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Everything posted by sithlord

  1. as much as i respect you we have pictures of all of your leaders admitting to it, every clan disrespecting how you guys play, and pics that prove you did it over and over and the ddos. i am not sure, talk to your own clan it's your problem we just want you to play by the rules.
  2. just l0l at anyone that thinks this is a clan. this is an open fc svrs.
  3. i bro when i post what i post tomorrow, if anyone out there is wondering is sv a pure clan or a mains/masser clan it will be solved.
  4. Sry, u thought mpc was drama... lpc is where the drama is. ;p lol I still wana know why sv thinks there good to bring a rune clan to the lpc events
  5. SV first time 1 addy/rune/mith/main/random shows up no one will fight you again. so I would just stop trying to cheat you obviously look stupid. only your clan thinks bringing a rune clan is good. @ skyz im sorry you weren't there. but you know me. I do not tell a lie.
  6. Man its gonna be fun when I post my comment tomorrow. GG sv grats on bringing mains clans, addy people, ddosing, massing randoms, and thinking that makes you good at something. And grats i believe you ddosed and cheated in all of those too... Lets see you beating terror in the wild without your mains clan ever. 1 time, actually no, lets take that back anyone u beat in the wild in 2 months. lol...
  7. you should stop worrying about the Pure Community, and more about your clan. Your the reason your clan is falling apart. unlike you i would care more about the pure community, it is what makes this fun. you bringing your addy daddy's, main's clan allys, mith people, ddosing, and whatever we missed as a whole community, is ruining it. who cares about your clan. think bigger. just because you can't compete in a real 1 v 1 in clanning because your not organized enough to pull does not mean you should degrade the whole community for it. and i bet no one will ever fight you until you change the brining of mains clans to help you.
  8. Dat rune/addy/mass/n ddos. your the reason the pure community is falling appart really, rune to an lpc... RUNE to any pure clan event, but a rune clan at a lpc. really...
  9. Along with many of the mains and addy let's post some of dat ddos... lol pics tomorrow of them admitin it was them... this clan is so bad they brought mains, randoms, addy people, and ddosed to have a chance of competing...
  10. i'm a bit confused, didn't it take your clan over an hour to figure out what time the prep was and to mass enough randoms to fight it? i'll post some of those pics too tomorrow...
  11. Well, I see mithril on sv's side, but none on the blue capes terror, i see mithril/addy/mass/and rune... but seems to be none on our side...
  12. Batman, your cc has nothing to do with your pulls u brought a mains clan in your fc. You pk with 40 def people. and 30 def ppl. who cares about your cc. it has nothing to do with who you fight with.
  13. Naw yall don't mass recruit u just bring mains and mains clans in ur fc and your like no there not in our cc so its ok.. lol tbh no one thinks ur a clan thats why every clan agreed to not go out because you brought a mains clan with you to fight lpcs in full rune as well as some addy daddys and some guys in mith dunno what thats about.
  14. ye man i'll edit all dose pics im good with microsoft paint. no one even thinks ur a clan anyway tbh.
  15. Is he in a fight? I recall our fights in world 14. l0l not 80 that's someones massing world. you really don't know what we have pictures of do you? lol... you will be gettin' it tomorrow. no one fought you because you cheated. not because you were any good. you never ever won a fight on sat ever and you expect people to believe that you fairly won any fights at all? L0l at your clan, after everyone saying you were just bringing mains ect everyone left and went to clan wars. that is how it will be until you have the leadership capability to pull your clan and not mains. if your not good in the wild focus on your clan getting better, don't bring randoms and mains and ddos. 23 people that should not have been there will be proved tomorrow. 23. good possibility knowing sv there is more.
  16. just for the start s spiral 5 or whatever looks kinda similar to s spiral I am going to have a lot of posts showing 15 plus mains, and 8 at least randoms that I and other clans can prove. It will be tomorrow before i post.
  17. once i get this together, its like every clan was telling me, sv is ruining the pure community, they are inviting mains and addy daddys on trips because they are unable to pull. IF any clan in lpc is willing to fight them and their rune, they are doing exactly what we are trying to stop. I belive no one will fight them until they drop their rune people. but I could be wrong. after we were done, i know sv just watched us prep in cw due to no one wanting to deal with the massed randoms and mains.
  18. A 2 min video for ur sat trip... getting the pics of your mains, and addy daddys and the mass/ect you did. This trip was about 2 min long, and every clan would not fight them because they massed randoms, brought a mains clan, and pleanty of addy with the rune! will post irc convos/pictures/videos/ect. there pull was just massed randoms as well as a mains clan.
  19. Looks like sv didnt kill anyone on their mpc trip =/
  20. i'm kinda honestly hoping for a pw topic of sv this sat. lol the mains clan vs the pures. lol
  21. WITH ABSOLUTELY NO BIAS: Lpc: 1. Terror (biggest real pull with no mains or addy daddys or mith or anything of the sort) won prep vs pf 2.pf/ul, (also didn't cheat in any ways. smaller pull) 3.pf/ul 4. Activation, beat lt 5. Lt, fought fair 6. Sv, at the bottom. They massed many random people, as well as 5 seen with pictures/vid addy daddys, at least 2 mithril people, AND at least 8 in rune. They are as usual the absolute saddest excuse of a clan on planet earth. This is lpc. not rune wars.. This clan claims to be the last pure clan ever, well when mains with your cape on, in your fall in, in your fc, ect, you seem to be the virus ending pure LPC. Just because there not in your cc, but instead your fc does not mean they aren't with you. MPC/HPC: 1.MM 2.EOP 3.FI 4.TLP 5.FOE 6.CP/NME 7.CP/NME 8.E 9.HI 10.EF 11.SV after no one would fight them in lpc due to cheating/ddosing/bringing mains in full rune/bringing addy daddys/bringing people in mith/and more! They went mpc, From what I saw, i'm not sure they even killed anyone on their mpc trip.
  22. Yea, its most clans tbh worst 2 imo 1.sv 2.eop But most clans do it i never knew how and im glad i can say that every clan i have had has never ddosed. To be honest im not sure theres much you can do but if you notice your leader ddosing talk to him, ask him if they have that little confidence in their skills to win the game. Maybe when they realize (the people ddosing) that they are doing it because they dont think they have the capability of winning fair, they will stop and focus on making their clan better, not on making the other clan worse.
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