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Everything posted by Tal

  1. IR wrecked you 2/3 times, last one was the first war, a pro crash by DP just as our returners were running from cwars and we started pushing.
  2. This man speaks the truth. IR's aftermath topic will be up shortly, showing us massacring E three times.
  3. Ax came at the end of the trip, right before we ended your trip by clearing you for the first time LOL Today was good fun today lmfao We lost like 2 fights, won everything else but got crashed. Returned 8 times today, gg.
  4. I didn't make a potentiality list... And even if I did, some idiot made a list for what he thinks will happen by the end of the year, LL. F2P Foe Mm E Tlp/Cp (whoever pulls more, tbh) M IR/Dv DP
  5. Just seems like you guys think its impossible for us to rise. Your opinion, I guess. I said people who disagreed with my list could take my advice, so the least I can do is take yours. Hope to fight you guys soon. F2P Preds: 1. FOE 2. MM 3. E 4. TLP 5. CP 6. IR/DV
  6. First of all, don't make up quotes. We said "Thanks for the war," not "IR > E LOLOLOL" Second of all, Epidemic is good, but not good enough to claim that opts are 0% of the reason they win F2P wars. If every one of your wars was matched (like IR's are in P2P, because the clans we fight usually have same opts), I am willing to bet you would lose more often. I still aknowledge you guys are better, I'm just saying you can't claim that your opts aren't a part of your success. And yes, E has the edge over IR on the #5 spot, I just think its still debatable. This is my opinion, and your flames don't change it. Think of it like this: Could Epidemic do any significant damage to a clan like Devastation or Carnage? No. Could IR? The chance is not too low to credit. Could IR do anything to MM? No. Could E? Probably. In my mind, you guys still don't have #5 over us, but you are definitely ahead in the competition between our two clans. Now quite flaming and talking trash, if you have a point, you can get it across without making an idiot of yourself.
  7. I hope you realize how hypocritical you're being right now.
  8. Wasn't being clear, my bad. Been busy, haven't had time to read your topics, and I don't usually pay much attention to people's lists as a way to know how the high level clans are doing, I usually base these off what I hear from scouts during trips. I am well aware that you guys are deserving of the #3 spot.
  9. "Not doing P2P" and "Doing-P2P-with-20-opts-and-one-iteming-a-clan-we-don't-like-after-we-die" are two different things, and if you are going to flip out about this, yes I will upload the video and show it to you. The trip was led by Honey Garlic, and you lost a war to Fi. I'm sure any Epidemic or Fi member (E rushed in shortly before IR) can verify this. IR is #5 Overall because we actually do both servers, and are better than clans like Fi and DP. You're misinterpreting the idea of an overall list. Even though we're #7-8 in F2P and 6-7 in P2P, we gain ground on an overall list over some of the clans ahead of us in a specific server like DV (lacking in F2P), Carnage (Doesn't F2P), and E (lacking in P2P) because we do both. Also, since more clans do F2P than P2P, you can't just average out a clan's skill in P2P and F2P to make an overall list- you need to consider the clan in comparison to the other clans on your list. I hope that makes it quite clear to you, sir.
  10. Right now, while IR is better based on individual members, our opts force me to say Carnage has taken a lead over us in P2P. (Though dw, we will be back asap). DP is nowhere near top 8 in F2P nor top 7 in P2P, and biased lists won't change that. Overall: 1. FOE 2. MM 3. TLP (haven't heard too much from you guys but I know you're here) -Gap- 4. DV (stronger in P2P than IR is in F2P, though IR is stronger in F2P atm) 5. IR / E (E makes a far greater impact in F2P, IR makes a far greater impact in P2P, neither clan can really claim this spot right now imo. If E continues to do weekly P2P trips, which I know they make an effort to do, and have been doing well lately, and IR does not continue to step up, then E will take this spot for sure). 6. ^ 7. Fi (Need to hear more from you guys, haven't heard anything from you in P2P and very little in F2P). -Gap- 8. CP (Powerful force in F2P, a joke in P2P.) 9. DP (Been losing back and forth week after week, must be depressing. Otherwise Sean wouldn't be posting here twice a day to make sure everyone knows he thinks DP is pro. This clan needs to work on its solid member base right now, their core isn't enough to cover their opts, making them unorganized). -Gap- 10. Carnage (Just cuz Asher has to work on Saturdays doesn't mean you guys shouldn't go F2P... you have more than 1 leader, use em.) 11. Calamity (When all else fails, go kill Cy. A joke of a clan right now, bunch of lv60's spamming whatever p0ke n die tells them to, can't compete with other clans, spends many a day with 30+ opts dd'ed in barb vill in a pvp world.) Hopefully no one takes too much offense at this, my list tells the brute truths of my opinions on every clan. Rather than flame me for my opinion, consider what I said and see if maybe you can concur, and possibly even use my suggestions.
