MM hit our first fight, crashing. We focused on them for a bit and they dipped. When we fought them, they had 62 and we had 65.
Heard directly from one of your leaders that you had 68 verus MM, where they had around 59-60, but whatever.
And yeah, because 70 MM is going to sit there and fight 70 NME and 65 FI who all focus on MM. It's okay though. No need to get defensive. Just asked why you didn't fight MM when you were matched.
Hello, I'm council and am in the staff channel, and i know for a fact we rushed MM with 65.
I also have a direct quote from MM members saying they had 62.
We did fight them matched.
Okay, that's fine, and I was at the fight. MM did not have 180 opts. I also have come to expect such actions from NME. It seems that the majority of your topics on this website end up being locked. Maybe the single variable that is the same from all these threads are the childish remarks and name calling done by Enemy members, and in this case, a "council and staff" of the clan. I am still curious why you did not fight MM when you were matched in the beginning, seemed like a very curious choice to focus on FOE/FI/CP, who pulled so much less than you, especially for the "#1 clan".
Congratulations on you finally fighting the big dogs, let's see if you can keep it up. Last time you hit a bind you changed your requirements to 35 defense and gained 20 defense average levels. Rune pure clan next time? :thumbsup:
I think he means the next time you change your reqs it'll go to 40+ defence.
Seriously though NME is like 99 percent addy. Low level 80s with addy and ****.
I feel like a hypocrite saying it because i'm unquested 35 but I got hacked for it,
so I have a reason. All I see from NME is cockiness because of their pull.
I don't see NME dominating the best matched ops clans in matched fights.
Plus I'm sorry but 1k kills on Fi's part is ******* amazing. I don't think you can say you are #1 today when Fi got 1k kills, return fight or not that's fkn impressive.