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Everything posted by TheGodKing

  1. Yes, I'm actually 100% serious. Don't see what made you think otherwise. That's your own picture showing you getting pushed, if you look at the mini-map, you'll realize there's double the number of white dots in relation to orange dots. With that said, and the 15 or so mains that crashed the fight, I don't know why you're trying to claim a win here or who you're trying to fool, but it's pretty obvious what when down. I know you're a new clan, but you'll soon realize we don't tolerate ********, whether you want to question that statement or not will be completely up to you. You know just as good as we do more then half those white dots were nippon's mains and the other half were members of EOP one iteming. If you expect me to be scared of EOP LMFAO, you can take as me questioning your statement.
  2. There's a difference between claiming a win and actually winning which we did, while getting one itemed and ragged by mains. Video will be up soon. Yes, I'm actually 100% serious. Don't see what made you think otherwise.
  3. Videos: Coming Soon The day started off with us getting word that a few clans were heading out on a P2P midweek, so we decided to join in on the fun. With a very short mass we pulled 17 members and later peaking at 21. Our midweek consisted of beating EOP twice and fighting off Nippon's mains. The trip was jam packed from start to finish and was an all around fun time for our members. Thanks to everyone who showed up and to EOP for giving us a fight. What are you waiting for...? Join Nexus today! http://www.nexus-rs.net
  4. keep the flaming all you like, we will see u in the wild. O, forgot you've been in hiding from us for almost 3 weeks now. and the word mains? hmm check the video FT you guys. nice 10+ mains to try and help you we'll be waiting #1 We have never brought nor invited mains ever. Why would you lie? #2 We are avoiding pop because of your bad reputation, and your habit of constantly bringing mains to every trip. In fact that's probably why no clan wants to fight you!! How are you gonna redeem yourselves from what you've done? By flaming more like immature kids? #3 Your clan is pissing a lot of people off in the pure community. zenith,nexus,foe etc #4 This topic embarrasses your clan imo, why would you post this? :confused: for 1 we dont bring mains, in fact your the clan who does [video on our YT channel] #2 your to much of flamers since the day we started this clan that you can't handle how fast were growning #3 the only clans u mentioned are the ONLY clans that we are trying to **** off #4 we have good relationship with alot of clans and have no problem exchanging fights with them as do they #5 you guys stepped in the wild once last 2 weeks ago sunday when POP didnt go out that day #6 i could care less if this topic brings shame to your life, cause your speaking the same **** as you did before Venom+PLS merged together. you guys indeed like to flame and hate the fact that when we say something about you, you guys second guess yourself, are we that bad? what just happened? dont act like you don't you think your the only clan here with spys, dont try and act tougher then you sound. Theres allready members getting bored of your little merged and leaving you. you think i dont know please.. becareful who you trust nexus. and the day i feel like trying to close you will be soon if this non-sence of yours keep up, ill make sure you guys ONLY do mini untill your clan hates it an leaves Lmfao massers digging their own grave. Don't act like you have a leak in us, If you ever.... I mean ever got one of your dyslexic members to successfully plant a spy in my clan I would grab the nearest knife and plunge it 12 inches into my chest. If you honestly think that your clan can compete with us when your member base is composed of the lowest scum of World 124 Edgeville, you're delusional. I'll make sure to upload recording's of your guys Teamspeak during your "trips", for the entertainment of the pure community because I've doubt anyone has seen leaders whose IQ and Age are exactly the same. You should learn the English language before you attempt to insult someone by the way make's your clan look even worse. Good job on winning a round against a F2P based clan 5+ up l0l.
  5. Topic of the year. I was in your teamspeak you had Two Fatality kid's (Turny + Revival) calling for you lol. Reminds me of BV.
  6. In Sefket we trust. Glad to see you guys have your site back.
  7. Don't know why lil guy clans are taking shots at PLS when right know they would absolutely steam roll most of your clans.
  8. Heard EOP DDoS'd your Teampeak every round. Goodjob keeping your composure.
  9. To clear up any confusion it was Zenith members who were one iteming. Nexus won that fight, watch the end of your vid you cut it as you guys run to 50 ports and tele away. At 13:00 in.
  10. Just going to leave this right here =D Thanks for the fight Zenith just watch your own vid near the end you cut off video when you run to ports and tele away. Look at this video 13:00 minutes in.
  11. 3 month WAR spy. Slumped u hard, u had to merge. :teehee: Pretty much closed WAR by myself, twas easy. hypocrites lmfao.
  12. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
  13. Not sure if you should be talking down to IR, I wouldn't want you to get individually punished. punish me oh great punisher.
  14. Damn hypocrites, this will not work.
  15. Did you even read your own topic, your own ranks admitted you dipped out. Take the loss and move on. (23:48:25) <[Z]Co0kiezs> dazyy (23:48:26) <[Z]Co0kiezs> we dipped (23:50:32) <[Z]Co0kiezs> dAZYY (23:50:35) <[Z]Co0kiezs> you got a good clan (23:50:39) <[Z]Co0kiezs> i got to give u props (23:50:44) <[NX]Dazyy> ty m8 (23:50:45) <[Z]Co0kiezs> u got some good members who know how to ******* return
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