  11. That's generally what happens when you fight at Chaos Altar. P2P more. Shut up L OT: Well done E, was surprised to see many of you fighting properly in p2p. Keep coming out, you're a good rival. Had fun today, thanks for the war. C U next week. :bunny:
  12. IR ending opts : 23. E's was about 5 in single on bh stairs.
  13. If a clan sits in single, they're done, its a win for the other side. But that's not what happened. What happened was that IR members were in multi fighting and when they got piled they hugged it into single, then ran back into the fight. Whether or not that's fair is debatable, though I think it is fine, seeing as E could do it too (and some did, too). This method of stalling while killing the other team's members is used by almost every clan. (And don't say it isn't, cuz whenever there's a big clusterfuck on f2p saturday people run into cwars and then come out and kill like 1-2 opts from the other clan, then run back in. That's just an example), and we used it to take the win. See you next week E (not saying Charlie is in E, L).
  14. A) There was a bit of confusion due to the time change, don't use that as an excuse for a loss, it wasn't our super sekret plen 2 kill epedimec. B) Yes, when people crash us, we crash them. IR had a war vs DV and were crashed by DP seconds before winning. We waited till you guys pushed DP back, because we didn't want to attack you, then cleared DP. Our scouts then told us that you were falled in and charging, so we rushed first, as we could see on the mini map that you guys were coming for us. C) When we were winning the war, you guys ran to single as well. Don't see why you're complaining, like max of 5 people went there. Oh my b, sorry bro, didn't mean to be so nh, I'll tell my members not to return anymore and tell the ones who do not to bring food next time, so it can be fair. P2P Sunday: 1. FOE 2. MM (had same problem as IR lol, got confused by time, went out later. Or just went out later, idk. Heard you had good opts.) 3. TLP 4. DV (Nice win vs Carnage) 5. C (I hope you realize that we know 'LOL Found U' is your scout, that kid is annoying.) 6. IR (Killed off DP in a crash, was fighting Epidemic, got crashed by mains, was a tie tbh. Then beat E with some great returning.) 7. E (Was raping DP, tie vs IR, lost to IR later on.) 8. DP (I heard you brought Ex with you. Lol. Don't crash us anymore.)
  15. I think DV has made it quite clear by now that they weren't trying that week. Actually 0wnage, I think your post makes a lot of sense. I agree with a lot of it.
  16. Teams are lame. All the P2P ones anyways. They come to real clans asking for mini wars in Clan Wars, when they should be out pking. L
  17. No Scott, congrats to you for managing not only to stay off topic but also proving my point. How do you do it? Just noticed I forgot P2P preds for this week: 1. FOE 2. MM 3. TLP 4. DV (just cuz of opts imo) 5. IR/C I think we got it this week
  18. we said we're better than you in p2p? Since when can anyone be better than pink skirt- I mean red capes?
  19. What are you talking about? We peaked at 42 on Sunday, raped Fi's ****, then put up a 6 minute long war vs Carnage (not gonna get into who won), you peaked at 32 on Saturday, ran away from other clans, got wrecked by yours truly, then remassed and tried to inner war until we came up to kill you for kicks. Yeah it totally seems like you can be up near the #5 man, you just bring those 30 opts of yours and maybe if everyone in pure clans passes away and each clan pulls like 5 members you can get #5. If you want to use the excuse of "we're not focusing on f2p right now," why are you an f2p/p2p based clan? Is this a joke? Let's see your improvement then.
  20. MM rushes at 8:30. You can tell because you can see them spreading, from their fall-in. At 8:28, IR outnumbers you guys but is more clumped, you guys are spread out. I'll say it again, take a loss, or take a tie.
  21. Tal

    CR Package

    Join IR www.irrs.ipbfree.com #IRclan Very meager response, my apologies, will update tomm.
  22. DV > IR? If E is #3 and CP is #4 and M is #5 this is an f2p list. 25 < 41, so why is DV > IR? We wrecked them twice yesterday lmao...
  23. I really think it was a tie, but its not worth arguing over. Grats? Was truly one of the best p2p wars in a while.
  24. am on a diet, can I have a sara brew instead?
  25. I spent an hour or two making this video and I really like the result. Unfortunately, the video is 12 minutes long, and I can't cut out anything because I want to keep all of it. Its in good quality too, so its 814MB :confused: Does anyone know how I can compress it so I can upload to youtube? Thanks, appreciate it.
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