbh and probably took the lead and was winning the fight with out point foe almost being completely cleared. Foe came back dedicated, strong and determined to win and we clawed it back to fairly even and then as some more people could log in we cleared it up after around hour and 20 mins and took the win. Was an epic battle though thanks a lot for the fight NME, I wish more clans would step out of clanwars and have some real fights. Again, ty for fight nme and looking at KDR shows how well you did. Good job the foe who pked with us and then warred NME TYTYTYTYTY for reading.
  9. if it was their enitre member base then sure its a fullout. not every clan invites randoms just to pull more than they should
  10. wouldnt know, had irl things to attend to during trip time, got on and just saw you had a return fight going so i went along with monk robes bow arrows and corrupt scim. monk robe = 1 item monk robe bottom = 1 item 200 addy arrows = 200 items bow = 1 item holy symbol = 1 item corrupt scim = 1 item str pot = 1 item inv food = 27 items I will now allow you to do the math young dissy
  12. Rofl veta 5m if you can spot my app on that picture. 10m if you can find the foe legend which has already been accepted (not kyle) Game on babygirl
  13. meh funny how tunes change. Have not disputed tlp are the best matched opts at the moment but foe can and will beat you. No amount of excuses, trash talk or anything else you can post will change or deny that fact. From your times in foe beating down on tlp and taking beatings from tlp times change none stop. Dont start posting a load of ******** towards us about 'minimum caps' and the rest of that crap because the amount of times we have sat to tlp... you sat your members to tlp, is beyond counting. p.s. Still love you cory. wrecka i can prove anything under the sun to you also, but it all means nothing when anything you write form here on out is worthless and hypocritcal lol. When i preach hypocrisy is almost always as a troll or to annoy somebody. you genuinely believe the crap you post on here when you defended foe with a load of rubbish flaming all who aposed including tlp to now going back on bits of it to impress your new boys. Embarrassing, but keep it up always a pleasure. Kyle u know better. See your re app soon pal
  14. dont worry kyle, none of tlps big boys sat any. you just lost one round, and soon you will lose many more. Far from unbeatable as proved. Wont promise the opts i cannot deliver with confidence. We pull what we pull. If you want high opts however, declare full out and we will see the mini war gods as you put them on the big stage.
  15. Beat mm 2 - 1 (They wanted warm up fight before their pct with fi, GJ on the win) Lost to Tlp 2 - 1, Getting there... it will happen whether you concent or not. Beat zenith 2 - 1 for a happy ending. Need vid pls sum1 in foe. Ty for taking time to read my topic. Active, constant high quality preps and mini wars? drop me a pm to join us or fight us. TyTyTy #finalownage [Foe]Walli www.foe-rs.com
  16. better performance good fight, gj
  17. some clans have made better vids, but nice to see this as not had many lately. was good to watch just because its different to the norm atm. not pure elites though... just sayin =] thats our thing
  18. I dont know why zenith have been having a go at us for this prep, I will point out a couple of things because its not fair on my members to have **** thrown at them for no reason. 1) Never in any part of the conversation between me or ryan who set it up with me was it discussed that teamcapes had to be worn. If a clan says teamcapes only then sure, ill agree to only wearing the teamcapes however this was never even discussed. 2) Nobody in foe had their teamcape off until the second round where i was the only one to and that was after being camped the first round by teabags who had no cape on. Then in the third round they saw me with no cape on and foe members even told me where was my cape. However i said u guys ahd cape off and no rules plus other foe said they had been attacked by zenith with no capes on. So to be quite honest its out of order the amount of abuse zenith members are trying to throw at foe over this prep. And also not to really be a *** here but capes on or off when it essentially came down to a mini war where as we were the piles should have been called on ts having to right click a person should have made 0 to little difference.
  19. Young carns, i still await your app QT ;)
  20. 35 v 35 minimum we won 3-0, take this vid... imagine it three times as long with the content duped and you got the idea.
  21. Always struggling to find events or minis are earlier gmt times, any clans with strong gmt/eu base too? just curious
  22. you lost 8.5m because you cannot tank. 3 hit your 2 times myself.
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