Our good friend Fatall has been suffering from low self esteem (with good reason), so we dedicated this trip to him so he can have some feel-good feelings. (Still sniped him whole trip, doe) We left Edge with 20 and peaked at 26 members. Thanks for all the good fights and to everyone who showed!
We gathered in Edgeville expecting our autotypers to have helped us pull all of world 57, but that didn’t work, so we left with 14. About ten seconds later we had sixteen, and LT was querying for a fight. We accepted, letting them warm themselves by the furnace while we saved Middle Earth from Goblins and Giant Spiders. Somehow, while doing all dat slaying, another one of our members spawned in Edge, giving us 17!! While waiting for them to gear, we decided that LT might be getting too warm, so we rushed with mad spamming. The lines of Green R’s blanketed the screen, rendering all of LT blind, which allowed us to kill a few of them before they could hit us back. Fatall died (My loot, My loot!), but we fought on, calling on our now befriended spider friends to slay any that venture out of the furnace. Both clans fought hard, with great returning, but Resistance ultimately won, ending with everyone there (because of returning). However, when we got to level 20, we home teleported out. Or tried to. Most got away, but LT decided to rush down and hit us after we had lost most to teleportation. I think they killed one person, if that. (Not sure if this fight is on Video. Fatall got half of it, but got killed. If anyone has it, we’ll be sure to post).
After that fight, Ex bought me a leather jacket, so I felt cool and didn’t leave with my bank loot. I gave him permission to hit a cluster south of Spider village. Everyone had already beaten us there though! When we arrived, we weren’t sure of who was fighting who, but Tyrant and Young Rebels pulled south after they saw me. The rest of the clan went west, chasing the rest of T a YR away. Deciding that 10 vs 1 wasn’t fair for the other team (they would need something like 20-25), I walked back to where everyone else was chasing the other clans away. Little did I know that Leet Tactics had pulled north upon our arrival (I really don’t know who was fighting who, so if someone wants to clarify that, it would be appreciated) and were rushing down to fight us! I was like, “LolWut?” And pulled out my mace and chased them back north, pressing them against the walls of Spider Village where I killed many, many of them.
Before we could finish those stinkers off, Young Rebels decided to rush north and help them out. Again, I was like, “LolWut?” And summoned a rune pure clan to destroy them all (Not really. That stupid main clan attacked everyone they could). Since we left with 19 (everyone) in the fall in, I feel safe in saying that the fight was a victory.
Taking our loots and walking to Chaos Alter, we chatted merrily about all the widows we had made and restored our pray. After the crash, Leet Tactics had decided to regroup at 18 ports, with a scattering of Young Rebels, which wasn’t cool with us. So we rushed them and killed/scattered them.
After banking, next up on our fight list was Ascent. Being the ballsy clan that they are, they agreed to defend against us at vents (Mad respect, guys) even though our combat average is +5 or 6 on them. We rushed in with our Green Rs covering the whole screen. But this time it blinded me, and I was desperately clicking the Ascent dd in hopes of actually hitting someone. For some reason, a lot of them stayed in the dd and we were able to left click for a lot of kills (Watch video for proof). Our organization was simply amazing at this point, and we couldn’t be stopped. We cleared them up and dded in vents. Even still, Ascent wouldn’t be put off and rushed again. This time we chased them back easily, as they didn’t have everyone with them yet. Sadly, we were crashed by The Axis of Evil, including Young Rebels, Leet Tactics, and Tyrant (Let me know if you guys didn’t actually come, Tyrant – I saw blue capes that looked like yours, so I just assumed.)
After getting a quick regroup at mossies, we waited a second for returners and rushed all three clans, catching Young Rebels and Leet Tactics making kissy faces at one another. We got a quick push, but then Ascent ran out from Moss Giants to hit us from behind (They weren’t teaming with the Axis, just hitting people out – they might have been focused on us, not sure) while the rest of the Axis rejoined their mates. Knowing that we were sandwiched and outnumbered three to one in men, we pulled to vents, to die like the Spartans that we are. And die we did. We did as much damage as we could, but ultimately we were like little babes being eaten by sick, twisted, mutant werewolf things out to spoil our trip. How rude, I say, how rude!
After that, we decided we’d give it one more go! We regrouped at Mossies and waited for 18 Homeboys to fall in, then rushed south. We found Young Rebels all alone! We killed one or two of them, but the others ran east, where we followed. Passing vents and getting to spread, a call to go back to vents was made, but alas, too late! We had fallen right into the Axis’ trap! Around five or six of our members got hit with binds and attacked while the rest of us were running back to vents. We decided to go to their aid, but again found ourselves vastly outnumbered, despite not seeing any Tyrant anywhere. We pulled it into a pocket and died. Sadface.
Getting another Regroup, we had 16 left at Mossies. Shokh decided to attack us a bunch, which was kind of annoying. Fortunately, with our kindness, we lured him into multi and killed him. (Addy loot, suckkas!) We tried to get a fight with Leet Tactics and Tyrant, but were unsure of whether or not we were going to get teamed on some more, so we ended with a BS fest. We killed Ex, then turned on one another until pretty much everyone was dead. The End!
Thanks to all the clans who gave us fights today, and a special shout out to Ascent for being ballsy! Hope to see you all tomorrow!
Credits: Drysoda
Thanks Fo Reading!