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Everything posted by Tal

  1. What everyone is missing is that quite frankly; we don't care. All the Epidemic **** suckers like Asher and Loz Link are going to be extremely happy for a while, and E will too. But I see know what flaming can do, and so I've announced to IR not to flame people anymore. The idea that people can go to the point of legitimate hatred over an internet game has struck me as going too far. We're not going to bother E or anyone, partly because we don't actually enjoy getting crashed, but more importantly because this insane obsession between our two clans in ruining each other is starting to effect our communities. I'll be quoted by E members saying that this is false, but in reality, crashing isn't fun forever, and they'll leave us alone eventually. I know at least one of E's leaders, regardless of whether or not they are smart enough to use their knowledge, has the experience to know that crashing bores people after a while and upsets communities. We don't mind, we have new, more important goals than a clan like Epidemic. I appreciate CP for being one of the few clans that are not in the high level category but do not suck E's **** to stay alive. To Epidemic: You can crash for our runescape pixels if you wish, but behind each one of those runescape characters is a person with far more positive spirit than you have negative. Continue as you will, but do not think for a moment that we will stoop to your level.
  2. Get off this topic, don't bother arguing with them.
  3. Good to see Epidemic has decided to commence posting here again.
  4. 1. Use a song with faster pace Slow pace = boring 2. Get those mini war clips out of there. Never put clan wars in a PK Video. 3. Creative intro, but do something more ecstatic. 4. I appreciate that the random clips of you guys walking to fally were well editted, but they kind of took the video down a bit for me. 5. Stick to the good people, saw someone rushing a 1 itemer for a 13-7 KO with trout as loot. Use the clips of the people who know what they're doing, like Jig, Wes, and Kenni. Tell people not to give you that kind of crap, it really effects the video negatively to have that in there. I liked the PVP War vs IR, even though that was a looong time ago it was a nice clip. The clip by N17kid was nice too, was like 3 or 4 hits lol. 3/5
  5. Regardless, my response remains the same, maybe without that bottom part added in.
  6. No, teaming up isn't really FAIR to other clans. In all honesty, I don't find it fair. But hell, who am I to tell a clan that I have lots of friends in that they shouldn't have a pk trip that day because I don't want Epidemic to troll me on PW? I tried to be respectful towards other members of this community upon my entering it, but I've found that people here are too bias, and some too immature, and therefore I have decided that earning their respect just isn't really one of my priorities anymore. I know that Epidemic is the kind of clan that would hunt down Ascendency or EoP to fight them 15 v 50 in either server, and that neither of these clans can currently host pk trips because of that until they get more opts. So am I going to be like "Yo Epidemic that's chill you guys can flame my clan for kicks and get your no namer unit to quote every post I make and then go hunt clans that aren't doing well, and I'll just watch and be like omfg you guys own." No, I'm a leader of IR, not DP or DV. We don't care what Epidemic does, and we're not going to stand by and watch them ruin clans with amazing communities like Ascendency and EoP's. Therefore, we will allow the clans to come with us, and pay Epidemic back for what they intended to do. ___ A bit of a side note, I can't believe you guys are actually that ****** off that we pulled 77 with a 20 man assistance from other clans, even though it shows what our rivalry has evolved into (which I like, I enjoy our rivalry). By the time we finished our first fight on Sunday and cleared Fi (without losing a single opt), all but two Ascendency and 15 EoP remained. Quit whining, IR pulled 55+, now leave us be and if it bothers you that much just bring some more competition next time. Stop with the personal attacks and the DDoS threats, we really don't care, its kind of lame imo, but you think teaming is lame and we're doing it anyway, so do what you want I guess.
  7. Tal

