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Everything posted by Skyz

  1. Well u actually crashed us lol so we were low food/pray... Dont claim victory after loosin 3-1 today to us then havin ur members claim autowin on all rounds cause we brought alot lol... Plus in the prep u had 4-6 lvl 80s with u while we only had 1 plus we fought with ur rules of overs off
  2. Even here Ul comes to flame R? LOL.... its kinda gettin sad now lol Ul is in a 0-6 prep streak right now im not sure lol or 0-5 (im not flamin tho they r in it) Gj ascent on ur fights tho :)
  3. Idk y zenith need to recruit if they pulled 85 for a fullout lol
  4. clearly if you weren't so retarded you could read Brad's Vid will update. bosa's vid is just of our run in with R Cant wait to see dis **** Yeah, they dont get much of it. At all. You seem more mad then hostility after getting **** smashed by cp on a saturday. Or Unlimited after getting hit on login by Resistance every saturday. ^^ lol
  5. Leave ascent alone lol... Even Lt outleveles them although we had 13~ they had 20~ they should get respect because of the lvls their mostly 50s lol a couple of 60s
  6. Haha gf ascent :P wasnt their but seemed u did well :) -BOSA #1 SWORDFISH TANK- lol
  7. Levels 80's Punish after todays prep with u u cant say we had 80s lool we had 1 81 u had 5 80s so dont say combat was to high lol plus we fought u without overs. We still won 3-1 tho plus 1 of ur members was claimin autowin in all rounds cause we had to sit people -.-? Lol
  8. Not tryna flame or anything but preps are ALWAYS over on. Yeah that's kind of my point! We get flamed that for having overs on in a 'prep' is 'unfair' in Lt's eyes. When in retrospect that's how the majority bar very few are ruled. Yea i agree with this but u been 70s-80s and they bein 60s without overs u could of atleast given them a break lol... We fight them without overs although this time they came with alot of 70s-80s but we still fought them without overs
  9. Gj on the prep To much flamin just for winin a prep wen ur average combat is 69 (higher than r's) fightin a lvl 60 clan wih no overheads and we fought them with no overs lol Although wen we preped Lt they had 80s they are still mostly all 60s
  10. was pretty funny, especially on ts. sharing facts about how bad resistance is ^^ Dont come flamin R if u havent beaten us yet :P and u cant say ee outlevel u if ur average combat is 69
  11. Nvm they just took them out lol so its Nme vs Citology gl to the remainin pure clans Nme+Fatality lol
  12. Atleast timbo gave u the bye today after tellin u u were about to get Dq but still cult will be fightin citology an obviously again cult will loose and foe got dq for 1 person bein in gravite and 1 in corrupts L0L...... Its just pathetic
  13. Timbo cannot be gayer......... He disquallified zenith from tournament but let cult continue in tournament lololol wow nos nme fights cult+citology
  14. Hmm i think ur combat cap is kinda high for a lpc.... Every1 thought 85 was to high in the fullout lol Gj on the mini tho :P Cant see vid atm ;/
  15. This Also nice job on that pullll thought id be a 20vs20 tho sadly ul pulled 15ish lol gratz on that win tho :) Sorry we don't invite 15 people like R does. I fell asleep so I wasnt' there but good job. Lots of respect for your clan. Dont come to Purefects topic to flame resistance lol... Plus u could see each we have preps/trips u can see its usually our same members lol and if u say we have so call "invites" u can see their our applicants :P also 30ish is our usual pull so we dont bring invites or armour (black,mith,addy) to trips Anywayz gratz again purefect for the pull/win
  16. This Also nice job on that pullll thought id be a 20vs20 tho sadly ul pulled 15ish lol gratz on that win tho :)
  17. Actually...there is only 3 people in the clan that have Gravites, and none of us is even 60 attack to wear corrupts... And for the truth resistance is an Mpc, and i dont get it why u still fighting in lpc stage, cuz basiclly look at your levels, and show me a proff that we have gravites in the clan...cuz i think we only have 2 people with gravites in clan.. Actually, its good practice fo LT to take on a mpc clan... AND about the part when ya tryign to flame us on the prep, i told 2 of the high ranks in the clan that 75 cb cap, 1 def cap and overs off and dung/corrupts off.. i wanted a fair fight with you guys, cuz ya had an advantage with higer combat, but ya still pulled more than 75 cb cap and ya still kept pulling your corrupts...in that prep we ddiitn even had members with corrupts or any dung...and ya trying to flame us by saying autowin...GET SOME BALLS AND MOVE TO MPC KIDS!!! BECAUSE "r" is an MPC!!! i could too put some low levels in the cc to keep my average cb lvl low lol...cmon grow up, and come up with the truth.. LT IS TRULY THE #1 LPC.. Take our overs off/attack off and we're your combat, which we did in our last prep. Also go down our clan list and tell me one person under 60 on our clan list besides broiled & AlexWaar - http://services.runescape.com/m=clan-hisco...me=ResistanceRS Our combat average is 68, yours is 64. Cut the ******** m8 The lowest pulling MPC's combat average is 83. We accepted the Prep with corrupt/overs on Mulugg even confirmed it via IRC..sadly I wasn't on mIRC so I don't have the logs and despite that