Today Destructive Pures set out without Sign ups peaking about 80 people.
>>Kfc of DP<<
We started out our trip hunting Corrupt Pures, we planned a Run-in east of Mossies. The fight was messy with mains all around, we smoothly pushed Corrupt Pures from Mossies to Clan Wars.
Destructive Pures Vs. Corrupt Pures
DP Starting~ 74
DP Ending~ 55
CP Starting~ 70
CP Ending~ around 5 in Clan Wars.
We had another planned Run-in with Corrupt Pures, they hopped out so we went looking for Fatality, which we found at sperm hill where we fought for about 20 Seconds untill Corrupt Pures Rushed us from the East. We then regrouped at little hill, Corrupt Pures and Fatality rushed at the same time targeting Destructive Pures. After that little rumble we got prayer at Chaos Altar where we got rushed by Fatality and 10 Seconds later sandwhiched by Mayhem Makers.
Destructive Pures Vs. Fatality Vs. Corrupt Pures Vs. Mayhem Makers
DP Starting~ 70
FI Starting~ 75+
CP Starting~ 70+
MM Starting~ 90+
After that little cluster, we got word of Mayhem Makers at sperm hill. We managed a lot of fast kills as we rushed and the fight began. After about 10 minutes of fighting DP regrouped in the hut hill waiting for MM to Re-rush as MM retreated to fog. Corrupt Pures hit us and a new fight began at Hills Hut. After clearing CP at hills, MM then Re-rushed as we retreated to single heavily outnumbered from fighting CP.
Destructive Pures Vs. Mayhem Makers
DP Starting(Vs MM)~ 60
DP Ending(Before CP)~ 5-10
MM Starting(Vs DP)~ 59(Scouted)
MM Ending(Before CP)~ 15
Destructive Pures Vs. Corrupt Pures(At Hut Hill)
DP Starting(heavily low on food and prayer)~ 40
DP Ending~ 35
CP Starting~ 40+
CP Ending~ 0
We then planned a Run-in with Mayhem Makers, we 2x2 box'd inside Hills hut where Mayhem Makers rushed us and the fight began once more.
Destructive Pures Vs. Mayhem Makersx2
DP Starting~ 57
DP Ending~ 40
MM Starting~ 55
MM Ending~ 0
Thanks for the Great Fights. Hopefully everyone can keep this Flame-free.
Thanks for Reading!