    Eun1qu3 Pk

    Had fun raping Epidemic with you on our side quite a few times, you should join IR. I know for fact you're tight with a lot of our members as well. Hope to see you app, GL picking a clan.
  8. down 2 tha srs bznz Today: 1. MM 2. FOE 3. IR + EoP + A 4. TLP 5. C 6. DP 7. Fi Rest not worth mentioning. And btw, just cuz IR teamed up doesn't mean we didn't do that well, did we or did we not give FOE a run for their money? We did, we fought FOE for a straight half hour, fended off DV (who crashed from our side of the fight), then continued fighting FOE until neither clan could claim a win. I personally returned 11 times to that war. Was an epic war. Yeah, we teamed up, but that doesn't decrease our accomplishments.
  9. Your just a leader of a single sides clan that nobody likes. Now get back to sucking Loz Link's **** so DP won't crash you. Uhm pardon me who the **** are you lol? Maybe that Epidemic kid who was standing outside of Cwars like an idiot who I pked. He was wearing mith, but that doesn't specify anything in your clan, so idk if it was you or not. Way to show everyone your intelligence, the topic clearly says IR + EoP + A, and you said we teamed with 5 clans, then changed it to 6 in the same post. Man, Epidemic, you guys gotta stop recruiting at Soul Wars, look at these members you're getting. I'm sure you've tried it before, but I bet you could try looking in Pest Control? No more talking for you, no namer.
  10. Maybe if you didn't suck so bad at P2P then I'd believe you, but you know less about P2P than DV's leaders, who decided it would be a nice idea to attempt crashing a 70v70 with 20 opts and run up bh stairs to get clumped. Yeah, your opinion really doesn't count for anything. Go get your green dhide chaps and rune 2h kiddo.
  11. Sup bros idk if you remember me but I joined VD for a bit on my low level once when you were leader, was a nice community, I remember you from there. If you wanna check out IR, come to www.irrs.ipbfree.com, or #IRclan and pm me, I'm [-Tal-] or [iR]Tal or Tal|Away, I think you should definitely give us a chance seeing as your past clan was so closely linked to us. We would love to have you, you'd be a great contribution to our already good F2P events and excellent P2P events. Hope to see you soon.
  12. LLLL 'freinds' Ceejay you're stupid, its 'friends.' :wub:
  13. I think you can figure out why many of us chose not to bother replying by yourself, if you re-read your post and consider the maturity of it.
  14. Frewin should really stop founding clans...
  15. Yeah it was epic. You can find that topic right here: http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4438
  16. Moments before the war: 53-12 = 20 E Pride amirite
  17. Not at all. All of the named clans were there. We're just saying they didn't contribute as many opts as you guys think they did. About 7 EoP came, 3 Ax, and 2 A members.
  18. What are you TALKING about? We had a communication error and rushed in clumped in that spot that you can see YOUR clan standing in where YOUR MEMBER (Westy) admitted to being while claiming to 'push' us. This is far from the beginning of the fight. Quit posting random responses.
  19. That look like 15 to you? I was referring to DP, not Asher.
  20. If you'd pushed us to clan wars, or even had been winning as you said, IR would be much farther back then they are in the picture when DP comes in. This picture was taken about a minute or two before our next wave of returners came, and we held our own against DP until Fi came in too. I respect that you guys are trying to make an impact in P2P, but lying about your wins and having those people who suck your **** daily so you won't crash them in F2P stand up for you is not going to get you anywhere.
  21. No Bob, in your picture the amount of white dots is hindered by the picture taker's distance from the fight and lag caused by too many people in one place. On the other hand, the amount of white dots in my picture don't matter, because they are right clicked and all shown to be DP.
  22. So you guys been asking for proof There's IR spread out, clearly piling clumped DP members. Evidently poor Epidemic did not survive this one. May I request your excuse? ___ Of course, Epidemic can ******** their way through that one, maybe a few lies and flames will help them out. Doesn't matter, clearly we've been trashed 3 times today.
  23. Obviously you don't know anything about P2P, if you did, you'd know that pushing us back at hills gets you pretty much dd'd at the funnel, meaning we'd be taking control. You're proving my point, moron. We rushed E, were losing, then you guys got clumped, returners got back, we took over, DP crashed, we were putting up a fight vs DP as they took your spot and got clumped at hills too, then Fi came so we just logged. Next?
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