prep we fought you again not long ago with your rules, and we abided by them and gave you even up to +3 Actually kid..they didn't talked to mulugg..2 of your high ranks talked to me..and i said my rules and told them that 60-75 cb cap, 1 def cap, dung/corrupt/overs OFF..and they said it would be fine..and ya still broke them...i don't get it..you guys have the worst high ranks man...cuz they cant tell the truth cuz they don't have any balls to say anything. Actually...there is only 3 people in the clan that have Gravites, and none of us is even 60 attack to wear corrupts... And for the truth resistance is an Mpc, and i dont get it why u still fighting in lpc stage, cuz basiclly look at your levels, and show me a proff that we have gravites in the clan...cuz i think we only have 2 people with gravites in clan.. Actually, its good practice fo LT to take on a mpc clan... AND about the part when ya tryign to flame us on the prep, i told 2 of the high ranks in the clan that 75 cb cap, 1 def cap and overs off and dung/corrupts off.. i wanted a fair fight with you guys, cuz ya had an advantage with higer combat, but ya still pulled more than 75 cb cap and ya still kept pulling your corrupts...in that prep we ddiitn even had members with corrupts or any dung...and ya trying to flame us by saying autowin...GET SOME BALLS AND MOVE TO MPC KIDS!!! BECAUSE "r" is an MPC!!! i could too put some low levels in the cc to keep my average cb lvl low lol...cmon grow up, and come up with the truth.. LT IS TRULY THE #1 LPC.. This is kinda mixed up seein we average 68 combat an in the prep against u if u looked at our dd we had alot of 60s without overs lol. For the second thing u said we are still a multiclannin clan which allows members from other clans such as Ef, Nme, Hi ect join our clan with the limitation of 80 combat- (except 1 81) most lpc also have adapted to this (Ul 50-80, us 60-80, sop 65-85~, sv 70-85, bv 55ish-75ish and pf 60-85(havin some 80s in their clan) and Yr 75-95 +Ls 100s. Most if these clans come out at lpc time... Y do u only talk about us? The thing is Resisance mostly outpull every1 :P... Except Sv but they dont come out saturdays anymore. And Sop goes out at Mpc time :P But since Lt is 60-68ish and pulls close to some of these u get targeted by them... And even with the combat/prayer difference id say Lt does a great job :)... But since we outpull every1 some come out in armour, others bring Ls mains already havin mains lol and others just logg/run from us lol But for lt lvls takin on Other clan lvls without over id consider u Top 3 Lpcs :P
  18. Tbh u know Sv can pull 40ish lol we pull 30ish usually and Bv pulls 20ish? Sv can even get to 50 tho lol im not sure how they get 100 but they got it lol
  19. I didnt really come to flame... I just didnt like wen u posted us usin mith and addy wen in first 2 pics theres people in ur clan with mith and one with black lol as for us usin monk robes. Sorry if u took it as a flame :mellow: was just tryin to say...
  20. I was told u lost too many wars but i didnt come to flame... Gj Bv
  21. I would say for a disadvantage Lt is pretty good but wen overs are off at cw in a 20vs20 u cant say u were at a disadvantage seein we couldnt use our prayer and most of u have gravites also lol which could compar to corrupts and id say id be better also. Even mulugg accepted us as #1 at preps with sv So forget this argument lool. Lt is good at wildy even tho at prayer disadvantage and we r good just that MOSTLY every clan runs from us lool
  22. We've never lost a fight in wildy for the 2 months we've been open. And invite, we pulled like 30+ today..and have for the past 2 months... (14:55:07) <[uL]Chris> continue with ur life will expect another call to ur mom if u ever hit us This clan is one of the saddest that has been made, totally acting as if they do nothing wrong ever..Its just sad but its w/e you demeaning Resistance in every topic you make for no reason isn't doing anything to our clan but make us want to slap you harder then we did today. You are aware we don't accept 30 defence right? Unlike your clan. We have smacked you before and we'll do it again. Also we rightfully called an auto-win yesterday. Gf 2-1 also, I've seen just about everyone of my members say that they enjoyed the trip. Hbu? Have fun crashing all day ? Stella... I liked u before and had a big respect to u but now u joined Ul and makin fake topics/excuses on ur looses to us is kinda dissapointin... This topic clearly said u knew we would kill u so u spent the whole day avoiding R/ wen u look at pic of our crashin in top corner u can see a guy in mith from ur clan AND us crashin all on monk robes (except one in druidic robes which is Ex) since he loves them lol im not sure if these 2 weeks uve been makin us sit in lobby either... For the past month we have been one of the most thriving lpcs together with sop and sv
  23. ^^^^ gf to every1 by Ex lol and in their picture of us crashin theres people in addy/mith while we crash in monk robes
  24. If u look at ul topic in a pic sayin we crashed u see in middle 1 guy in mith and 1 guy in addy with blue teamcape (not beein mean but idk wat clan was that lol) u could also see in right corner a guy in mith from their clan and u can ALSO see us all rushin in monk robes lol
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