We set out today with a solid pull of 25 members ready to shake the pure clan to it's core. The trip consisted of multiple fights which kept us occupied for the entirety of our trip. Thanks to everyone who showed up and can't wait to see you all next weekend!
Frenzy Vs Hazard
The day started off with us getting word that Hazard was spread at new gate. We couldn't pass this opportunity up so we quickly scurried over. The fight commenced as we rushed new gate and immediately dropped our piles left and right. This onslaught continued as we followed Hazard towards GDZ where the remaining few were picked off.
Frenzy Vs NME Stragglers
After banking our delicious loot we heard of a fight near new gate this time including NME. As we reached the battlefield we were alerted of a clan logging in west of greater demons hut. So we cleared up all the NME in our vicinity and dipped out with our loot. Frenzy Vs Hazard
Immediately after our small rendezvous with NME we became aware of Hazard spread at new gate. Knowing this would be foolish to pass up we hopped over and charged them low food, resulting in a few stragglers to die as the majority lobbied. After getting their new world we immediately hooped over and continued to clear them until nothing but team 17 capes loitered the ground. Frenzy Vs Intense Redemption
As we began walking towards the bank we got word that Intense Redemption had logged north of us in pursuit of Hazard. We fearlessly rushed up knowing they had quite a few more than us. We clashed at new gate as we swarmed any Intense Redemption member who had wondered in our territory and sent them straight to edge. As we were gaining the edge we got word of CP preparing to crash so we dipped south as NME logged in to join the party. Frenzy Vs Deviation Frenzy Vs The Last Pures
The day ended off with us getting word that Deviation was found wandering near piper. We quickly dismantled with them despite their opt advantage and prepared ourselves to fight off TLP who had logged in east of us. We fought TLP for a bit using multi lines to our favor before Fatality decided to crash.
Was an amazing trip, didn't lose a single fight and everyone walked off with over a mill worth of loot. See you all next week!