Before u keep writing wall of texts may i say only people there were Kirby, Alexwaar and Rajj which all are clan friends in terror, second round u didnt kill any1 so dont really flame lol idk where u got we had invites sat, might i also add u had a MM member there
@part where u said leadership had 0 potential- well u can say all u want but terror has done pretty good in the mpc scene so far... plus beated sv a couple time in preps now severe, i remember wen sv used to flame us cause we sucked at cw ;) plus
@ part where u said we had addy- its mpc wat can u expect lvl 60s in robes? u hardly see a clan with 90s anymore and i laughed at part where u said we obligated people in gettin def
@Activation part- i used to like activation cause i thought it had a good community and great people in it but look at u <_<
If Jordan really left S im sure ud do better lol
So You Admit Invites? But give me proof of an MM Member there LOL.
You dont need leadership to be "pretty good", all you need is 30+ def and someone who can call a push. And You guys in terror seem to pride your selfs in winning preps that were only won off Combat levels and defense.
What you said about def, you basically said you couldn't compete without getting people to wear def lmao. I don't know about you, but Severe had basically a matched opts fight in wilderness and we had a solid fight. Might i add, it was basically all robes vs all addy with a few mith/robes with Zenith. Now i think that's a better accomplishment than anything Terror has ever done LOL and it was on a midweek.
Also you're just saying that because no1 likes Terror, even a clan as friendly as Activation. Tbh i liked you in till you tried to reply to me here LOL. But now i just see you as a spastic who has no idea what he is talking about.
Id stick to being a little ***** and just replying "Gj @ Your trip" To every topic. Thanks :thumbsup: