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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. 5 Days ago we aproached Trepidation's leadership for a 5 day F2p matched prep 1 def armor, we ended up peaking at 23 members today which is our highest pull yet, and we have high expectations for tomorows trip. We had a 3-0 victory against Trepidation, 2 rounds clan wars 3rd round PVP. DB is now 3-0 for preps with week, I'm proud of all of our members and leadership. Video: Shyz Kyle(tr0l0l0l) - no 3rd round Divine Brutality Vs. Trepidation Round 1 - (Classic) DB Starting: 20 TP Starting: 20 DB Ending: 16 TP Ending: 0 Round 2(Classic) - Was a hard fought round for DB and TP, TP used a lure tactic which tricked some of our new unexperienced members and brought us down to 15v18, but in the end we brought it back with the win with hard calling from our ranks. I survived with no food and 148 Hp. DB Starting: 19 TP Starting: 19 DB Ending: 5 TP Ending: 0 Round 3(PVP) - This round was at sperm hill, we had one of our ranks(kyle, lol.) go scout their DD to see where they were at and they ended up killing him as we were rushing in. DB Starting: 21 TP Starting: 19 DB Ending: 18 TP Ending: 1-3 people in clan wars(?) Pictures: Ending opts(PVP) Thanks for the fight TP, hopefully we can get more in the future, respect.
  2. I don't understand what you mean by DB losing momentum, we re-opened nearly a week and a half ago. OT: f2p- mm foe tlp fi p2p- tlp foe mm
  3. Irl i have Republican views Runescape i have kill everyone views.
  4. F2p matched #1 - MM #2 - CP #3 - TLP #4 - EOP #5 - FOE
  5. Now you, negative and DF are stuck with the hardest capes to get :P Only real pures can endure the search for Edmond. Thanks for trying, DB ;P Cbf.
  6. Now you, negative and DF are stuck with the hardest capes to get :P
  7. Right now we're focusing on F2p, we do get a lot of P2p minis and on sundays we have unofficial p2p trips and go pking :)
  8. 1 Day F2p prep Vs. EX, and 30 minute F2p Prep Vs. CT right after our prep Vs Ex. We peaked at 18 members out of our 31 Members. On another notice, we changed our capes. Video: By Haruno Ona(Danky) Shyz Divine Brutality Vs. Ex Started out as a 15v15, then EX members had to go. Round 1 - DB Starting: 15 EX Starting: 15 DB Ending: 10 EX Ending: 0 Round 2 - DB Starting:11 EX Starting:11 DB Ending: 7 EX Ending: 0 Round 3 - Muted TS for practice, GJ Ex. DB Starting: 11 EX Starting: 11 DB Ending: 0 EX Ending: 5 Divine Brutality Vs. Control Thanks for the practice CT, had fun, respect. Round 1 - DB Starting: 14 CT Starting: 14 DB Ending: 6 CT Ending: 0 Round 2 - DB Starting: 16 CT Starting: 16 DB Ending: 13 CT Ending: 0 Round 3 - DB Starting: 15 CT Starting: 15 DB Ending: 6 CT Ending: 0 Pictures: Thanks for the fights CT and EX, respect to both of you for not flaming!
  9. You posted this on DB forums, looks good we'll hit you up some time soon.
  10. This seems, intresting.
  11. MM because they're MM, lol. CTRL v Z f2p fullout
  12. lmfao @ trolol. F2p Overall - #1 - MM - obvious #2 - EOP - not sure? #3 - FOE - low pull saturday, will most likely come back. #4 - CP - Can maybe comeback. #5 - TLP - Have been pulling great to F2p and doing work #5 - CT - pulled 70 saturday, can you keep it consistent? #6 - Z - Pulled 55 P2p Overall - #1 TLP - have pulled consistent 90+ and pulled 108 sunday. Will it last? #2 FOE - can come back strong, and probably will. #3 MM - ? Idk
  13. Great job CP, and nice pull considering the time it was at.
  14. Massive pull TLP, looks like 2011 is going to be a good year for you.
  15. Great job beating MM outopted twice, looks like you had a fun Sunday.
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