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Everything posted by sithlord

  1. The only thing u talk about mike is pct which happend 2 months ago ur clan won 1 time ever on a sat... you keep losing preps minis everything every day u lose to activate... i dont understand.. u cant compete with anyone in lpc when b4 we made u leave
  2. What is your level is combat? Mike, real talk when you guys have more excuses than any clan ur going to start going out against all 90s and 100s in addy... are you guys going to make topics of excuses again? Lol
  3. yea idk sv couldn't compete lpc who knows what there thinking haha
  4. Terror Dominates Saturday First some shout outs: Shout out to IBRO'S vid who messed up my nice topic that I wrote everything out on and I am not going to retype every battle. Shout out to Alex for clearing his old clan. Shout out to SV mike to confirming the mains. Shout out to every clan that fought us, thanks and respect for going at it. We peaked at 60 again this week, We fought SV+mains, UL, Activation, and Evezz163 (Mains fc that SV called to hit us). We lost no fights, and had a blast! Special thanks to SV, we know it's very hard to compete with the pure community. If you did not know they made a topic about them leaving the LPC community because they cannot compete. Best of luck with whatever your going to do. It is not an easy thing to compete with the other LPC's out there, and we understand. (Refer to their topic about leaving LPC if they haven't closed it yet). Well anyways in short: We had a planned prep 40v40 vs sv in cw wild rules... They complained, and left to wild, we didn't let them go anywhere without us hitting them, killed them numerous times, they called mains, and other clans to help, we won, lost no battles. We also fought UL and A, and evezz163 masser fc that sv called, and won all battles. Videos: Pics: More pics to be uploaded later, once again sorry, I had a beautiful topic but IBRO messed it up lol :)
  5. I EX I - 30 defence NMEEEEEE - 30 defence co0bra - 35 defence join terror - 40 defence sop terror - 44 defence do i have to prove my point further co0bra is not with us.. join terror was a troll account never even in the clan sop terror never been in the clan either a troll account.. nmeee doesn't wear addy i ex i uses ex3n... which is 20 def so 1 person but he doesn't wear addy sorry your gonna love mpc everyone wears addy l0l you couldn't compete man... it's ok jus you can't compete uploading you guys losing everything today.. won't do your loss to ul but i hope they do
  6. But you always lose... You didn't even beat 1 lpc today.. not even 1...
  7. So your basically saying your not good enough to stay in lpc so your going to try to go mpc. lol gl with that one worst lpc clan goes mpc funny ****
  8. Not to be mean but you have members that are 12 def like tism... also something strange is you lost every fight today lol... You got cleared bad by terror, so you left and did a prep vs ul which you lost... you won 1 of your last 5 preps. how are you saying theres no competition you are a joke.
  9. Mike the funny part is the only thing u guys seem to fall back on is something that happend months ago lol. U need to work on ur future not just talk about your past.. if i was to talk about my past sop only lost 1 prep to u ever.. so i guess overall u would lose past and present and the prediction for today, future.
  10. People hate on the superior clan But dey always lose and post topics of excuses
  11. Elmo active or kicked. ;P Wasn't there but good job. Hopefully next time me and Elmo can come ;D yea stella! I hope so too! I love how any clan that fights any clan without SV involved has no flame weird isn't it ;p
  12. Was a fun fight, respect UL for no flame and always being respectable. :)
  13. How do people with all 90 stats and mostly 99s lose to lower cbs... lack of leadership capabilities.
  14. If i could talk more often open sop as a clan... Otherwise ul for lpc, not sure mpc
  15. David u cant stand in single for a whole fight and claim a win l0l
  16. I do see alot of mains with sv though in their capes and such like 34 def who always comes s spiral.. the normal ones... SV massers at heart. cheap move vs us when we have 8 and u have much more we were gonna fight u either way for fun, but not cool to hit us on log in.. ;p But yea sv just can't do anything in the wild there a clan wars team.. And they won for the first time in a while yesterday because they were ddosing.
  17. Yea man, thanks, they know i'm ftw.. There jelly of my 20 def.. Btw fights were so close i'm willing to bet everything that if I didn't get hit off like every time I fight SV UL would have won! The real champ in this is hittin, he has a party hat. oh and a booter...
  18. L0l these posts are all about me I love it! Btw, i'm pretty sure we beat you 2 days ago, and its not my fault you hit me off I told UL I felt as if I shouldn't play vs SV again because you guys just ddos me every round so i just stand there and UL is fighting a man down.. Just stop ddosing man
  19. we had 8 at our fight and you hit us at login.. l0l gj i guess...
  20. I am in every prep. Never forget da name!
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