I laughed at your pathetic attempt, you pulled 30 so you had to team with 3 different clans to pull 50, ending with a kdr of 40 kills 100 deaths. Nice way to end pure clanning lmfao, we'll pay your clan a visit soon m8 ;D
You just posted the same link again?
Pure clanning isn't dead btw. You are clueless l0l
You had to resort into taking a picture of a topic from one of our Old School who wanted to make a suggestion and step it up. Just shows how different Zenith Rank Structure is then TLP.
You took a picture of Ab0rtion Plz topic which is a oldschool members who cares and gives a lot of **** about Zenith. Compared to TLP ranks who had a Leader Rage quit, a spastic named Dissy who made like 3 of your ranks retire, and you guys promote a bunch of people just for ***** and giggles just so you can have a big staff team because that is what you whole pull is. Your nothing but a bunch of tryhards, and when you loose hype you go back to being a garbage clan for the rest of your time.
You say you look forward to EOC, but look at this way, your clan is all 20+ years old, and a majority of your Oldschool members and ranks have quit already. They only play for the sheer reason of TLP, and after everything is finalized they will not have the energy to learn how to war and what not.
Then there is Zenith who is a clan with a younger core who has members that around 15-17 years old, and probably one of the youngest core member-base to this game who will all probably stick around after the update, and learn the new combat system.
The bottom line is, Zenith ended this Era at the top, and you ended this era at the bottom. You can't even use the excuse of having no forums for a week as a excuse for a way out. If you don't have forums so what? Is your community that spread out that you don't have each other's numbers or have each other added on Facebook. Is your 30 Man Leadership that weak that you can't even make the effort to contact members ingame/via irc/and teamspeak 3?
Last time Zenith had no forums for a week we pulled 50 that weekend because we made the effort.
Bottom line is you sit here and act like we give a **** about your memberboards or a **** about our Oldschool boards/Ranked. We are not a stupid clan who makes stupid topics that are worth leaking. Everything is done via IRC or TS3. All you pretty much did on this topic was just show how week TLP's leadership is, compared to what it used to be when Nectar/Jason and King lead.
Oh and my m8 TheOffSpring texted me yesterday asking to come to Zenith's trip because he got on Friday night to see what is going on with TLP and said it was a shithole and all the good ranks left/quit.
Thanks for your posts on our topics, all you did is get trolled by Ireland, and get shut down by me, and at the same time just admit to how desperate you are to attempt to compete with a 2 Year Old Clan because your old clan CPR was a **** hole and you now think your something big in TLP when in reality your whole clan hates you, and you make your clan look like a utter and complete joke on this Site, and TLP's site.
1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... Winner by uppercut Josh "Iron Mike" Co0kieszszszszszszszszsz