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Everything posted by sithlord

  1. This made me legit l0l take a loss it seemed like you were laggy... it wasnt us ddosing you... Kids just cant take a loss in this clan...
  2. sithlord

    SOP vs EOP

    never said mini's mean much, stella... were a mini team though so thats kinda what we do :L lol
  3. sithlord

    SOP vs EOP

    SOP had 3 fights for our first day back in a couple of months, we started with a 15v15 min prep vs lieatuva, we lost it 2-1, then we had a 10v10 mini vs eop, which we won 2-1, finally we had a 15v15 min prep with Zenith (all on) which we lost 2-1. Considering it was our first day back in 2 months and we are all less than 85 cb and mostly 70s I thought we did quite well today trying to take on the big boys. Thanks to everyone that gave us fights!
  4. Gj lt! Was a fun war. That was our first day back in a few months as 1 team again ;p next time we give u a better fight! :)
  5. you post multiple times on the same topic, looks like your clan cant compete when you haven't had a winning topic in ages. Your all numbers , no quality. I would like to see you even beat Activation matched. owait relax a notch if no one wants to join your clan and you cant pull its fine just chillll
  6. we will be mpc with lpc levels however we are willing to fight anyone.. Todays we fought 3 clans: EOP 10v10 we won 2-1 Zenith prep corrupt/dung on 15v15 lost 2-1 Lieutvia prep lost 2-1 Not bad considering were all under 85 cb still besides 2 people that didn't get to come today and some haven't played in almost a year! Was fun, willing to take anyone for fights!
  7. yea man we have our first prep again today we may even have 2.. 3 eastern is first one come online! ;p
  8. L0l my only question is how come whenever SV does anything in the wild they just end up bringing mains everywhere and screaming saviors of the pure community l0l.. Even their mains cant save them from going to edge.
  9. SOP Reopens as a mini team! Do you remember that 50-79 team that beat every mpc/hpc/lpc at least once in f2p minis? The old clan that only lost 1 f2p prep ever against their own levels. Were back! With many of us quitting the game, and a few that joined MPCs we may be a bit rusty on our team work, but were planning on coming on strong! We no longer have a cb cap of 79 due to a few of us going into MPCs, however that being said there are only 2 people who did that, so it will be mostly people of 80 and less cb. IRC: #sop-rs (with this being said I will be in there pm sithlord if you want a fight, because were mostly in terror and some terror members are not in sop I am not going to make this something my members have to be in) Requirements: You will have to pm me and talk with me. I will have to see you in inners before I can make a yes or no... You must also meet one of these requirements: Mele: 90+ Strength Range: 93+ Range Or 85+ strength and range. (with any of these options we would much rather you have high mage/strength/range. These are absolute minimums, and you are not at all promised you will make it on these stats, nor if your maxed. You must meet these minimums and pass our test to join. We are planning on making sop stronger than just the best our levels, into the best of all in minis. Leaders: Sithlord Orhun Sn0rki A few old videos: We are open again as of today Tuesday September 18, 2012! Hope to see you at cw!
  10. Your clan is ****, and its going to close in one month. Stalemates isn't in SV's clan chat and it was an unofficial pk trip. So yeah, have your 15 minutes of fame mate Nice mith invites ;P I don't think SV sees it like me, if they bring rune/addy/mith people but say there 1-12 def its kinda weird... Every time I get this excuse for why they bring mains clans: There not in the cc, just the fc.. were saving the pure community! Really sv... really? -.-
  11. idk maybe he is,maybe he aint who cares?? what does this vid have to do with Mulugg ? lol he wasnt even there... This was a fight against #lieatuva Not mulug lt, it was fun thanks for the fight! Range bro u should probably write out the clan name since there's like 5 lt's lol also to put youtube up do this nice post man :)
  12. Yes it was true, also Addy and Rune.. i guess they ran out of money to buy addy and rune so they decided to use mithril you know since its cheaper.. yes ibro, good points, they cheat daily. Mass bring mains clans ect... In cw they can only ddos. sry meant to change this, a bit. I may have gone to far on how mean I am at times. But tbh, w57 randoms like sv just deserve to be taught something. If they just stopped claiming to be saving the pure community by bringing mains it would be OK!
  13. Yes it was true, also Addy and Rune.. i guess they ran out of money to buy addy and rune so they decided to use mithril you know since its cheaper.. yes ibro, good points, they cheat daily. Mass bring mains clans ect... In cw they can only ddos.
  14. http://imgur.com/EMPSJ I ran to the battle to be sure that I could get my own eyes so no propaganda, because i'm a nerd like that... And I got killed by sv with at least 1 guy in full rune and 1 in mith. This SV clan is the definition of w57, the definition of mass. There is evidence everywhere from every clan no one thinks they are fair and no one thinks they don't bring mains. They say there saving the pure communities but mass mains in their fc for every trip, as well as sometimes whole mains clans.
  15. You only agree with russian pro's statement cuz he is defending you. I am completely on no sides. I always watch what happens and judge, I have flamed Activation before too. I do this on every topic when ppl are clearly lying, and you sir SV you lie on 90 percent of the things you do. On your recent prep if you look I wrote gj sv cuz u legit won. On your millions of times you cheat I show how you cheat in pictures/vids/irc/ect. just stop man u got cleared why are you even arguing take your advice and move on. If you cant do that stick to clan wars, and be sure your members aren't in mith when ur a 1-12 def clan GJ A.
  16. Sorry SV I just watched it over and over from both perspectives. A got the better, and you had the mith, u only had a few less. The orb views that I got in irc pics and such showed you had 22 while A had 27. yea sure they had some more.. u had some ppl in mith.. and clans were sniping both sides. accept the loss you always lose in the wild. GJ A.. SV flames. it's expected.
  17. Well I looked close at this fight, it looks like there are many things wrong with this topic and sv commenting on it as well. #1. wreckless and terror were in different capes and clearly seemed to be sniping anyone. They were not teamed with sv or activation. #2. Activation pulled 20 some clearly by the vid not 40... #3. SV did not pull less than 10... they pulled in low 20s.. And if they claim they pulled less there lying and they look bad for not being able to pull #4. SV always loses in the wild no matter what so i'm not sure why they even try. Both sides are wrong, just sv is more wrong clearly.
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