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Zo Is Legend

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Everything posted by Zo Is Legend

  1. Seen to many attempts at this same pointless attempt at making up for a loss. A rematch will take place soon, in which Dv will defend and I will send a scout to make sure each and every single one of them are on their memberlist, to ensure this won't happen again. :biggrin: Cheers guis!
  2. Rofl i just laughed, who are you to tell us how many we pulled? We pulled 65-67, no more than that. ./end
  3. Obviously it looked easy when we had ~67 and they had 80 (out of an 88 man ml lol). Don't laugh at our warring abilities when these same warring abilities shat on you a couple months ago.
  4. By your rankings, IR and E should be tied, as we both add up to a 11 combined ranking total. Not sure why you put yourselves ahead of us even though your previous 2 lists state otherwise.
  5. Yes because reputation wins a clan war.
  6. You seem to not understand, reasoning with you is useless.
  7. He's not bitching about it, he's showing how they complained about us recruiting, yet they're recruited far more than us.
  8. Ye men typin lyk dis doesnt mayk u cul!!!!!11!
  9. An example of why you shouldn't join Epidemic.
  10. That's funny because your own member made the f2p topic.
  11. This topic might as well be changed to IR vs DV p2p war because if that's what they want, that's what they'll get.
  12. Hey Niico, you should join IR, you were at our trip on Saturday so you already know most of our members and how things are run. I think you should give it a try, you have friends such as Owen here, and I think you would have a good time. Any questions ask in: #irclan Http://Irrs.ipbfree.com
  13. That's pretty contradictory yourself, as you attempted to bring me down with this whole video, to make yourself look better and feel better about yourself. Good one Bob. You're free to imagine what I look like, however I'll remind you that Ivp and Plode haven't released one either, and we all know that one. Nice moderation btw Ceejay, dozens of flame baits on this thread yet you care only to look at mine. Loving the bias here.
  14. Dv man, they'll be t-bagging us after they win.
  15. Yeah, so I'll make it here. First off, we did terrible vs Cp, not you guys, so don't act like you did anything special lol. Secondly, we did ****, I let my clan know about it, like a coach would in a sport, and people saw what I was saying, and it won't happen again. So go ahead and laugh about it Epidemic, just like I laugh at us destroying you so hard every Sunday that you switch to the f2p server from now on. You can say "Oh we have more fun f2ping on Sunday, you had nothing to do with that." But then I'll say "You know why you have more fun f2ping on Sunday? Because we aren't there. ;)" Real life pictures removed, Obvious bait. Good to know who's sitting behind an Epidemic computer, and then just laugh.
  16. It was just a change of trend, no need to get mad over it m8.
  17. Not a single chance of that happening lol.
  18. I hope you realize you would have no chance of winning that lol. Foe+Ir+Tlp+Cp+M vs Mm+E+Fi+Dv+Dp sounds fair.
  19. I didn't just base it on trip attendance, I also based it on things like 13th R4nger attending his clan trip on his birthday, him still making new accounts after 5+ years of playing, etc. (Not meant in a bad way, just factors)
  20. Actually, that's what you're saying now, because of how stupid what you said before looks now. List of which clan has the best average "lives", as in things in their life other than Runescape and occasionally miss trips, etc. 1. Fi 2. Eop 3. Foe 4. Ir 5. Tlp 6. Dv 7. Cp 8. Dp 9. Mm 10. E
  21. Not really, you said "how is 5 years and 2 years such a difference, i mean there's not much to leading a runescape pure clan", basically the same thing, just took out the part that was irrelevant. List of which clan has the best average "lives", as in things in their life other than Runescape and occasionally miss trips, etc. 1. Fi 2. Eop 3. Foe 4. Ir 5. Tlp 6. Dv 7. Cp 8. Dp 9. Mm 10. E
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