SV GOT THE D!!!! Brought mains again and still lost!
Terror Dominates LPC and does work MPC
Today we had a great trip, dominating SV many times, and heard rumors that they were asking for help anywhere they could find possible, and still losing. Ignoring the requests to stop bringing addy level 100s, or mains clans, we knew it would be a test. While SV and their mains put up good fights, we still came on top!
Terror vs SV
We started out the day with a fight with sv, it was early, and we knew that they had 61 sign ups but I guess something went wrong and around 30 of them didn't make it.. However we fought them with even ops and cleared them up pretty easily around vents.
Terror vs PF vs YR
We heard PF and YR were fighting, we quickly hopped without banking after clearing SV and hit focused on YR first between mossies and vents. We cleared them up and then focused on the remaining pf and cleared them up quick.
Terror vs SV
We found SV at gap, stood our ground for a long while, then noticed that the mains were pounding us pretty hard and we started to pull back for our returners, continued the fight at vents, and ended up eventually pushing them to mossies and claiming the victory.
Terror vs SV
We asked them for another pkri at spider village with them defending, SV did not back down, SV and a few of their addy/rune mains were in a dd in spider village, we came, we saw, we conquered. Thanks for loots.
Terror vs Activation
Heard A and YR were in a tussle around ca, when we got there it was only a few of A left and we just cleaned them up.
Terror vs YR
Not sure what was up with the vid of this, asked for a fight around vents, cleaned them in about 1 min.. Thanks for the fight!
Terror vs Mayhem Makers
We got word of MM fighting TLP and Z around p13, we knew that we were lower combats but we could easily take down the 70s/80s of mm as a sniping team. We killed a good amount people and got nice loots :)
Terror vs Hostility vs EF
Our old friends from sop HI and EF were fighting around p13 in another world, we decided if we can snipe team mm, we can easily snipe team these two, we were right, we came, and we sniped all the low levels from both of these clans killing every level we could. At the end of their fight we were the last clan standing. ;)
Was a fun trip, we will get video of the MPC sniping up as soon as falc0n gets online!!!! ;O
LPC Videos:
MPC Videos:
Pictures of SV mains from today, they didn't seem to help:
Pics of going out MPC (We only wore the Mith at MPC times):
Thanks to all clans that participated in today's adventures! Rest of vids and pics coming soon :)