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Everything posted by Stephen

  1. 1.mm 2.e 3.foe 4.eop 5.dp/fi/cp 6.^ 7.^ 8.tgg/tlp 9.ir 10.dv
  2. Goodjob guys hopefully you'll go back to the normal TGG you were.
  3. Join [D]ivine rutality! #Divine-Brutality http://www.divinebrutality.ipbfree.com The best low-med/low-level clan out there! We have 2+ f2p minis a day, we have friday saturday and sunday pk trips, i think you would fit in great, we have an awesome Staff and community along with being well organized and feared. We are f2p based so you will find what you are looking for. Hope you try it out =)
  4. IRC: #divine-brutality Runehead: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=daveswinners Video by S-a-o--s-i-n Tonight DB set out for a 30minute prep from any clan that would accept in our level Range, We pretty much asked EVERY low-med and low-level clan out there and NO ONE accepted. So then we set our sights on bigger challenges which we knew would be harder to beat then the average low lvl clans we fight weekly. So Tyler|Bad_1st_Pile Pmed a CY rank for a 30min prep Overs on -/+5(Which wasnt needed) and they gladly accepted. Peaked at 17 this fight with a couple people leaving after the first round. Now for all you other clans that cry about our leader being lvl 97, and telling us we dont stand a chance against med clans, you're wrong. (21:58:43) -Vectra[51]- ** (CLANINFO): [DB] Divine Brutality | Total members: 32 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 58.73 | P2P: 58.86) (21:58:37) -Vectra[51]- ** (CLANINFO): [CY] Calamity | Total members: 57 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 65.77 | P2P: 66.54) Divine Brutality Versus Calamity ~ 30 Minute prep Round 1 - DB attacks DB Starting~ 17 CY Starting~ 14 DB Ending~ 15 CY Ending~ 0 Round 2 - DB defends DB Starting~ 16 CY Starting~ 15 DB Ending~ 0 CY Ending~ 8 Round 3 - Pkri on Plat DB Starting~ 15 CY Starting~ 15 DB Ending~ 11 CY Ending~ 0 Respect to CY for putting up a great fight. Pictures of the Fights -
  5. Thursday night out 1. MM - beat EOP+E and EOP 2. EOP - fought MM alone 3. E+EOP 4. E - Feels good to team and lose right r0flll
  6. How many E ranks went to MM's prep massing and flamed every MM they saw?...
  7. P2p Overall - 1. FOE - Beat all the below for a couple weeks 2. MM 3. TLP - Still here but not doing so great, Pulled 50-60 with Dv?(Btw im not sure of this, just what i heard) 4. C - Pulls 50(+) and beats the below more consistently 5. E 5. Dp/Fi - Not sure 6. Fi/Dp 7. EOP - Heard you have been going out and putting up good Fights to the above, You pulled 45 to a 30min p2p prep vs E, Should start pulling 60 to p2p and you'll head straight Up 8. IR/Dv - Both been doing bad? Idk? 9. Dv/IR Overall(Trying to use this ranking system) - But im not sure about ranks >.> 1. MM(1+2)? 2. Foe(1+3)? 3. E(2+5)? 4. Eop(3+7)?/Dp(5+5)?/TLP(7+3) 5. 6. Not sure with the rest, again i have trouble ranking like this lol.
  8. (F2p)Destructive Pures vs Corrupt Pures - CP win, organization has improved over the last month (F2p)Eop vs Foe - I dont think this would happen, but if it did CWA 100v100, Donno winner but EOP would put up a good fight
  9. Goodjob CP i see your organization has improved ;)
  10. F2p Preds 1.MM/E 2.E/MM 3.EOP - Been doing great should beat Foe again 4.Foe -gap- 5.DP/Fi - Fi will probably win but who knows 6.Fi/DP 7.CP 8.M
  11. Should happen, a lot of clans have been getting great boostes of activity. So i can definitly see it happening sooner or later.
  12. p2p overall 1.FOE 2.MM 3.TLP 4.C 5.DP 6.E/Eop 7.Fi 8.Dv/Ir 9.- 10.Tgg f2p overall 1.MM 2.E 3.EOP 4.FOE 5.Fi 6.DP 7.CP 8.M 9.TGG 10.IR 11.Dv
  13. You dont meet the reqs for HF/PX/VH yet so, there is no rune pure clans for you.
  14. I personally like f2p but.. P2p is definitly Harder because you can use tactics to success even when outnumbered, stuff like surrounding your enemy with returners..etc. But in f2p you most likely lose outnumbered by 10+ Just opinion ;)
  15. wow E got cleared for their 100k banks ffs wow walli you that mean?
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